Page 229 of The Perfect Gift

“So did they talk?”

“A couple words I guess,” Butch said. “She looked flustered, but I didn’t like the way they were looking at each other.”

“And how was that?”

“All cow-eyed and giggly. Made me want to puke.”

“You’re just jealous,” Archie muttered.

Butch turned on Archie so fast the smaller man stumbled and fell back against the desk. He cried out and clutched his hand tighter.

“Shut your goddamned mouth, you fucking junkie piece of shit.”

“Down, Butch,” I said with a sigh that let them know I was getting bored with their sit. “It’s no secret around here you’ve got a massive hard-on for my little sis. It’s a done deal, you’ll be family. She’ll come around…eventually. You just gotta be patient. Gotta catch that sexy fly with honey, and the way I see it, what you been dishing out ain’t honey.”

“I try,” Butch said, sulking.

I’d been watching Butch pant after Hannah for years, even since she sprouted tits at fourteen and started smelling like pussy instead of peanut butter and Kool-Aid. Did I want Butch as a brother-in-law? No fucking way. But I needed someone in the family to keep Hannah under control. There was only so much a brother could do. She needed a firmer hand, and though I never minded a bit of violence, I’d promised my dead mother I’d never hurt her little girl. A promise was a promise.

Archie whimpered. “Damn, Richie, can I get this hand looked at? I can’t feel my fingers anymore.”

“Then why are you whining so much, you cunt?” Butch snarled.

“Shut up,” Archie whispered.

“Boys, boys, I’m starting to feel like a referee here, and that isn’t a good look for me. Hate stripes.” I adjusted my plain red tie.

“Let me follow him now and put him out of our misery.” There he was. Finally. Butch, the pit bull with a bone.

I waved my hand, holding on to my patience by a thread. “Not tonight. I wanna see where this leads.”

“It’s leading to disaster,” Butch said. “I can smell it.”

“What you smell is the stench of your own envy, Butchie boy.”

Butch narrowed his eyes, seething. I really shouldn’t goad him, but these two were wearing on my temper. Trying to look like I didn’t give a fuck about this new guy had given me a migraine. It pulsed just beneath the skin on my temple and threatened to erupt full force. What I wanted was my bottle of scotch and some hot, wet pussy. Maybe Jacklyn. I could bury my face in her plump cunt and inhale. The scent of pussy always calmed my nerves.

“I don’t like him,” Butch said.

“I got that,” I said. “Noted. In bright red crayon. Now get the fuck out of here before I decide I need different lackeys.”

They skedaddled after that. They knew when they’d pushed the final button and I was ready to blow.

I yanked the bottle out of my drawer and drank right from the bottle.

Goddamn, my head hurt. Hannah better not become a problem. I’d loved my mother for the short time I had her and wanted to keep my word, but that girl could only push me so far. I had a business and reputation at stake, and no one—not even a little sis—was going to bring me down.

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SNEAK PEAK: Falling for Her


Neil Driscoll has no intention of looking back. He’s got a trajectory in mind and he’s sticking to it, whether it ruins other people’s lives or not. He’s worked hard to get where he is and has no intention of stopping, not for anyone. Not for anyone or anything, that is, aside from a tragedy that drives him to the home he has come to hate. He vows to stay for as short amount of time as possible, however, and has no intention of breaking that vow, even when a chance encounter throws his entire world off balance.

Fay Turner has never left home and has no intention of doing so. Why would she, when home has everything in the world she could ever want? Her life is predictable and she likes it that way, right up until a surprise encounter turns everything upside down in a matter of moments. When two old lovers come together again, will it rekindle something long believed lost or will the time between them prove too large an obstacle to overcome?