Page 52 of Inseparable

“Rich people always have white carpet because they don’t have to clean it.”

Sandy rolled her eyes.

“Okay, you convinced me. But if the house isn’t getting trashed I’m going home.

“Deal.” I smiled. We found our places back in line just as the music was starting. As I stepped out into the auditorium I searched for my mom and dad who were way back in the nosebleed seats. I blew them kisses and waved like a madwoman. But as I took my seat and listened to Chris Habek drone on about every detail of the last four years I couldn’t help but think the party tomorrow might be fun.

Chapter 3 – Lucas

“Where did you disappear?” Henry asked. “Monica’s looking for you.”

"I'll bet she is," I smirked.

“What did you do to that girl now?”

“Nothing that I haven’t done to her a hundred times before.”

“No.” Henry shook his head. “You still tappin’ that? I thought she was dating that Matt guy. Did they break up?”

“They probably have by now.” It was really kind of heartbreaking. Not for me but for Matt. I mean, I just finished Monica in the gym. He’s in the hallway and I can tell he was looking for her. They had a sick ritual of putting their affection for each other on display for the whole school to witness. All tongue and hands at her locker or his.

I made the guy promise not to get mad as if a real person could promise that. But he agreed. So, I told him that if he hurried he could catch her pulling her panties back up behind the bleachers.

“I’m sorry, man. But I’m really doing you a favor. She’s a gold-digger. She’ll break your

heart to second a guy with more money if he shows up.”

He must have thought I was right because he just looked at the floor and shoved his hands in his pockets.

“It’ll be all right.” I clapped him on the back. “I mean, it’s not like you guys were in love or anything.”

“No. I guess not.” Matt grumbled. “But she only let me feel her tits. I never got any further than that.”

“Look. I’m really sorry to hear that.” I snapped my fingers. “This is what I’d do if I were you.”

My advice to Matt was to get her alone.

“She loves when you talk dirty.”

Matt’s eyes flashed and he almost started to giggle like a girl.

“If you are trying to be a gentleman it’s not going to work with that one. Nope. Just start talking about her body. Tell her how hot she is. How the thought of it keeps you up at night. Trust me, she’ll open up to you. Then, once you’ve had her, break it off. Leave her begging and scratching her head. You’ll feel better.”

“Hey, thanks, Lucas.”

“The big lug actually shook my hand.” I chuckled to Henry.

"No, he didn't."

"My hand to God he did." I looked around the auditorium and saw Telula across the aisle and back a couple rows. She looked utterly bored. But as I was watching her she started to laugh. Something was funny back there and I really wished I was part of it. I never noticed how cute she was when she laughed. Her nose wrinkled up and her eyebrows arched up.

“So, what are you going to tell Monica when you see her?” Henry’s question brought me back to the present.

“What do you mean?”

“Are you going to tell her you told Matt?”

“Hell no. And risk not taking one last ride before we scatter to the far corners of the earth? She’s going to need some comforting and I know exactly who she’s going to run to.”