Page 115 of The Perfect Gift

Molly shrugged. “I don’t know,” she said nervously. “I’m just shy, Alex. You know that.”

I chuckled. “I know, but I promise – everything’s going to be fine, okay?”

Molly nodded. “Okay,” she said. “Give me a couple of minutes and let me change.” She smiled again, then walked down the hall and into her room. After a couple of seconds, I followed behind, creeping silently on the carpet so she wouldn’t hear me coming. Molly had left her door partially open and I glanced inside, watching her curves jiggle as she pulled her shirt over her head. Naked, she was beautiful. My cock stiffened and throbbed with desire as Molly pulled off her shorts, revealing her big ass. I want that ass, I thought, licking my lips. I imagined pinning her down, teasing her until she was nearly on the brink of insanity, then sliding my cock into that tight little virgin hole and fucking her ass until she was screaming my name.

Soon, I thought.

Molly whirled around and gasped. “Alex! You’re watching me!”

I snickered. “I’m just getting some ideas for your next lesson,” I said arching, raising an eyebrow and smirking. “And trust me, it’s going to be your best one yet.”

Molly blus

hed tomato red. “You always say that,” she murmured, still naked. I smirked when I saw her nipples stiffen into two pink points.

“And I’m always right,” I said, leaning against the doorway and smirking. “I ought to fuck you right now, just to make you a little more relaxed before we leave.”

Molly bit her lip. I could practically smell the sweet odor of her pussy from where I stood, and my lust started to build. But as much as I wanted her, I also wanted to make her wait. I wanted her to be dying for my touch. I wanted her to be hopelessly horny and aroused.

“Get dressed,” I said, shaking my head. “And then later, you’ll get your lesson. If you’re a good girl,” I added, licking my lips and smirking.

Molly smiled and blushed. She walked over to her closet and pulled out a loose sundress I hadn’t seen before. She pulled it over her head, braless and still with no panties. The long, flowing material made her look like a goddess and I grinned. She’s mine, I thought as I stared at her. All mine.

When Molly was ready, she grabbed her things and we got into my Mustang. I put my hand on her thigh and squeezed hard as I drove across town to the firehouse. The guys were just getting in for their evening shift and it took me a long time to find parking.

“Are you sure this is okay?” Molly asked. She climbed out of my Mustang and adjusted her dress, looking nervously.

I grinned. “Babe, it’s more than okay. I want you to meet these guys. I spend so much time here, we’re almost like a family. They’re my best friends.”

Molly nodded. She forced a smile and I reached for her hand, squeezing her fingers reassuringly. I wouldn’t tell Molly, but part of the reason why I’d brought her with me was a litmus test. If the guys I worked with were going to be huge jerks and treat her like a shitty person just because she was fat, I knew I didn’t want to be friends with them anymore.

“Come on,” I said, gently tugging Molly towards the entrance. “They’re going to love you, I swear. And if they don’t, they’re assholes and I don’t want to be friends with them anymore.”

Molly cocked her head to the side and smiled. “Really? You mean that?”

“Of course I do,” I said. I bent down and kissed her. “Molly, you’re more important to me than coworkers, even if we are like a family. I don’t want to be friends with anyone who wouldn’t accept you.”

Molly’s smile grew a shade wider and she relaxed, closing her eyes and leaning her head against my shoulder. “I love you, Alex,” she said softly. “I can’t believe you’re with me.”

I put an arm around her shoulders and squeezed before leaning down and kissing her forehead. “I love you, too,” I said. “Come on. Let’s go meet the guys.”

Chapter Twenty-Three


As I followed Alex up the steps of the firehouse, I was incredibly nervous. I could hardly keep from shaking and shivering as I climbed step after step, growing out of breath after the first flight.

“I don’t know about this,” I muttered nervously as I gripped the handrail with a sweaty hand. “I just feel so weird.”

“Molly, relax,” Alex said. “I swear, everyone is going to be nice. And if they’re not, fuck them. I’ve made it clear that you’re more important.”

I tried to internalize his words but somehow, they just made me feel even more anxious. If Alex’s friends were dicks, I didn’t want to be responsible for breaking up any friendships. Alex had been friends with these guys for years – was he going to drop them just because they made a couple of jokes about me?

Stop jumping to conclusions, I scolded myself. No one ever got anywhere from doing that.

Alex and I reached the stop of the stairs and he gestured for me to follow him inside. Taking a deep breath, I plastered a smile on my face and followed Alex into the main room. It smelled like a boys’ locker room, and I smiled for real when I saw the decorations – mirrors with beer labels printed on them, Playboy centerfolds, and pictures of muscle cars. They’re just like a bunch of high school kids, I thought. Maybe this won’t be so bad after all.

“Everyone,” Alex hollered, clapping his hands together. “This is my girlfriend, Molly Peters.”