Page 247 of Playboy Billionaire

“But I’m not finished yet.” She also heard Archer say.

Then she felt someone’s hands on her, and she knew she was being lifted, carried, her head pressed gently against the strong bare chest of Leon. He was carrying her to her bedroom. Ivy had still not managed to open her eyes, but she felt her head softly lay against her pillow.

Someone was pulling the covers of her naked body that was still burning up. She was drifting away. She was completely spent. She didn’t have the energy to even force her eyelids open to make sure that it was Leon who had carried her here.

“Get some rest.” That voice was definitely Leon’s, but soon she was drifting away. A peaceful sweet darkness had enveloped her and she was falling asleep. She wasn’t going to be able to think about this for a while now, and she gave up trying to struggle against it.

Ivy awoke to the comfort of her own room the next morning, still feeling dazed and quite unsure of where she was. She had been buried in a long peaceful sleep and when she woke up, she straightened her back and stretched her arms. A happy yawn escaped her lips, she was yet to recall the events of the previous night.

She remained sitting on her bed for a few more moments, enjoying the way the sunshine flooded her room, and covered everything in a sea of gold. A sudden image of Leon standing over her, brought everything back to memory in a gush. A gasp escaped her lips and she covered her mouth with a hand. Did all that actually happen last night?

She was out of bed and on her feet within seconds. But once up she wasn’t sure what to do next. She was afraid of stepping out of the room. She was unsure of whether the dynamics in their relationships had changed.

Ivy was pacing the floor, only a thin silk robe covered her body. Whoever it was the previous night who had laid her down in bed, had done so without putting her clothes back on her. She had slept naked the whole night.

Memories of the previous night were flooding her brain now. She could feel a thrill run down her spine. She was definitely satisfied, her brain was buzzing from how excited she had been, how dream-like the whole episode had been. But other than how good the two brothers had made her feel; Ivy was getting a nagging feeling that all was not well in paradise.

She remembered little snippets of the exchange of looks between the twins. How Leon had barked commands at both of them, how Archer had followed Leon’s orders and how he hadn’t been allowed to come.

It could have been because she had passed out. It could have been that Leon saw how exhausted she was, and how she was going to fall asleep in any minute and he just wanted her to rest. But for some reason, Ivy got the feeling that he purposely didn’t let Archer finish what he had started. It felt like Leon had entirely hijacked the night. He had appeared out of nowhere and even though it was a ménage, it was Leon who had all the control. He was holding the reins.

Ivy was still pacing, barefoot and in her robe, she clutched her arms to her belly. It was like she could still feel Leon’s grip on her sides as he drove into her, making her come, forcing her to come. And then she remembered the way Archer had licked her, he had shown her a new way of pleasure that she had never imagined herself being involved in.

Her mind kept drifting back and forth. For a few minutes, she got lost in recalling the pleasures of the previous night, and soon after she felt confused again. She didn’t know what to think. Was all that normal?

Archer had told her that they had done this before. They had shared other girls before. At the time, Ivy only thought he meant that they slept with the same women. She hadn’t considered that he might have been talking about sleeping with them at the same time.

So, if the brothers were experienced in this. If they had done this before, why did she feel like the previous night hadn’t gone as smoothly? She had heard the accusation in Archer’s voice when he told his brother that he hadn’t finished. She remembered the way Leon assumed charge and fucked her, right after commanding his brother to make her come with his mouth.

Ivy shook her head vigorously. She realized there was no point just pacing about the room and wondering what was going on. After all, how long was she going to keep herself locked up here? They had both seen her at her most vulnerable. It was like there was nothing to hide between the three of them. It was time to leave the room and face the music.

Ivy showered, washing away all traces of Leon from her body, and Archer’s mouth. She couldn’t help but smile to herself in the shower as her skin tingled under the jet of piping hot water. Despite all the misgivings she had regarding the situation, the truth was that she had never had a more enjoyable night before. She had never felt this alive. And also, strangely safe, protected.

She changed into a pair of skinny dark jeans that showed off her curves and picked out an oversized white cotton shirt, in a thin translucent material that showed off the pop of pink of her bra.

She carefully dried her hair and styled it to fall in their usual shining blonde ringlets around her face and shoulders. It was time to face the brothers.

When Ivy checked her watch, it was nearly eight, which meant that at least Leon, if not Archer, would be down for breakfast already.

She sucked in her gut, drawing in a deep breath and prepared herself for the moment of truth. It was time to ask Leon some serious questions. For instance, did all those things actually happen or were they simply a fragment of her imagination.

Ivy stepped out of her bedroom, closing the door shut gently behind her. She could see into the kitchen, and her heart was beating hard against her chest as she walked in.

Whatever it was that she was expecting, she wasn’t expecting to find an empty place. Ivy’s face swung over to the clock on the wall. It was ten past eight already, where was Leon? In all the time that she had been in this house, he had never once been late for breakfast.

Ivy gulped as she continued staring at the clock. Something was definitely wrong.

Leon never turned up for breakfast, and when Ivy went looking for him, she couldn’t find him in the stables either. Neither was Archer anywhere in sight. Suddenly, she felt like she was all alone on the ranch. Like the two brothers had for some strange reason, abandoned her.

She walked back dejectedly towards the mansion, and just when she was about to enter the house, she noticed Leon driving down the driveway. She stopped in her tracks and placing her hands on her hips, she stood waiting for him.

Leon seemed to be ignoring her. He parked the truck under the tree where it usually remained and slammed the door shut hard when he jumped off. She couldn’t guess where he had gone this early in the morning.

She shaded her eyes with a hand as she watched him approaching her. It seemed like he was going to completely ignore her and walk past her, instead of acknowledging her presence there. Even though she was taken aback, Ivy realized that she had to say something, quickly before he was gone.

“Leon!” She blurted out, like she was accusing him of some crime. He stopped in his tracks when he heard her voice, only a few feet away from her. But he was in no hurry to turn and look.

“What’s going on?” She asked, dropping her hands to her sides. Ivy couldn’t pretend any more that she wasn’t confused. That she didn’t want some answers.