"Me? No, sir."

"A psychologist perhaps?"

"No, sir."

"Oh. Then you're not an expert on the behavior of women?"

"Well, I may not be a psychiatrist, but in the hotel business you learn a lot about women."

"Do you know who Osa Johnson is?"

"Osa--? No."

"She's a world famous explorer. Have you ever heard of Amelia Earhart?"

"No, sir."

"Margaret Mead?"

"No, sir."

"Are you married, Mr. Mousson?"

"Not now. But I've been married three times, so I am something of an expert on women."

"On the contrary, Mr. Mousson. I suggest that if you were really an expert on women, you would have been able to handle one marriage. No further questions."

"Your name, please?"

"Christopher Cocyannis."

"Would you tell us your occupation?"

"I am a guide at the Caves of Perama."

"How long have you been a guide there?"

"Ten years."

"Is business good?"

"Very good. Thousands of tourists come to see the caves every year."

"Would you please look at the man sitting over in that box. Have you ever seen Mr. Douglas before?"

"Yes, sir. He came to the caves in August."

"Are you sure?"


"Well now, I'm sure that puzzles all of us, Mr. Cocyannis. Out of all the thousands of people who come to the caves, you can remember one individual?"

"I'm not likely to forget him."

"Why is that, Mr. Cocyannis?"

"First of all he wouldn't take a guide."