Page 284 of Inseparable

The sound of our skin slapping echoed through the villa and out into the ocean, and I reached my arms over my head and moaned over and over as he pushed as deep as he could. I could feel his fingers clasping to my thighs as his body began to stiffen. He reached down and pulled my hips in, leaning forward and pushing in as deep as he could. I split my legs and draped them over his shoulders as he growled loudly and his body convulsed in pleasure. I could feel his cock throbbing and then the explosion inside of me. It was warm and sensual, and I closed my eyes, feeling his seed fill me. His hips continued to thrust forward as his body untensed, leaning into me. He opened his eyes and took a deep breath, pulling my legs to the side and rolling over next to me. We both laid sideways on the bed, our heads dangling over the edge, collecting our breath and feeling the warm Hawaiian air washing over our naked bodies.

I turned my head toward him and kissed his soft lips, smiling as he looked up at the window. This man was my husband, and I couldn’t be happier about that choice. I would get to spend the rest of my life having amazing sex with my partner in life, and the only man I had ever been with.

We turned over in the bed and cuddled up under the light covers, leaving the doors open for the soothing sound of the ocean. It didn’t take long for us both to fall asleep after a day like we had. I could feel his warm arms around me, and I knew I would never feel lonely again.

The next morning, I woke up to the alarm and slipped out of bed, jumping in the shower. I washed my hair and put on one of our new line of bathing suits. I applied some gel to my hair to keep that wavy beach look and snuck back to the bed. I slowly ran my fingers down Nathan’s chest, trying to wake him up softly. He smiled and moaned, trying to turn over, but I laid my body on his. He sniffed the air and touched my hair with a big grin. He always loved the way I smelled, even if I hadn’t taken a shower yet. He slowly opened his eyes and picked up his head, kissing me softly on the lips.

“Is it time for breakfast?” he asked groggily.

“Yes, and it’s a working honeymoon, remember?” I tapped him on the chest and stood from the bed. “Time to rise and shine. We want to catch the morning light as the sun begins to rise.”

“But it’s so early,” he whined.

“Get up, get up, get up,” I sang, pulling the covers off his body.

I walked out onto the balcony where they had served breakfast. I picked up a piece of fruit, tasting it, and I rolled my eyes at its amazing flavor and juiciness. Everything here was perfect, even down to the fruit salad they served for breakfast. I grabbed a bottle of water and took a swig, pouring Nathan a cup of coffee with light sugar and a splash of cream, just how he liked it. It was time to get the photos taken for the new line of swimwear, and Maria and I had made the executive decision that we would be the ones to model the bathing suits because we wanted to see real women with real curves. Nathan didn’t like the idea of my body being splashed all over the place, but it was a bathing suit, and it was my company. I had to be proud of the clothes that we made and show that anything that we sell, I would gladly wear out in public.

“Hey, girl.”

I looked up as Maria’s voice sounded in the distance. She was strutting her stuff down the walk, ready to get our hair and makeup done. The whole crew was tagging along behind her, carrying bags and boxes of makeup and primping tools. I waved and smiled, turning back to make sure that Nathan had put on pants. I didn’t really think the entire entourage needed to see his white ass this early in the morning.

Maria snagged a piece of fruit and popped it into her mouth. “Oh my God, seriously is everything on this island perfect?”

“I know, right?” I looked around but didn’t see Diego, her boyfriend. “Where’s the love?”

“Oh, he wanted to sleep in,” she said, shaking her head. “He didn’t think he could deal with watching someone take pictures of my half naked body.”

“Morning, Maria,” Nathan said as he took his coffee from my hand. “Where’s your boy toy?”

“Morning, Mr. Married,” she said, grabbing another piece of fruit. “He’s back at the resort sleeping.”

“Lucky,” he said like a child. “How come I’m not allowed to sleep?”

“Because you insisted on helping run the company,” I said, squeezing his cheek and walking into the villa.

“Damn it,” he said under his breath, making me laugh.

We sat around getting our hair and makeup done, laughing and talking, and waiting for the photographer. With about ten minutes to spare, he showed up looking pretty tired. He dropped his stuff in the middle of the floor and dramatically sighed.

“Ladies, I need coffee, stat,” he said to the staff standing around to help. “I spent way too much time at drag night last night.”

We laughed, glad to be around men that we didn’t have to be self-conscious around. They told us how beautiful we looked about a hundred times, and then we made our way down to the beach to start taking pictures. The main beach right outside of the resort was where we landed. As the sun peeked over the horizon, the constant click of the camera filled the air. Maria and I spent the next several hours posing for the camera, walking out into the ocean with that sassy look back, and rolling around in the waves, really testing the durability of my top. Nathan was standing on the side, watching every time our wardrobe guy had to fix my suit. He was being way overprotective, but for some reason, I actually found it endearing. He was jealous of anybody that even looked at me, but I just smiled and winked at him, letting him know whose attention I really wanted.

As the sun rose, the beach began to fill up and a crowd started to gather. Maria and I ran out into the surf, frolicking around in the waves. The water was so warm, and the people seemed very entertained and curious about what was going on. Our marketing crew went to work immediately, handing out cards for our online shop. We knew we didn’t want the brand to just stay in California, so Nathan had an amazing website and online store put up days before our trip began. We made sure to set limits, just in case things took off. We didn’t want to get home and not have enough product produced to fill the orders. The women

loved the ideas, and I could see them chatting amongst themselves excitedly as they looked at the cards. The men, well, they were men, and they were content with watching our small bikinis barely cover our bodies as the water ran down our dark skin.

I could see the thunder clouds clashing in Nathan’s eyes as the men next to him whispered and gawked at me in the waves. It didn’t bother me a bit since I knew exactly what man I wanted to take me home. But Nathan, he was not having a very good time with it. I smiled at him and waved from the water, laughing to myself as he forced a smile back. His crossed arms and rigid smile let everyone know exactly who he was, and the men turned and walked to the other side. I didn’t want Nathan to be uncomfortable, but the idea that he was jealous was slightly thrilling for me. It made me want him even more, and I had to be sure that I let him know just who I belonged to. I waved to the photographer for a break and jogged up the beach to Nathan. Immediately, he wrapped a towel around me, and I smiled up at him with a big toothy grin.

“Aww, what’s wrong baby?”

“I don’t like this beach,” he said. “Why couldn’t we have done it on the private one?”

“We talked about this,” I said, chuckling. “We want people to see the bathing suits. It's killing two birds with one stone.”

“Two naked birds,” he scoffed.

“Aww, come here,” I said, pouting at him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and leaned in, kissing him deeply and passionately in front of everyone. When I pulled away, I stood on my tip toes and whispered in his ear. “I belong to you alone.”