Page 135 of Playboy Billionaire

er the second glass of wine Suzie began to forget the weirdness. Then Jared kissed her neck. She looked at Jeff and he locked eyes with her. Laura was talking to him and put her hand on his thigh to get his attention. Suzie got frustrated and brushed Jared off standing up suddenly.

“Excuse me,” she said and walked away from the table. She went to the bathroom to splash cold water on her face and get a grip. When she returned, they were done eating and she cleared the table off leaving them in their happy conversation. Jared came in and kissed her asking if she needed a hand. She declined and he commented that Laura and Jeff seem to be getting along well. Suzie snapped at Jared and then apologized. She told him she was just tired and not in a people mood.

“You can go to my room if you need some time to yourself,” Jared said backing away and giving her some space.

“No, it’s not just that. I can’t live here. I need my own space,” Suzie said more forcefully than she intended. Jared looked hurt.

“You mean you don’t want to live with me?” Jared asked.

Suzie didn’t answer right away and then said quietly, “No, I am sorry.”

“Sorry, you do not have to be sorry. With the fire and everything you might feel pushed. It just felt right to me. I love you and want you near me,” Jared said with big round eyes.

“I know,” Suzie said and then considered her words. “I just need some space.”

“Well, what is that supposed to mean?” Jared asked, his voice rising.

“Shh,” Suzie said.

“You picked a hell of a time to talk about it with Laura and my brother in the other room.”

“Well you don’t talk about anything; you just decide what is best for me without talking to me about it. We never discussed moving in together. Why are we rushing this?” Suzie said.

Jared opened his mouth to speak when Laura entered and interrupted.

“Sorry, Suzie can I talk to you a minute, walk me out,” Laura said and she linked arms with Suzie and pulled her away. “Bye Jared, bye Jeff,” she said on her way out.

“Hey are you alright?” Laura asked Suzie when they had stepped outside. “What was that about?”

“He decided I would live with him, because of the fire,” Suzie started, aggressively. “I don’t want to live here. I want my own space.”

“Okay, well tomorrow is Friday are you coming in to work?” she asked.

“No,” Suzie replied.

“Great. It is my Friday off. I will pick you up here in the morning and we will go apartment shopping. Maybe get in some clothes shopping as well. We need you to get feeling back to yourself,” Laura insisted.

“Sorry,” Suzie said.

“Don’t say sorry to me. I might think you are crazy but what do I know. Something is obviously bothering you and if it is as simple as having your own space, let’s fix that tomorrow,” Laura said kindly.

“Thanks.” Suzie hugged Laura. “You are a good friend.”

“No problem,” Laura said as she turned to go. “Let’s just get it all done in the day time because Jeff might want to get together tomorrow.”

“Don’t hold out hope for might. Wait for one of the good guys who can commit to you,” Suzie said.

“Kinda the opposite of what you are doing isn’t it? Laura asked then said, “See you tomorrow Suzie. You’ll be okay tonight?”

“Yeah thanks, bye.” Suzie watched Laura for a moment feeling like a rotten friend. As she walked back inside she heard raised voices.

“What do you know about it?” Jared shouted.

“Of course. Jared knows everything. Get over yourself bro,” Jeff shouted back.

Suzie ran into the room and shouted, “Stop it!” They both looked at her. “What are you doing?” she asked Jeff but Jared answered.

“Nothing. Jeff thinks he has all the answers as usual, and is being a prick,” Jared said angrily.