Page 191 of Playboy Billionaire

As Veronica heard the words, she felt like she would rather dig a hole and jump in it herself, rather than face Calvin for one more second.

Veronica stared at Calvin in shock, speechless for a few moments. In her attempt to refuse Calvin’s delicately, she hadn’t once entertained the thought that he might have figured it out himself.

“I take it the answer to that is yes,” he said and Veronica tried hard to even her breathing. She wasn’t angry, she was only feeling guilt. Guilty because the man who had been her boyfriend for so long, who had done nothing truly evil himself…now knew about the fact that she had been unfaithful to him.

“How could you sleep with your boss, Veronica? I didn’t expect that from you. Is he the reason why you’re turning my proposal down?” Calvin asked, and took a few more angry steps towards her.

Veronica stepped away, afraid of him a little now. Never before had she felt the need to physically defend herself from Calvin, but now she wasn’t so sure. She couldn’t be certain what he might do in his rage.

“It just happened, Calvin. I didn’t plan for it,” she said meekly, but her voice only seemed to anger him more. Calvin’s eyes were rounded and fiery, the expression in his gaze seemed like he was ready to pounce on her at any moment.

“So what if you didn’t plan for it? How could you not even think of me?” he growled and Veronica felt a fat tear drop roll down her cheek. He was right. She had been selfish. She shouldn’t have slept with Frank while still in a relationship with Calvin. And she had kept it from him for so long.

“I’m sorry, Calvin,” she cried and he shook his head. He wasn’t buying it.

“I don’t care how sorry you are. You’re going to stop it right now and come home with me,” he said and she noticed the way he clenched his fists. Go home with him? She had just refused his proposal. She had just confessed that she was unfaithful to him. Why did he still want her?

“I can’t do that Calvin, I’m not ready to do that,” she said, still in a soft voice. He had backed her into a corner of the room now and she still wasn’t sure if he was going to physically hurt her.

“Why can’t you do that, Veronica? Because you think that Frank Davenport actually gives a shit about you? You’re a nanny to his kids. That’s all you are,” Calvin spat out and Veronica pressed her eyes close.

“Why do you want me anyway, Calvin? After all this. Why do you care? Why don’t you just leave me alone?” she asked, aware that she was screeching now. She could only hope that Ashley and Kaitlyn weren’t able to hear them fighting. The last thing she wanted was to scare or hurt them.

“I’m willing to forgive you,” Calvin said, through gritted teeth.

“I don’t want your forgiveness,” Veronica said and Calvin took in a deep breath. As though he was losing his patience with a small naughty child.

“Okay, look. I’ve been unfaithful to you in the past. I slept with Jeanine from work, a couple of months ago and I didn’t tell you about it. So we can call it even now, and just move on, okay?” he said and reached out to grab her hand.

Veronica pulled her hand away, her face aghast

with rage.

“You slept with Jeanine? The girl we had over for dinner with your other colleagues?” Veronica asked, in utter disbelief. She didn’t have a clue. Calvin had managed to keep that under wraps very well.

He stared back at her now, silently.

“And you think that’s okay?” she spat out.

“You think sleeping with your boss is okay isn’t it?” he said, a sarcastic smile was lifting the corners of his mouth.

“No, I don’t think it is okay. I have been racked with guilt and I was going to tell you. I refused to marry you because my relationship with Frank actually means something. Whereas you, you had no intention of telling me. You had a one night stand with someone else and pretended like nothing happened for several months,” Veronica said, glaring at Calvin with her nostrils flared.

He rolled his eyes and looked away from her.

“It’s the same thing, Veronica. No matter which way you put it,” he said in a quiet voice.

“It’s not the same thing. Frank and I have feelings for each other. How many other girls have you had one night stands with?” she was yelling now, unconcerned about who could hear her.

Calvin’s silence said a lot about his answer. He had definitely slept with more women.

The door to the bedroom opened abruptly, and Veronica whipped her head around to find Frank entering.

“I’m going to have to ask you to leave now, Calvin,” Frank said and crossed his hands in front of him. Beside Calvin, Frank towered above him and even though he was older, he appeared to be stronger and more muscular. Calvin looked up at him and then back to Veronica.

“So, this is how it’s going to be? Your new boyfriend is going to step in and kick me out of your room? After all these years?” he said, his words drawling and dripping with rage.

“All those years mean nothing after what you just told me. You’ve been cheating on me the whole time. I tried to do the right thing here and not get into a marriage based on lies,” Veronica yelled and Calvin only scoffed it off.