Page 112 of Playboy Billionaire

After laughing at the idea of that one, Darlene gave in and told him. So, was she secretly a fast lady who had deceived him about her virtue and attended lots of orgies? Not at all; it was actually all just a matter of taste – though he did find it delightfully fiendish and especially for someone of her background.

‘I’ve always had some kind of fascination for… well, erotic things, of a certain taste,’ she explained, reluctantly, then asking him ‘You know that word “burlesque”?’

‘Burlesque? Yeah, sure!’

‘Well, that kind of thing.’

‘No kidding!’

‘I’ve never actually done any of it but, occasionally, I like to go online and look at some of the quirky gear they wear. I don’t look at porn; I’m not into that.’

‘Me neither,’ Kurt lied.

‘And nothing masochistic or sick, you know. I’ve just always liked what that kind of clothing looks like and had fun imagining myself wearing some.’

‘Darlene, you’re getting more interesting by the minute.’

‘I guess it’s silly.’

‘Not at all,’ he said, dismissively. ‘All the sex secrets that people keep and you’re worried about good old-fashioned burlesque. What have you got to worry about?’

‘But it’s not exactly something I’m ever going to be involved with.’

‘Why not?’

‘Now you’re teasing me.’


??I’d love to see you with your tassels on.’

‘That’s just something I dared to order online one day, then didn’t want to lose track of where it was so I stupidly kept it in my handbag.’

‘So if I asked you nicely you wouldn’t dress in something burlesque for me?’

Darlene looked about to slap him down and refuse but then wavered at the idea. He could tell that, with him there, she was starting to feel brave and he was determined to take full advantage of that.

Kurt got Darlene home around midnight but his yearning for her was quite a long way from being satisfied. He wanted a lot more of her and learning that this sheltered little church goer had a repressed kinky side was going to occupy his imagination for some time.

Being at sea so much, he had often dreamed of finding his mermaid and what it would be like. That girl that drew his fascination more exceedingly than anyone else could, to the point that could be described as irresistible. He had located her in the most unlikely of places, 50 kilometres inland at the Furse residence, but that was exactly how he loved life to be: unpredictable.

As far as he could make out, Darlene was besotted with having a man at last and not at all reticent about meeting up again and carrying on where they had left off. Plus, on the way back he had talked her into trying something with those secret yearnings of hers.

Of course, she thought it impossible at first, but he convinced her to start looking online for some naughty clothing she would like to model for him. The deal was that she would then email a link to him, he would order the items and they could be delivered to his place. Kurt didn’t mind the risk of having that kind of attire hanging around the place if it meant having more sexual adventures with Darlene. In addition, she had promised to bring her nipple tassels to complete the set.

Pulling up around the corner from her parents’ house, it then took a bit longer than it should have for Darlene to get inside. The two of them started snogging each other again and came very close to getting very carried away. Indeed, Kurt was about to suggest they move into the backseat when what they knew to be the light from the Furse front porch came on and they decided against doing so. Reluctantly they stopped groping each other but Darlene agreed that, even though she was not sure how and when, they would organize to see each other again very soon.

For the two days that followed Kurt spent much of his time racking his brains for how that could be achieved. Doing so was less easy than he imagined, despite being equal part adventurous and devious. The Furse family lifestyle was just too boring to allow for very much that was flexible to happen at all. Not wanting to wait for the next time Darlene was able to fake another town meetup with an old friend, Kurt was getting desperate when an email from his new lover served to present them with more opportunities.

Perhaps Darlene would prove the brains of the outfit after all, because she had decided to take her father up on that job offer. Though still unsure about whether she wanted the position, it had become more attractive due to the possibility of a transfer to the coastal offices if the trial period went well. In which case, they would be in close proximity and she could even move away from Portland and Clive Furse’s beady eyes. Additionally, having a job to attend nine to five meant a temporary loan of a company car (until she could get her own) and, more importantly, the potential to expand her social life. Which, who knows, might just include a few evenings meals, dinner parties or trips to the gym with fellow colleagues – or so she could claim.

Suddenly they were being presented with a whole list of possibilities and Kurt took heart that his desires would not be frustrated.

There was something else that Darlene sent him via email as well. One link to a lingerie website and another to a burlesque page. After signing into a checkout basket on the lingerie site, Kurt saw several items listed that Darlene had described as ‘In your best interests’. Whether they were a gift for her or for him was hard to be certain, but Kurt liked the fact that he could not see any pics of the items, meaning he could look forward to Darlene showing him by modelling them herself. Next to the second link she had written, ‘Almost went for something like this, but maybe next time’. Clicking on the link then took him to an image of a sultry Taiwanese lady wearing black panties and something lacy around her breasts that could best be described as a disintegrated bra. The seductive Eastern beauty also had nipple covers on, because that shawl covered up very little.

Kurt had to get up and go to the gym an hour early that day, because he knew what he would end up doing with that image in his head if not.

It became difficult to organize anything extensive for that first week, largely because Darlene was indeed dragged into a few extended workplace events in order to welcome her to the team. They did meet again on the Thursday night, however, when they did finish what they had left off in the front seat of his car. A week had never seemed so long to Kurt and, by the time they met, their longing for each other was so potent that they did not even get to the cinema seat their rendezvous had been suggested for. Instead they spent the couple of hours they had together behaving like pure white trash in the car park, but agreed they would start having proper meetups again the next week.