Page 56 of Inseparable

“Do you know where the bathroom is?” I asked.

“I don’t even know whose house this is. Sorry.”

“Tell Sandy I’ll be back. You guys staying for a while?”

“As long as the beer keeps flowing.”

I chuckled and had to admit knowing those guys were there, did help take the edge off. Finally, I saw the line of girls. That had to be the line to the bathroom.

"Yikes. I'm not waiting for that." I looked around.

Chapter 5 - Lucas

“Check it out.” My friend Henry elbowed me and jerked his head toward the front door. “Is that Telula Grant?”

“Wow. I’m actually surprised she came.” I tried to hide the fact I was happy to see her. I caught Henry ogling her up and down. Telula brought her friend along. She was cute, too, but I never knew her name. Telula was more my style.

“You knew she was going to come?” Henry asked.

“I invited her.”

"What for? Is this like the last night of slumming before you hit the big time or is there something else going on that you need to tell me?"

“I’m not sure yet.” It was true that I had no idea why I invited Telula Grant to my house. But I was glad I did as I walked up to her.

“Where is your bathroom?” She asked immediately.

"Uh, hello to you, too," I replied. That was annoying. She barely noticed my house or me. "Did you just come here to take a leak?"

“Yeah, I wasn’t dressed fancy enough for the gas station bathroom.” She whipped back.

I rolled my eyes and waved for her to follow me.

I lead her up the stairs and down the hallway to my room. I had my own bathroom. She didn’t seem to notice my Dolce shirt or my Rolex watch. I couldn’t figure out why. I could barely take my eyes off her and I know what she was wearing she probably got at WalMart. My mind had gone blank. I felt my mouth go dry.

“What’s in there?” She asked. I heard suspicion in her voice.

“This is my room. I have a bathroom you can use.”

“You lock your bedroom door?”

“I’m sorry, maybe you didn’t see the group of savages we passed on the way up here. Do you really think I want any of them using my bathroom?”

She laughed.

I held the door open for her to step inside. She bolted for the bathroom, shutting the door quickly and I heard her instantly lock it behind her. Part of me felt a little insulted that she’d think she needed to lock the door like that. I was called a lot of things but I wasn’t a rapist.

The water started to run in the sink and I heard the toilet flush.

“Would you like a tour to the house?” I offered.

When she stepped out she had fresh lip-gloss on and I could smell the not so unpleasant scent of Lemonheads candy. It was impossible not to smile.

“That would be fine. So long as I can leave a trail of breadcrumbs.” She tugged at the hem of her skirt.


“You know, like the little kids in Hansel and Gretel? Their evil step-mother tried to lose them in the woods so they left a trail of breadcrumbs to find their way back home. Don’t you read?”