Page 165 of Playboy Billionaire

Veronica gave him a small smile and a nod.

“I’m headed that way myself,” Frank said, and held his arm out to gesture toward the staircase.

“Okay,” Veronica said, and moved to join him. They walked side by side up the stairs. When they made it to Veronica’s hallway, Frank hesitated, and Veronica, almost entranced, hesitated with him.

“I’ll see you at breakfast,” Frank managed to say, and turned to walk away.

“Okay,” Veronica barely managed, watching as Frank turned down his own hallway.

When he was out of sight, Veronica turned and went into her own room, releasing a sigh as she leaned against her door. She needed to take a moment to process all that had just passed between them.

Apparently, ignoring the connection they had with one another was not going to be as simple as she hoped.

Puzzling over how she was going to handle the situation she had found herself in, she quickly went through her shower routine and then dressed herself in a pair of comfortable jeans and a nice blouse. Satisfied with her appearance, she left her room and headed down the stairs to start breakfast for the girls.

Once in the kitchen Veronica took stock of all the things she had to work with, and she decided on a meal of pancakes, bacon, and eggs for the girls that morning. She got the pancake mix out of the pantry and began the process of mixing up a batch of batter.

Veronica found the whole process of cooking the meal very therapeutic. Soon, she had all the food items laid out under the lamp over the breakfast bar to keep it warm, and she headed back upstairs to start getting the girls ready.

Veronica was pleasantly surprised to find that the girls were more than eager to comply with her wishes, and were very helpful and cooperative, even anticipating what they were supposed to do. It was clear that they had been under the care of some very good nannies in their young lives.

It seemed almost too fast that the girls were ready, and seated at the table enjoying their banquet of pancakes. Veronica easily assisted them with pouring drinks and giving them more syrup or whatever other toppings they desired.

In the midst of their breakfast, Frank strolled into the kitchen, and the girls immediately hopped out of their chairs and rushed to greet him.

Frank chuckled as each of the girls attached themselves around one of his legs. Frank indulged them, and began to walk across the kitchen. Veronica couldn’t help but smile as the girls giggled hysterically. Frank looked up, and Veronica was immediately locked in his dark gaze. He flicked her an easy smile, and Veronica felt an ember begin to burn deep in her core.

“Alright girls, back to the table,” Frank said with a chuckle. The girls rushed to obey, and say at the table looking over at him admiringly.

Frank looked back at them, a broad smile on his face. When the girls were once again engrossed in their meal, Frank looked back at Veronica, that familiar twinkling light in his eye.

Veronica blinked a moment, and hurried to act as she felt her cheeks flush.

“Can I get you some breakfast?” Veronica asked softly, looking anywhere but into his eyes.

“I can help myself, thanks,” Frank said easily. Veronica gave him a single nod. It looked as though the girls had largely finished eating, so Veronica took up their plates and started the process of getting them washed.

As she took care of the dishes, Veronica was constantly aware of Frank’s presence in the kitchen. It seemed that no matter how she tried to occupy her mind, she always found her eyes wandering to him. And each time, his eyes seemed to meet hers, and her world seemed to center solely on him.

Veronica could hardly think at all.

“Alright, I’m off,” Frank finally said, standing from his place at the table. Veronica felt a mix of relief and disappointment that he would be leaving.

Veronica stood back as he kissed the girl’s goodbye, smiling a little as she witnessed their interactions. When he finished, he looked up at Veronica.

“The movers should be bringing your things in today,” he said easily. “Someone will be here to take care of everything for you.”

“Oh,” Veronica blinked. If she was honest with herself, she had forgotten all about her belongings in the flurry of activity that had taken place in the short time that she had been there.

“Thank you,” she managed.

“Of course,” Frank smiled over at her. “I’ll see you this afternoon.”

“Yes sir,” Veronica gave him a nod. Frank blinked and frowned a little, apparently a little confused by her use of a title.

Frank said nothing more as he moved to leave, though he did cast her a curious glance. Veronica let out a soft sigh as she heard the front door close. She gathered up the few remaining dishes and took care of them as the girls chatted at the table. With Frank gone, she was finally able to focus on her job.

When she was finally finished cleaning up, she turned to the girls. She gave them a smile, and they both smiled back eagerly.