Page 122 of Playboy Billionaire

“Back off BRO.” Jared got up quickly stepping towards his brother angrily. “You have been asking for it since we got here. Keep your eyes off Suzie and your opinions to yourself. Shouldn’t you be downstairs with Candy?”

Jeff stepped forward so the twins were almost chest to chest. “Chill man. You know I will say what I want. It’s a compliment, Suzie is hot. Candy, well she passed out plus since she met you, all I hear non-stop is that I should be more like you. Seems she fancies your pretty boy hair and clothes. Want to switch?”

Knowing his brother was talking about switching girls, Jared punched him. Jeff blocked the punch and pulled Jared into a bear hug. They wrestled with each other for a while and Suzie sat not knowing what to do and too drunk to do anything. She felt out of her element.

Jason opened the door and hissed at his brothers. “My kids just fell asleep and if you wake them up with your bullshit, I will kick both your asses.”

The twins stopped wrestling and looked at their older brother. Jeff encouraged Jason to bring it on. In response, Jason threw a beer at him and Jeff caught it and sat down. Jared still stood, hands on hips looking pissed.

“You know he is going to say whatever he can to get you riled up,” Jason told Jared. He walked over and handed a beer to Jared and sat down. Then he noticed Suzie sitting there and smiled. “Still fighting over girls are you?”

“No I was about to teach Jeff some manners,” Jared insisted moving to get up again.

“Ok chill already,” Jason said. “You two are worse than my kids and I am all done parenting for the day.”

Jason finished his beer quickly, then went and grabbed two more beers from the in-deck bar fridge. He passed one to Suzie asking, “What do you make of all this?”

“Another crisis averted by beer?” Suzie said. Pleased with her quick response she cracked her beer and took a drink.

“Should you be drinking beer after drinking wine all day?” Jared asked. “You must be tired; maybe we should go to bed.” At the second remark, both brothers laughed.

“I am all good,” Suzie slurred, instigating a laugh out of all three brothers. “Plus, after all that aren’t we going to try out the hot tub?”

“Yeah man, I am already in my swimsuit. Though if you are tired, I can keep Suzie company,” Jeff smirked.

This time, Jason hit him and agreed with Suzie that they should all try out the hot tub. Suzie went to her room to change and put on her blue bikini. She forced Jared to go ahead without her because she wanted him to see her new swimsuit with her wearing it. Blue was his favorite color and it accentuated her bright eyes. Covering her large firm breasts were two triangles held together by string. She felt sexy in this suit and looked forward to Jared’s reaction. Walking out the door towards the hot tub, Suzie tingled with excitement. Jared, Jeff and Jason were already in the hot tub. They all looked at Suzie as she descended into the hot tub. She walked over and sat next to Jared. Immediately, he grabbed her onto his lap and started kissing her, long, hard, needy.

“You look amazing,” he said and brushed her hair out of her face. He started to kiss her neck while his hands roamed her body.

She grabbed his hands to stop him and pulled away. “We have an audience, again.”

“Yeah, get a room,” Jason said. Jeff winked at them and his leg rubbed up against her.

She shifted and sat beside Jared and kissed him on the cheek. Then she moved her mouth to his ear and whispered, “We’ll pause this till later.”

Jeff brought shots into the hot tub because they were plastic and no glass was allowed. Suzie tried to decline but needed something to distract her from the three shirtless brothers sharing the hot tub with her. The jet spraying between her legs was not helping. Jason shared stories of Jeff and Jared and how they had been rivals since birth. With very different personalities, they often clashed but would fiercely protect each other from anyone else. Jason laughed fondly and then sat up on the edge of the hot tub. His tight shorts showed off a large bulge and Suzie looked away, blushing in the dark. On one side of her was Jared and he stroked her cheek when she smiled at him. On her other side was Jeff and the two could not be more different. Jeff winked at her and asked her how she and Jared met. Suzie told the story of how they had met at work and slowly became friends, how Jared was so patient with her because she was unsure. How their work situation made it difficult because of the no dating policy and that Jared was willing to lose his job to have her.

As she finished her story with finesse, she realized that she was standing and gesticulating, describing the story with her body and flinging herself around in the hot tub. Keep it together she said to herself as she spun a little. Jared reached out to steady her and she sat down on his lap, immediately feeling his hardness press into her. Groaning in surprise she turned to look at him. Jared had a look of restraint on his face as he held his hands in place on her waist.

Suddenly Suzie stood up, her breasts bounced under the wet blue triangles, she turned and pulled Jared up to his feet and he enveloped her. She said goodnight to Jeff and Jason and Jared followed behind her, close enough to grasp. Staggering a little, they walked downstairs to their room. Wet skin on skin, they ravished each other pulling quickly at their sticky suits and they stood naked, regarding one another with lust. Suzie lay back on the bed as Jared crawled toward her. Caressing her thighs, he kissed them, moved between them and lavished her. Wet, ready and aroused, she moaned deeply and came quickly, shuddering as he moved his fingers inside her. Then he moved up to her breasts, gently brushing them with his lips as he guided himself into her slowly. Face to face they moved together as he writhed with impatience on top of her. She stroked his neck and back and grasped his bum cheeks firmly encouraging him. Building up rhythm, the intensity increased as Jared shuddered on top of her and then went still. They both fell asleep almost immediately.

In the morning, Suzie stretched and watched Jared sleep for a time. She had slept hard and had seemingly been satisfied as there were no more sexual dreams. Instead, she just looked at Jared and tenderly thought about all that she had learned about him in just a few short days. Though it was still early morning, Suzie felt restless and decided to go sit on the deck and enjoy the early morning in the forest. Not wanting to wake anyone, she slipped out the back door and avoided the kitchen, though a hot mug of coffee was calling to her to clear her foggy head.

No more drinking like that, she reminded herself. She was fortunate she hadn’t made a fool of herself last night. Usually she stopped after a few social drinks but apparently this family liked to party, which surprised her because Jared was pretty straight laced. She became lost in thought about the Tiefson family dynamics and daydreamed about what it would have been like to have a big family or any family at all.

When the coffee cup

was set with a thunk in front of her, Suzie jumped in surprise. Jeff sat down across from her and asked her if she wanted anything else in it.

“No. Black coffee cures hangovers,” Suzie replied.

Jeff tilted his head and gave her a strange look. Then he nodded in agreement. “I would not have guessed you were a black coffee kind of girl.”

“And I would not have guessed you were an early morning kind of guy,” Suzie replied and then sipped the bitter beverage. His dark eyes seemed to search her and she looked away from him. “Is Candy feeling better this morning?”

“Don’t know, she’s still asleep,” Jeff replied stretching out his arms and legs. He was long, as tall as Jared, but built sturdier, his muscles bulged with girth and rippled with definition. Though he and Jared were twins, Jeff’s rugged appearance and course dark hair made him look older. His hair was thick and curly on his head, arms and legs. Suzie’s mind drifted to the dark patch of hair she noticed on his lower stomach yesterday and shivered. He reached out and covered her hand with his. It was rough and calloused. “Are you alright?”

Shaking her head Suzie nodded, “Yeah, just a little cold this morning, I guess.”