Page 136 of Playboy Billionaire

“Prick!” Jeff said. “You have no idea.” He stepped closer to his brother looking fierce.

“Ooh, little brother Jeff is trying to scare me,” Jared mocked.

Jeff’s eyes narrowed and he looked at Suzie and then back at Jared; he opened his mouth to speak. Suzie stepped between them and put a hand on each of their chests.

“Please stop,” she said, head to the floor, one hand moving down to the rippled abs of each twin. Both guys took a deep breath and looked at Suzie’s hand. Jared took it in his own hand and kissed it.

“Okay,” he said and pulled her in for a hug. “Sorry, sweetie. I am sorry. We should talk. Or you rest but no more of this. Okay?”

They walked together to his room where, more calm now she explained kindly that she just wasn’t ready for that level of commitment and would need more time to think about it. She thought it would be better for their relationship if she had her own space. In the end, he nodded and wished her a good day with Laura. He accepted that she was not ready yet and promised her it was okay to slow down. What else could he do?

Suzie got up early and snuck out of bed without disturbing Jared. She was feeling guilty about the argument Jeff and Jared had and yearned to know the whole conversation that had gone on. It was not her intention to play either of them and she felt horrible knowing the damage had already been done. Deciding to make them breakfast to alleviate the guilt, she found enough ingredients to make bacon, eggs and pancakes. Working and humming quietly to herself she brewed coffee and set up to feed her guys right at the island where she was cooking. That way she could flip pancakes fresh while they were eating. As the bacon started to cook, the coffee was ready and the kitchen was warm with delicious smells. Following his nose, Jeff stumbled into the kitchen bleary eyed, in rumpled boxers.

“What are you doing woman?” he asked her, rubbing his eyes.

She poured him a cup of coffee and directed him to sit across from her. Instead, he walked around to where she was cooking. Without touching or looking at her he checked out the stove and turned the temperatures down a notch. Before she could protest, Jeff got down on his knees in front of her. He split open her robe until he found the skin of her thighs. Feeling softly with his fingers he opened the robe wider until his face fit inside. Holding her thighs in his hands, he kissed her moving slowly up to her navel, tracing the outline of her belly button with his tongue. Then slowly, inch by inch he kissed her and sucked her skin; stopping at the spot she pushed into his mouth. Letting her control the rhythm he licked and caressed her as she rubbed herself on his mouth. Finally, in waves of pleasure, she covered her mouth and moaned in relief.

Her legs trembled and Jeff still held them, slowly reversing the motions he had just made until he was standing beside her. She was breathing hard and looking at him, at his mouth. Moving in to kiss him, she looked at the clock. Jeff quickly kissed her lips and whispered, “Don’t burn the bacon.” And he walked out.

Regaining her composure while cooking, Suzie prepared the pancakes. The bacon was turned to low and ready to go and the eggs would be ready in minutes. She poured the first of the pancake batter as Jared walked into the kitchen. He walked over and kissed her and then sat where she set his coffee. In her mind, Suzie felt both horrible and happy with herself. Jared’s gentle kiss and friendly conversation and Jeff’s sexual prowess, she wanted both. She would never admit it to anyone else but in her perfect world she could have both of them. In the real world, she was glad Laura would be there soon so she could get away for a while.

Turning away from Jared to get plates, Suzie felt wetness between her legs and bit her lip in arousal. Jeff walked in at that moment, fully dressed and caught the look of desire on Suzie’s face. Smiling, he focused instead on his brother.

“Listen. Sorry if I was an ass last night. I will be out of your hair soon,” he said as he sat down beside Jared.

“No worries. You always tell it like it is. I trust you; I just don’t always like what you say,” Jared said calmly. “It’s nice having you here but I am sure you are eager to go back to your home and life.”

“Yeah,” Jeff said and took a big drink of black coffee. Suzie filled their plates with eggs, bacon and pancakes and then turned to grab condiments. Then she went back to cooking, the process helping keep her mouth shut and her eyes off the two brothers chatting over breakfast.

Laura arrived and Suzie said goodbye, kissing Jared quickly. She breathed a sigh of relief and smiled at her friend and said enthusiastically, “Let’s go find me somewhere to live.”

“Okay. But I still think you are crazy for not wanting to live there with Jared,” Laura said. “You have been acting weird lately and if I noticed, you know it’s bad.”

They were driving to their first appointment of the day. Laura had arranged to meet the realtor at the new condo buildings right near their office. Suzie figured they would be out of her price range but was eager to find somewhere to live. After looking at three rental options, Suzie was happy with a small main floor of a house. It was old but quaint and felt comfy. Suzie felt better already knowing she had space to make her own. Unfortunately, she could not move in until the following week but she was not going to let that dampen her spirits. Laura was happy her friend was feeling better and they went for lunch and then clothes shopping. Finally, after a full day, Laura dropped her off at Jared’s and went home.

The downside to the day had been hearing Laura talk about Jeff. Laura was really hoping he would call and seemed to really like him. Suzie was surprised at how jealous that made her feel and knew she would have to make her mind up soon. Back at Jared’s apartment she tidied up and waited for one of her men to arrive home. Jared arrived first and told her that Jeff had a few days before his project could continue, so he went home for a long weekend and would be back next week. Suzie felt sadness that Jeff had not told her himself, or insisted she come away with him. Silly fantasies, she knew.

Jared surprised her again by suggesting they go away for the weekend. “Mom has been bugging me to bring you back there. Now, no pressure, just a quiet get away where we can breathe and have a change of scenery. What do you say?”

“Oh yes,” Suzie said. “It is beautiful there. And it will just be us right, so it will be quiet. Oh Jared it is exactly what we need.”

“Great. I will tell Mom and Dad we are coming,” Jared said.

Once more they drove down the winding highway, this time Suzie was nervous for different reasons. There was no family to meet, no she had done that and failed miserably. She had a lot of thinking to do and she had to try to make her and Jared work. Coming to the place where it all unraveled may be the key to fixing it. And if not she could get some art therapy in. She loved painting with Jared’s mom. Jeff’s mom, she thought then pushed the thought aside. Trying without success to get Jeff out of her mind, she thought about the painting studio in the trees. Then she thought of Jeff, shirtless when he kissed her for the first time.

“You seem lost in a daydream, what are you thinking about?” Jared asked.

“Oh, um just that I would like to do some painting if I could,” Suzie said shyly.

“Definitely. Mom knows about the fire and everything, well not everything but she suggested painting would clear your head,” Jared said.

“You didn’t tell her about us did you?” Suzie said with a worried voice.

“What about us?” Jared asked.

“Well, you know that you wanted me to move in. I would feel awkward if she thought I hurt you.” Suzie was beginning to have doubts.

“Don’t be silly. You didn’t hurt me. Besides we worked through that. You needing your own living space does not mean you want to see other people. Now stop worrying. I only told them about the fire and that you had been staying at my place.” Jared patted her hand in reassurance.