Page 237 of Inseparable

“You want to come veg out at my place tonight?” he asked, rubbing my head. “We’ll just cuddle under the blankets and watch movies.”

“I would love to, but I really want to stay at home and wait for my dad to get back,” I replied.

“He still hasn’t shown up?”

“No,” I said, sighing. “He’s not answering his phone, either.”

“Well, why don’t I come over there and wait with you?” he offered. “There’s a really great action movie I’ve heard rave reviews about. We can order some pizza and be lazy together.”

“Okay,” I said hesitantly.

I was having a hard time having him back over to my house. He lived in the lap of luxury, and part of me felt bad for forcing him to hang out in my tiny little house. Still, I couldn’t deny the fact that I really didn’t want to be alone, staring at the door and waiting for my father to walk in. At that point, I was about forty-eight hours away from filing a missing person report. Either way, I didn’t want to force him to come hang out at my shitty place, but I couldn’t muster enough care to tell him no.

Surprisingly, he seemed excited about the thought of coming over, his eyes widening and his face changing expression. He continued to talk about this movie with a bounce in his step, as if he really thought it would be something that got me going. Just hearing him blabber on about the movie made me feel better, and I realized that whenever he felt excited about something, I did too. It was like his emotions were rubbing off on me. I thought it was interesting and wondered how it worked in the opposite situation. Would his sadness or anger change how I felt?

The feeling of excitement and all of his plans for this movie were infectious, and he quickly buoyed my confidence until I was at the point where I was really looking forward to him coming over. In fact, I couldn’t wait for the school day to be finished so I could stuff myself with pizza and curl up with Blaine on the couch. It sounded like the perfect ending to a shitty day. At least I knew that no matter how I felt when I got home, I could count on him to bring my spirits up, even if I was destined for a pizza-induced coma and a bad action movie. I couldn’t complain. Blaine had been so sweet and patient when I forced several chick flicks onto him, and now, it was my turn to return the favor. It was Blaine’s turn to be treated like a king.

At the end of the day, I sat through an incredibly boring staff meeting and then headed back toward my house. The sushi

for lunch had been perfect, and it gave me the boost of energy I needed to get through the last few hours of the workday. I was excited to meet up with Blaine in a couple of hours, but that mood was crushed when I came home to an empty house. The note I left for my dad was still sitting on the computer keyboard. He hadn’t come home at all, and his phone was still going straight to voicemail. I didn’t even know what to do, so I changed my clothes into something comfy and cleaned up the house, waiting for Blaine to get there.

A couple of hours later, there was a knock at the door, and I raced over, hoping it was my father, but it wasn’t. I smiled and hugged Blaine, inviting him inside. My father still hadn’t shown up from his hiatus, and I knew that we were now well into one of his rogue relapses. I was getting tired of pulling him out of them. I had no idea where he had gone, and I figured it must be the casinos since the track wasn’t open at night, and the casino usually comped hotel rooms for those spending money at the casino. But where had he gotten money from? I had checked all the electronics, and he hadn’t taken a thing.

I pulled Blaine over to the couch and flipped on the movie, burrowing myself against his body. He pulled one arm around me and held me close as he called and ordered the pizza from the place down the street. When the pizza got there, I was starving. We watched his movie and chowed down on some really good pizza. Everything seemed to be going perfectly, and I loved the feeling I got as we sat around, acting like we were a serious couple. At that point, I thought it was safe to say that we were in a committed relationship, regardless of the fact that I hadn’t taken the time to have that conversation with him. Those talks were always awkward, and there was always a good chance that the two people talking would fail to come to the same conclusion, leaving the situation at a crossroads. Unfortunately, crossroads were not at all what I was looking for, so I dropped the idea and went back to watching the movie.

The movie that Blaine picked out was pretty good, and to my surprise, I was really enjoying the action parts in the scenes. I didn’t know if it was pent-up aggression or just my thoughts and feelings changing, but I could totally see myself blowing up my enemies. The biggest problem was, I really didn’t have an enemy, not one I could see anyway. I was not going to go pissing off my father in the state that he probably was in at that point.

