Page 12 of Playboy Billionaire

“So,” I said casually. “What happened with your dad?”

Justin’s face darkened and I immediately regretted asking. Just as I was about to tell him that it didn’t matter, he sighed and started talking.

“I know how it looks,” Justin said, scorning. “Poor little rich boy with daddy issues. I know. But it’s not just that.” He sighed. “My father hasn’t ever taken me seriously. I guess I stopped trying a long time ago to prove him wrong…not that I ever really tried to do right, either.”

I cocked my head to the side and took a sip of champagne. “Oh,” was all I could say.

“I don’t know what your family life was like for you growing up,” Justin continued. “But mine was always kind of a shitshow. My dad was never around – he was always working. And Mom divorced him when I was a little kid. She ran off with her lawyer and now they live in the Bahamas. She has four kids, too. She’s got a whole new life, what would she need me hanging around for? The only thing I’m good at is reminding her of her failed marriage.”

I frowned. “I’m sure that’s not true,” I said slowly. “Mothers are supposed to love their children unconditionally.”

Justin laughed bitterly. “Yeah, supposed to,” he said. “That’s the key word, isn’t it?”

I blushed, feeling like a fool. “I’m sorry,” I said softly. “I know it can’t be easy for you.”

Justin shrugged. He ran a hand through his dark hair and I couldn’t help but stare at how big and muscular his hands were. I shivered, thinking about what it would feel like if he touched me again. Being around him was making me feel both excited and nervous at once – my stomach was full of butterflies. I was glad for the champagne. Somehow, it made having an actual conversation with Justin much easier.

“Well, I’m fine,” Justin said. He smirked. “I hate complaining. I don’t know what’s wrong with me – I don’t usually talk to people like this.”

I frowned. “Why not? Don’t you have any good friends?” I cringed, realizing how stupid and cheesy I sounded.

Justin nodded. “Yeah, but I’ll tell you a little secret about guys – we don’t really discuss our feelings very much.” He smirked again. “My best buddy, Brett, and I…we don’t do much talking. Mostly just going out for beer.”

I nodded. An odd feeling pulsed inside of me – it was something almost like jealousy. For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out why I cared so much. Then I realized it was because I was starting to feel really comfortable around Justin. That I was jealous thinking about him going out on a normal day. That I wondered what it would be like if I were just a girl and he was just a guy and we met at a bar, not during a contentious arrangement in the workplace.

“You’re quiet,” Justin observed. “I didn’t expect that.” He laughed. “You looked like kind of a chatty type.”

I blushed. “I’m terrible at small talk,” I said. “My mom always said that made me awkward, that I went right for the big questions.”

Justin laughed. “That’s good, though – more women should be like you,” he added. This time, his eyes lingered on my face. He scooted closer on the bench.

Oh my god, I realized. He’s going to kiss me again. My heart skipped a beat and fluttered wildly in my chest as Justin moved closer. He licked his lips and my stomach flipped with desire. Just as he put his arm around my shoulders, the limo screeched to a halt.

“Mr. Justin?” A heavily accented voice sounded over the intercom. “Mr. Justin, where are we going in Brooklyn?”


Justin sighed. He looked into my eyes and laughed – it wasn’t a cruel laugh, though. It was warm. I could tell by the way his eyes crinkled up at the corners, like he was really enjoying himself with me.

“Where do you live, Hannah?”

The way Justin said my name made me feel weak at the knees. I couldn’t believe this was the same guy I’d spent all day cursing in my head!

“Crown Heights,” I said weakly. “On the corner of Kingston and Brooklyn.”

“Got it,” Justin said with a smirk.

The limo drove through the streets. I kept waiting for Justin to say something else, to kiss me again, hell, even to flirt with me! But he stayed silent, watching me out of the corner of his eye and toying with his champagne flute.

My stomach was a mess of jumbled nerves. Is this how it’s going to be from now on? I wondered as the limo slowly rolled to a stop. Is he going to play hot and cold? Is he going to tease me? What’s tomorrow going to be like?

“This is you,” Justin said. He reached over my body and opened the door. His arm grazed the front of my dress and I shivered, suddenly wishing that he’d wrap both arms around me and pull me so close I couldn’t breathe.

Licking my lips nervously, I stared at him and tried to channel Susan’s confidence.

“Do you want to come up?” I asked slowly. The words hung in the air like they were on fire.

“Sure,” Justin said. He grinned. “Why the hell not?”