Page 220 of The One who got Away

“I want to make sure you’re alright, for starters,” he said.

“I’m fine, okay?” I pulled out of his grasp and turned away. “I’m just exhausted and don’t feel like talking right now.”

He grabbed me again, and I fought the urge to scream at him and claw at his face. “That’s a shame, because I was really looking forward to spending some time with you.”

“Really, Heath?” My voice rose in anger. “Now? Of all times, you choose now to annoy me the most?”

“Feisty, aren’t we?” heath chuckled.

“Let go of me and fuck off, alright,” I said. “Go hang out with Garth or something. DO whatever it is you guys do to pass the time.”

“Funny you mention Garth,” Heath said. “He actually asked me to pick you up. He wants to see you.”

“Tell him I don’t want to see him,” I replied.

Heath stopped my retreat, and when I tried to pull away, his grip tightened. “It wasn’t a request,” he said, his voice dropping dangerously.

I looked him in the eye and pulled my lips back in a snarl. “Let go of me, or I’ll make sure that hand isn’t good for anything other than wiping your ass.”

“You know, you always had a lip that would get you in trouble,” Heath replied. “Just come with me, and I’ll make sure I don’t cut it when I slap you to your senses.”

“Lay a hand on me and I’ll make sure it’s the last time you walk straight.”

I heard the slap before I felt it, and my cheek stung with the heat of its force. I dropped my bag and lunged for him, aiming for his eyes, but he quickly grabbed my wrists and twisted my arms around my back.

“Garth said to bring you to him,” Heath hissed in my ear. “He never said how.”

I threw my head back, slamming against his face, and he immediately let go of me and staggered back. I turned to run back to my car, but he was quick to recover. He grabbed me by the shoulder, whirled me around and punched me hard in the face. I fell to the ground in a heap, the world around me spinning out of control, and blacked out.

Chapter 22: Alex

Jenni’s car was gone by the time we got home, and I could immediately see the look of disappointment on Kelly’s face. She looked at me, and I tried my best to smile.

“I’ll call her in the morning, I promise,” I said.

“You can call her now,” Kelly protested.

“One night, Kelly,” I sighed. “Give me at least that.”

Kelly looked at me for a few more seconds before she nodded and climbed out of the car. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder as we made our way up the stairs and I pulled out my keys.

“What are you going to do about the truck?” Kelly asked.

“It’s safe where it is,” I said. “I’ll figure the rest out in the morning.”

“Maybe Jenni can drive it back.”

I chuckled and pressed her close. “Maybe.”

I opened the front door just as the telephone in the hallway began to ring. Kelly raced forward and answered it, and I knew deep down that she was hoping it would be Jenni.


I watched her with a smile, hanging my coat by the door and stretching, feeling the day finally taking its toll on me. I would sleep like a log tonight, as long as I could keep my head clear and stopped my mind from conjuring up images of Jenni.

Kelly frowned, looked at me and handed me the receiver. “It’s for you.”

I frowned, suddenly worried that it might be the hospital calling to give me some bad news about Samuel. I took the phone from Kelly and braced myself.