"Monsieur Barbet, would you be good enough to look around this courtroom and tell us whether anyone in this room has ever been a client of yours?"

A long, slow look around the room. "Yes, sir."

"Would you tell the Court who this person is, please?"

"The lady sitting over there. Miss Noelle Page."

A murmur of interest from the spectators.

"Are you telling us that Miss Page hired you to do some detective work for her?"

"I am, monsieur."

"And would you tell us exactly what that work consisted of?"

"Yes, sir. She was interested in a man named Larry Douglas. She wanted me to find out everything I could about him."

"That is the same Larry Douglas who is on trial in this courtroom?"

"Yes, sir."

"And Miss Page paid you for this?"

"Yes, sir."

"Would you please look at these exhibits in my hand. Are these the records of the payments that were made to you?"

"That is correct."

"Tell us, Monsieur Barbet, how did you go about obtaining this information on Mr. Douglas?"

"It was very difficult, monsieur. You see I was in France, and Mr. Douglas was in England and later the United States, and with France occupied by the Germans--"

"I beg your pardon?"

"I said, with France occupied--"

"Just a moment. I want to be sure that I understand what you are saying, Monsieur Barbet. We have been told by Miss Page's attorney that she and Larry Douglas met a few short months ago and fell madly in love. Now you are telling this Court that their love affair started--how long ago?"

"At least six years ago."


Demonides flashed Chotas a triumphant look. "Your witness."

Napoleon Chotas rubbed his eyes, rose from the long table at which he was sitting and walked over to the witness box.

"I won't detain you long, Mr. Barbet. I know you must be anxious to get back to your family in France."

"You may take your time, monsieur." Smugly.

"Thank you. Forgive me for being personal, but that's certainly a fine-looking suit you're wearing, Mr. Barbet."

"Thank you, monsieur."

"Made in Paris, was it?"

"Yes, sir."