Page 49 of Inseparable

“My gosh.” I adjusted my shirt and zipped up my pants. “You’re like a goat.”

“Don’t tease me.” She pouted. Her hair was a mess. The mascara started to smudge under her left eye. Her lipstick was all gone. She looked like a totally different person.

“Look, Monica.” I glanced at my watch. “I gotta get to study hall or I’ll get a check on my attendance. I can’t afford to get any more.”

“Please?” She completely stepped out of her little panties and stood there.

I stepped up to her, put my hand on her neck, slowly slid it down to her breasts, further to her thigh, swerving to her inner thigh where I stopped just short of her bush. I leaned my head close to hers and whispered.

“Would you like me to tell Matt to come in and finish you off?”

I started laughing as she gasped.

"Hey, you've got the whole gymnasium to yourself." I continued as I backed away from her. "Go nuts. I know several freshmen who'd pay good money to watch you take care of that thing. Need to make a few dollars?" I laughed.

She didn’t say another word as I pulled myself out from beneath the bleachers and headed out of the gym. I knew Monica would be mad at me for a little while but it wouldn’t last.

Even if it did what did I care? We were graduating and I’d never see her or this dump ever again.

I could feel her eyes burning into the back of my skull. She wanted me to turn around but I wasn’t going to. I listened and didn’t hear any tears. That was too bad. I would have enjoyed that. Strangely, I didn’t hear anything except my own footsteps as I walked across the gym and pushed open the swinging doors and merged with the sea of students moving from one class to another.

By my calculation, Monica had about seven more minutes to get to class. I know her. She's working her pussy before she goes to American History. I just know it. Just then I saw Matt.

“Hey, Matt.” I waved and chuckled. “I got a story to tell you. But you have to promise not to get mad.”

Chapter 2 - Tilly

“Where is the bathroom in this place?” I asked my friend Sandy as we waited at the back of the auditorium.

“I don’t know. Is my cap on straight?” Sandy scrunched her face and tilted her hat. “My mom insisted on this up-do and I swear, it makes my head about three hat sizes too big.”

“It looks great. It really does.” I shifted from one foot to the other. “How much time to do we have before the ceremony starts? I’ve got to pee. If I don’t I’ll never make it through the whole ceremony. God knows that Chris Habek has been waiting her whole life to be valedictorian so that speech will be anything but short.”

Sandy chuckled and nodded knowingly.

“I could use a smoke myself.” She looked at her watch then slipped her arm through mine. “Come on. You find the bathroom and I’ll have a smoke and we’ll be back in plenty of time.”

As we stepped out of line and headed down the hallway to begin our quest for the ladies’ room we once again got yelled at.

“You guys better be back in time.” Shelly Pinkowski scolded. “If Mrs. Ardnt comes looking for you I’m not covering for you guys.”

“Who asked you to?” Sandy snapped.

"Jeez, relax, Shelly," I ordered. "It's just graduation. Your risk of getting a detention is pretty much over."

As soon as we were out of earshot I shook my head.

“You know, some of these people are going to be exactly the same ten, twenty, thirty years from now. I’m not covering for you. When the hell did Shelly Pinkowski ever cover for us?” I snapped.

“Never.” Sandy smiled. “We were always too slick. Never needed anyone to cover for us. There. Bathrooms. I’m going to sneak out for a smoke. Meet you back here.”

I nodded before I headed down the long dark corridor. It was about five degrees cooler since there weren't any real lights on. My heels clicked on the marble floor making me walk uncomfortably on my toes until I found the door I was looking for. It had a black and white plaque that read LADIES.

As soon as I pushed the door in I was temporarily blinded by the bright fluorescent light. After peeing what felt like a river I fixed myself up, straightened my cap, billowed out my black gown and adjusted my bra strap underneath it all.

I almost didn’t recognize the person in the mirror. Just yesterday I was a freshman finding my way to class, ignoring just about everyone except for Sandy who had quickly become my friend. We were both odd. We didn’t come from affluent families. We dressed differently. The image of square blocks in round holes fit us perfectly.

Sure, we got teased sometimes. Girls like Shelly Pinkowski and Debbie Morosek made sure we knew we didn’t fit in. Not that Sandy and I ever wanted to.