Two days later Demiris sent for Larry. At first Larry was apprehensive, wondering whether the Greek tycoon could have heard about Noelle and him, but Demiris greeted him pleasantly and led him into a discussion of a new plane he was considering buying.

"It's a converted Mitchell Bomber," Demiris told him. "I want you to have a look at it."

Larry's face lit up. "It's a great plane," he said. "For its weight and size, it will give you the best ride you can buy."

"How many passengers will it carry?"

Larry thought a moment. "Nine in luxury, plus a pilot, navigator and flight engineer. It flies at four hundred eighty miles an hour."

"It sounds interesting. Will you check it out for me and give me a report?"

"I can't wait," Larry grinned.

Demiris rose to his feet. "By the way Douglas, Miss Page is going to Berlin in the morning. I want you to fly her there."

"Yes, sir," Larry said. And then added, innocently, "Did Miss Page tell you that we're getting along better?"

Demiris looked up at him. "No," he said, puzzled. "As a matter of fact this morning she complained to me about your insolence."

Larry stared at him in surprise, and then as realization flooded through him, he quickly tried to cover up his blunder. "I'm trying, Mr. Demiris," he said earnestly. "I'll try harder."

Demiris nodded. "Do that. You're the best pilot I've ever had, Douglas. It would be a shame to..." He let his voice trail off, but the message was clear.

On the drive home Larry cursed himself for a fool. He had better remember he was playing in the big leagues now. Noelle had been bright enough to realize that any sudden change in her attitude toward Larry would make Demiris suspicious. The old relationship between them was a perfect cover for what they were doing. Demiris was trying to bring them together. The thought made Larry laugh aloud. It was a good feeling to know that he had something that one of the most powerful men in the world thought belonged to him.

On the flight to Berlin Larry turned the wheel over to Paul Metaxas and told him that he was going back to talk to Noelle Page.

"Aren't you afraid of getting your head bitten off?" Metaxas asked.

Larry hesitated, tempted to brag. But he conquered the impulse. "She's a bitch on wheels," Larry shrugged, "but if I don't find some way to soften her up, I could find myself out on my ass."

"Good luck," Metaxas said soberly.


Larry carefully closed the cockpit door and went back to the lounge where Noelle was seated. The two stewardesses were at the rear of the plane. Larry started to sit down across from Noelle.

"Be careful," she warned softly. "Everyone who works for Constantin reports back to him."

Larry glanced toward the stewardesses and thought of Helena.

"I've found a place for us," Noelle said. There was pleasure and excitement in her voice.

"An apartment?"

"A house. Do you know where Rafina is?"

Larry shook his head. "No."

"It's a little village on the sea, a hundred kilometers north of Athens. We have a secluded villa there."

He nodded. "Whose name did you rent it in?"

"I bought it," Noelle said, "in someone else's name."

Larry wondered what it must feel like to be able to afford to buy a villa just to get in the hay with someone once in a while. "Great," he said. "I can't wait to see it."

She studied him a moment. "Will you have any trouble getting away from Catherine?"