Page 121 of Playboy Billionaire

“Aren’t they amazing? So similar and yet so different.” Helen shared a small story for each of her children and described their childhood with a smile. The next few hours flew by as Suzie chatted with Helen and focused on her painting. By mid-afternoon they were hungry and ready for a break. They went back to the house and sat on the deck. Helen brought lunch and Suzie went to invite Candy to join them. She did, bringing with her a bottle of wine and three glasses. Sitting around the picnic table, Candy poured three glasses and handed them out.

“To the women in the lives of these Tiefson men,” she said as she raised her glass.

“I’ll drink to that,” Helen said energetically.

Snacking and chatting, Suzie felt herself warming up to these two women who just yesterday were strangers. It was probably the wine talking, but Suzie was glad to have some girl talk for a change. Later in the afternoon, Melissa and Tracey returned with the kids. As the day wore on, they could hear the boys, all riled up, returning from their paintball adventure.

They were filthy, covered head to toe in bright colored paint splatter. Loudly cheering, fist bumping and high-fiving, Jared and Jeff had obviously been on the winning team. The older brothers were exhausted and made their way up the deck stairs. Helen, who had been in the kitchen bringing snacks out, came rushing outside.

“No way. Get off my deck with that mess. All of you boys get hosed off before you step one foot in this direction.” She pointed at the water hose coiled up beside the deck.

Candy refilled their wine glasses and nudged her in the direction of the hose. All six men had removed their shirts and were rinsing paint off their head and chest. It was like something out of a firefighter calendar. All of the brothers were ripped with muscles and Suzie and Candy both enjoyed the show.

“Well-built men, hey ladies?” Tracey startled them from behind.

“Wow,” was all Suzie could reply as the Tiefson boys showed off to their admirers on the deck. Suzie loved how laid back everyone was and the playful banter that went on. She was actually enjoying herself (maybe it was all the wine) and when Jared finally reached the deck and asked her how her day was, she answered quickly and with excitement, “Fantastic.”

“More importantly who won the game?” Candy asked.

“Team twins, won again.” Jeff swagged over to the table and stood behind Candy. “Though Jared almost fucked it up for us and I had to carry the team.”

“Yeah we let you win,” Jason said, joining them. “If Jeff doesn’t win he is miserable for the rest of the weekend.”

Jeff moved to punch his brother when his dad came out with a tray of drinks. “Cool it boys, stop trying to show off for the ladies. Let’s have a drink and see if we can get that hot tub fired up; I am going to need it after that game today. I am getting too old for this.”

Jared pulled a chair in beside Suzie and leaned on her. Shifting in his seat, he groaned and grabbed his shoulder.

“Are you alright?” Suzie asked. “Here, let me rub it.”

“Oh, sweetie please,” Jared said eagerly, then told the rest of the family. “Suzie used to be a massage therapist and she gives an amazing massage.”

Releasing the knot of tension in Jared’s shoulders, Suzie talked to his family about her career change and finding her passion in graphic design. They were eager to ask her questions until she was ready to change the subject and asked about them. Eventually the Tiefson boys finished their drinks and went to tackle the hot tub. They insisted their dad sit back and they could handle it.

“Fine with me, it will be you guys in there tonight. It will be an early night for me.” He smiled happily at his sons.

“And me,” Helen said. “The girls and I had an exciting day.”

Once again, Candy and Suzie looked at each other and smiled watching the four brothers get the hot tub up and running. Jason was on dad duty that night. Shortly after starting, Johnny left the group and went in. He had a date lined up and, despite cajoling from his brothers, refused to bring her to the cabin. Finally the hot tub was ready and filled, and they just had to wait for it to heat up. Jeff insisted a bottle of wine would help speed things along and by then, Suzie felt more than a little tipsy.

“You did not tell me we would be drinking so much,” she whispered to Jared when he returned to the chair beside her. “I am on my way to being inappropriately drunk.”

“You are fine.” Jared laughed and kissed her cheek. “Besides,” he whispered. “I think Candy is already there.”

They watched as Candy walked towards Jeff and Jeremy who were talking near the hot tub. Still in her five inch heels, she tripped, stumbled and laughed. When she reached them, she wrapped her arms around her boyfriend and kissed him, grinding against his groin. Unfortunately, it was Jeremy, not Jeff and he quickly pushed her away, towards Jeff.

“What the hell!” Tracey exclaimed, looking from her husband to Candy.

“Sorry,” Candy giggled. “All these brothers kind of look the same.” She

lurched forward and wavered on her feet. Jeff caught her arm and his eyes darkened. He told her he was taking her to bed.

As he guided her in, Tracey announced she was going to bed and Jeremy went with her. Jared turned to Suzie and pulled her chair close to his.

“That’s my family,” he laughed. “And believe it or not, that is not the first time one of Jeff’s girlfriends has kissed one of the brothers. Different girl, different brother. He sure knows how to pick them.”

Suzie laughed and held Jared’s hand. Night was settling in and it was getting cold. Jared kissed Suzie soft and slow, holding her gently. Rocking her body into his he continued a long kiss, his tongue teasingly slow in her mouth. A tingling feeling filled her and Suzie wanted him to pick her up and take her right there on the deck, but that was not Jared’s style. He slowly caressed her, treating her like a delicate object. Suzie clung to him for warmth and tried to slow her desperate passion.

The door opened and footsteps sounded on the deck, walking toward them. Plugging in patio lanterns, Jeff’s mischievous grin was lit up in blue and silver lighting. “You two at it again. Can’t say I blame you bro, if she were mine she would be naked all the time.”