Page 45 of Inseparable

“Not for a few more months,” I said. “Everyone says the time flies by, though.”

“I’m sure that it does,” he said. “I just want to enjoy every moment of it with you.”

I smiled and leaned in, giving him a kiss. I looked up at the door as the nurse stuck her head in and smiled. Nathan put the pictures in his wallet and helped me up out of the chair. I was perfectly capable of functioning on my own at that point, but he was very attentive. It would definitely come in handy when I was too big to lift myself out of chairs.

“You ready to get your blood taken?” the nurse asked.

“Is anyone ever ready for needles?” I laughed nervously.

“It won’t hurt,” she said, leading me down the hall into another room.

The nurse was gentle and quick, and before I knew it, we were heading in to talk to the doctor. Nathan introduced himself and shook the doctor’s hand excitedly. The doctor looked pleased that my mentality had changed so much since the last time he saw me. We learned about what to expect at the appointments, the different tests that could be performed, and then Nathan asked him a barrage of questions. It was really adorable, and I appreciated how much he wanted to be involved. He wanted to know every detail of what he was supposed to be doing. I could see the amusement on the doctor’s face. He ended the conversation by promising Nathan he would talk to him about the delivery in detail when the time got closer.

When we were done, they gave us a bunch of reading material and set our next several appointments. We walked out of the doctor’s office on cloud nine, heading over to a café down the street to eat lunch. I was starving by the time we got there, and I was really glad that I had my appetite back. In fact, it had come back times three. We sat down and ordered our food, and Nathan pulled out the pictures again.

“I can’t even express to you how excited I am,” he said, beaming. “Seriously, this is the best thing ever, besides you, of course.”

“Aww thanks, honey.” I smiled. “And I am finally excited about it as well. It is definitely a different experience having you here with me.”

“Have you thought about baby names at all?”

“Not really,” I said. “I was still trying to get through the nausea when I finally got to tell you. I have always liked the names Nicole or Ava for a girl.”

“I like Ava,” he said. “That’s nice, and Nicole is great, too. I’ve always liked Brant, Preston, or Nicolas for boys’ names. They always seemed to be really nice guys with their heads on their shoulders.”

“I really like Nicolas,” I said. “Th

at was my great grandfather’s name.”

“How about Elva?”

“Oh, God, no.” I laughed, thinking about that guy that Lindsey set me up with. “That is a disaster waiting to happen. You might as well name him Brock if it’s a boy. He will be a jock with a big head.”

He laughed and choked on his coffee. “My dad wanted to name me Brock, but my mom wouldn’t have it.”

“That is because she is apparently a very smart lady,” I said. “I don’t think I could have taken you seriously if Brock was your name.”

“That’s because I would probably drool on myself.” He laughed.

“I really think that Ava or Nicolas could be our winners,” I said, smiling. “I thought it would be really hard to pick out names, but it seems that we are on the same page as usual. Well, except for the whole Elva thing, but I’ll pretend that you never said that.”

“I appreciate it.” He laughed. “And I agree. Ava if it is a girl, and Nicolas if it is a boy.”

“Well, now that that’s settled,” I said, laughing. “God, I am starving. I want to eat everything on their menu.”

“You are the most adorable pregnant person,” he said, smiling.

“You can’t even tell I’m pregnant yet,” I said, pouting.

“They can’t, but I know, and I think it is so adorable,” he said. “I might have to just keep you pregnant.”

“Oh, God, please don’t,” I said, swallowing a gulp of water. “So, have you thought about whether you want a boy or a girl?”

“A boy, of course,” he scoffed. “I want to teach him all about life, show him how to make things, and do whatever normal little boys do. Of course, I want him to make his own choices, too. I don’t expect him to take over the company, but he can if he wants to.”

“What if it’s a girl? Can she take over the company?”

“Of course,” he said. “But it’ll be a boy. What about you? Do you want a boy or a girl?”