Page 14 of Playboy Billionaire

“Do you want me, Hannah?”

I looked deeply into Justin’s eyes. I had no idea what I was doing – or what any of this meant – but I realized I didn’t care. I was finally going to lose my virginity to the sexiest man that I’d ever met. I couldn’t have thought of a more perfect way than that.

“Yes,” I said softly. “I want you.”

Justin steadied himself with a hand on my hip. He pressed his cock between my legs and I felt a little bit of pressure. There was no pain, but I tensed with anxiety anyway.

Justin leaned down and brushed my lips with his own. “This might hurt,” he whispered. “Just tell me to stop if you need, okay?”

“I’m okay,” I whispered back. “I want you.”

Justin nodded. He grunted, then arched his back and plunged his cock deep inside of my pussy. I gasped as I felt myself tear, then stretch wide to accommodate him. At first, the pain was as sharp as a needle. But after a few seconds, it melted into a pleasurable sensation that filled me from head to toe.

Justin thrust all the way inside of me, burying his cock to the hilt. I gasped as the lustful feelings raced through my body. For a moment, we stayed locked together, staring at each other. Justin had started to sweat and beads of perspiration dripped from his forehead to mine. I moaned as he slid out of me, then rammed back inside of my pussy, filling me completely.

I felt like our worlds were merging together as Justin fucked me on my bed. I couldn’t even control myself anymore – I was moaning and thrashing and wrapping my legs around his waist, desperate for more pleasure. The sensation of his cock sliding in and out of my pussy was incredible and I groaned as Justin’s hips slammed against my body. With each thrust, his lower abdomen pressed against my clit, stimulating me to a whole new level of insane pleasure.

“God,” I groaned softly. “I don’t think I can hold it anymore. Justin! Justin!” I shrieked his name, digging my hands in his soft brown hair and clutching as tightly as I could.

“Yeah, baby,” Justin grunted as he thrust inside of me. He grabbed both of my wrists and held them over my head with just one hand, pinning me down and fucking me relentlessly. I felt his body change and tense, then he bucked harder than ever before. A sensation was rising in my lower belly – it felt almost like something was gripping me with a strong hand between the legs – and I groaned softly. Justin thrust inside of me and then I felt the powerful wave of my first-ever orgasm wash over me. It covered me in a dreamy haze and I threw my head back, moaning loudly and straining my whole body against Justin’s muscular bulk.

Justin grunted and groaned and slammed against me. I could feel his cock twitching and spasming inside of me, and I moaned again as he paused and I felt him gush inside of my pussy.

Justin groaned softly before pulling out. I could see that his cock was already softening. He pulled a sheet over my body and wrapped an arm around me, closing his eyes and snuggling up.

I stared. “Aren’t you…” I trailed off, feeling stupid. “I mean, sorry,” I said. “I’ve never done this before. I’m not really sure what people do afterwards.”

Justin grinned. “Well, I fully plan on snuggling you for a while,” he said. “But I’m open to suggestions.”

Closing my eyes, I sank against the pillows and grinned. “Snuggling is fine,” I said sleepily. “Trust me. It’s totally fine.”


There was a loud sound coming from the other side of the wall. Groaning, I shook my hand in the air.

“Be quiet,” I mumbled. “God, can’t a man get some sleep around here?”

When I opened my eyes, I let out a startled cry. I wasn’t at home, in my plush king-size bed. I was somewhere else. Somewhere smaller, with concrete block walls and flaky white paint on the ceiling.

I was still in Hannah’s bed.

“Fuck!” I muttered, pushing the sheet off my naked body and hopping around the room in a frenzied effort to pull my underwear and pants back on. “What the fucking f

uck was I thinking?”

“Justin? You okay?” Hannah’s voice rang out from the hallway. Seconds later, she appeared, managing to look both cute and mousy in a pair of printed pajama pants and a hoodie with a stain on the chest.

“Uh, yeah,” I said. “I can’t believe I fell asleep. Holy shit, what time is it?”

Hannah giggled. She did look cute when she smiled, I had to give her that. And oh, god, she’d been an absolute wildcat in the sack. I wouldn’t have ever guessed that a shy little virgin like her could take cock like a champion, but she’d exceeded my wildest expectations.

“It’s a little after ten,” Hannah said. “You were only out for a couple of hours. Hey, want some dinner? I ordered Chinese.”

I strode out into her tiny living room and noticed a small feast was set up. There was a clean plate with a pair of unbroken wooden chopsticks on top. When I realized that she’d obviously meant to surprise me, I frowned.

“I can’t,” I said. “Gotta get home, you know how it is.”

Hannah nodded, but she looked crestfallen.