Page 244 of Playboy Billionaire

But Archer didn’t stop there, he kept pulling the dress down, past her navel, down her hips till they were lying in a heap around her ankles.

She could feel the goosebumps appear on her flesh by now. She felt conscious of her body, of her naked bare body. And Archer was only the second man who had seen her like this. His brother was the first.

“Now I can look at you properly.” She heard him say, although he wasn’t really looking at her eyes. His focus was entirely on the rest of her body. She pressed her thighs together, to experience the tingling feeling between her legs. As she had predicted, she was wet already. That was the answer to his question of whether she was ready for him or not.

“I wonder what you taste like.” Archer had leaned towards her to say, so that now his breath shook a curl that had fallen on her face. He blew it away, and she felt a shiver run down her spine. He wanted to taste her? What did he mean by that?

“Lie down on the table, Ivy.” He said, like he was answering the thought she had just had.

Her mouth hung open slightly as she looked up at him. He only nodded his head as an encouragement.

She took a few steps back till her butt pressed against the dining table. She wasn’t even thinking about the food or the plates on the table, she simply leaned herself back and did a little jump. She felt the top of her head knock against a bowl or plate, but she didn’t care. She was lying, in her underwear on top of the dining table and feeling suddenly very shy.

She quickly wrapped her arms around herself, over her breasts and pressed her legs together again.

“How am I going to get my dessert if you don’t show me what you’re offering.” He said, looming over her. Archer had that smile on his face, those dimples were there on his cheeks, his blue eyes looked intense. Like he was on a mission.

He didn’t have to touch her for her to slowly start parting her legs. She moved her arms as well so that her breasts were revealed to him. Her nipples were erect and standing up through the fabric of her bra. She knew that he could see the wetness through her panties too.

Archer seemed to take a step back to admire the view.

“Delicious.” He said, looking back at her.

Archer was down on his knees, still fully clothed. Which somehow was turning Ivy on even more. It was like the anticipation of seeing him naked again, was making her more wet. He was teasing her. He could see that she wanted him to strip.

When Ivy lifted her head up slightly she saw that Archer had positioned himself between her legs. His head was at level with her wetness, her sex, her dripping waiting core. He was watching it, then looked up at her face.

“You’re very ready. This is going to be good.” He said and she gulped. With furrowed brows, Ivy let her head hit the table again and she closed her eyes. The coldness of the granite table top was cooling her back, while the rest of her body was burning up. She wanted to hold something, to clutch anything, but there was nothing, so her arms remained on her side. She was clenching and unclenching her hands in anticipation.

Then she felt Archer’s breath on her, there, he had brought his face closer to her.

“You smell fresh, young, very tight.” He said, more to himself than to her. “I’m going to enjoy this.” He was repeating himself, like an internal monologue, and Ivy gulped again. She was afraid of how she was going to feel. Of how her body was going to react.

Then she felt his fingers, slide up the inside of her thigh till it rested on the seam of her panties. She wanted desperately for him to tear them off. She wanted him to do something, anything, but Archer Cooper was taking his time.

He lifted her it slowly, it was sticking to her. And then he started sliding it down, forcefully, till it reached her mid-thigh.

Without a word, Archer shifted her legs closer together so that he could further slide it down past her knees. And she didn’t hear the sound of it landing on the floor, but she knew that she was now almost entirely naked, except for her bra. Archer Cooper had laid her out on the table and was going to have his fill. But again, he was watching her now.

“Part your legs Ivy. Show me in.” She heard him say, in a low grunt and she did what she was told again. Ivy parted her legs wide, and Archer wedged himself in, right up close to her so that she could feel his breath on her wetness again.

The sensation, of his tongue on her, shook her like a strong electric current. Her reaction was to suddenly press her legs together again, but she was obstructed by Archer’s presence between them. She heard him give a small laugh.

“A little jumpy?” She heard his muffled voice, and he licked her again. Even though she couldn’t see, she could feel his long tongue on her. He was lapping her up, licking her juices, simply touching her there with his tongue.

She shook her head, pressing her eyes close tightly. She wasn’t sure what these feelings were that were coursing through her. This was more intense than sex, more violent than Leon being inside her. Archer’s tongue was now pushing, thrusting, slowly parting her sex lips.

“Very tasty.” He said, his voice was muffled again and in a flash, he had stuck his tongue into her.

A loud moan escaped Ivy’s lips. She arched her back and her legs spread apart on their own, Archer shifted, moving his face closer to her so that he could start really tasting her. His mouth was pressed to her. She had imagined feeling the coarseness of his beard on her face, but now it was grazing against her legs, against the soft core of her. And it was a crippling feeling, she knew she wouldn’t be able to stand up steadily on her feet even if she tried now.

She felt Archer’s hands move down and cup her butt now as her legs spread wider and wider, inviting him in deeper. His tongue was thrusting, the same way his dick had thrust into her before, but his tongue was reaching her fleshy corners, stroking her in places nobody had before.

Ivy couldn’t help but moan, while Archer’s voice remained muffled, stuck to her there. She knew she was going to come soon. It was going to happen soon. Her eyes rolled back and her mouth had hung open. Nothing had ever felt this good.

“I see you started without me.” Leon’s voice jerked her up from the table.

Ivy lifted herself, a gasp escaping her lips. Leon was at the dining room door, two plastic bags hanging from his hands. There was a soft smile on his face, and his chocolate brown eyes seemed to be dancing.