Page 29 of The Perfect Gift

I pick a white floral polo shirt along with my smart black pants. Then I settle in front of my old vanity mirror and start with a natural look I always go for at events like this. I don't fuss with my hair much, letting it tumble over my shoulder as it dries naturally.

With a pair of green eyes smiling back at me, I give myself a pep talk before making my way towards the house key hanging at the b

ack door of my room.

On my haste, I run into a wall or so it seems.

I stumble on my feet, but a pair of hands steady me before I fall right on my butt and make a fool out of myself.

"Woah. Are you okay?" a deep baritone asks.

My eyes slowly raise up from a pair of hands that catch me to the stranger's blue eyes looking into mine.

He's wearing a simple shirt and wash out denim jeans that compliment his powerfully built body. He's not wearing something extravagant, and yet somehow, he makes it look like it's branded clothes he's sporting. It doesn't help that his midnight black hair is messy but in a good way. It's like he just woke up.

Remembering myself, I mumble, "I'm sorry, I wasn't looking."

Those eyes study me as if searching for the truth in my words. Then his stormy blue eyes brighten up I swear it's abnormal.

"If my gram finds out I'm not looking to my surrounding, she will chaste me with a baton and heat me with to death."

A laugh escapes my lips, surprising myself.

"And you know what's worse? She doesn't care who's around!"

I laugh harder, easing the stomping elephant in my stomach and making me forget about the big boss I will have to face later in the interview.

I frown, "I'm the one at fault." I point out.

"That's beside the point. She doesn't see it that way." he smiles, winking at me.

For some reason, I feel at ease with him making me smile without me knowing.

Catching a glimpse of my watch, I look at the time.

Shoot, I'm running late.

All of a sudden, his hands drop, making me miss the warmth that's there a second ago.

He scratches the back of his head, causing his biceps to flex.

Without knowing why, I let him know that I have an interview today.

His brows raise up. "That's good news. Well, good luck!"

I smile. "Thank you. I need that."

He says that he just lives around the corner and that maybe some time we can have a proper introducing each other. I agree despite knowing that there's a fat chance that our path won't meet again.



I am thinking of a way to deal with my father when I see him a little later when I crash into someone. To be exact a woman. My hands reach out right away to catch her, catching her by the waist.

"Woah, are you okay?" I immediately ask.

A pair of emerald green eyes meets blue ones, taking me aback. Those almond shaped green eyes blink at me in confusion, frowning. For a moment, I thought that she would bite my head off for nearly crushing her. But I am momentarily surprised when she says...