We watched the rest of the movie in silence, happy to just be in each other’s arms. However, as night fell, I could hear my heart beating louder and louder, and I knew that I needed a distraction. Blaine was so handsome, sitting there on the couch, and I lifted myself up, putting my legs over his and straddling him. Instantly, we forgot all about the pizza or movies, and instead, ended our evening in a lovers’ embrace. His mouth tasted so amazing, and his eyes looked at me darkly as I rubbed my fingers down his arms. I stood up from him and led him back to my room, ready to get it on.

When we walked through the doors, I knew it was my turn to show him just how much I wanted him. I unbuttoned his shirt and pulled it off his shoulders. I looked into his eyes, leaned forward, and kissed his neck as my fingers fumbled with his belt. He chuckled and helped me pull it from the loops in his pants. I pushed his hands away, unzipping his pants and letting them fall to the floor. I looked up at his eyes and ran my hands down his hard body, into his boxer briefs. He gasped as I grabbed onto his already hard shaft and ran my palms over it. For several moments, I stroked his cock, watching him sigh deeply and close his eyes. His muscles tensed in his shoulders and arms, and I slowly pressed my lips against his warm skin.

I trailed down his belly as I kneeled in front of him, looking up as he watched me pull his boxers down to his ankles. His cock spilled out of his shorts, bouncing around in front of me until I grabbed hold of his erection and ran my lips over the tip of his cock. Slowly, I opened my mouth and slid it down over his bulging dick, feeling it move through my mouth and down into my throat. I grasped the base of his shaft and stroked as I pulled my head back and dove back down again. A loud groan escaped his throat, and I smiled, knowing I was doing a hell of a job.

Over and over again, my lips moved over him, sucking hard as I pulled back. My hand reached up and massaged his balls, and I could feel his fingers moving through my hair. He grabbed hold of my head and began to move my mouth up and down his cock, the intensity swelling with each stroke. He pushed me down hard, and I deep-throated him. My eyes watered as I sucked from the back of my throat. There was barely any room to spare as his raging hard-on swelled in my mouth. I came back up for air and gazed up at him, tears welling in the corners of my eyes. His cock was so perfect, and I wanted to keep going until he couldn’t take it any longer.

Chapter 15


It was the first time I had felt her lips completely wrapped around my cock, and I couldn’t help but stand there, completely paralyzed by it. As she pushed her head down, taking all of me into her mouth, I could feel the sucking sensation in the back of her throat, and it was absolutely amazing. Everything in the man part of my brain told me to let her keep going and then blow a load all over her, but I wanted to feel her pussy wrapped tightly around my cock.

I had my fingers intertwined in her hair, and I had to pull my hands away, feeling the orgasm welling up in my stomach. Just watching her on her knees, enjoying having me in her mouth, was enough to send me over the edge. Couple that with the way her soft lips felt wrapped around my shaft, and I was having a hard time not just letting it all go right there. In fact, I was concentrating so hard on not coming, I was starting to forget how amazing it felt.

I reached back down and pulled her head off my dick, pulling up on her face as the pressure building in my stomach began to lessen. I pushed her onto her bed and watched as she ripped her clothes off her body. Her round, perky tits bounced up and down as she scooted up on the bed. She leaned against the headboard and smirked at me as I walked forward and climbed onto the mattress. I was in no mood to play games at that point, having held back my explosion. I grabbed her ankles and pulled her onto her back, listening to her giggle as her head hit the pillow. I laid down on the bed and motioned to her, watching her climb over on top of me and straddle my waist.

She reached down between her legs and grabbed onto my cock, sending electric pulses through my body. It was bulging, red, and swollen, and I could feel the nerves on edge beneath her fingertips. She smiled mischievously as she positioned herself over my shaft, licking her hand and rubbing it between her legs before slowly lowering herself onto me. Immediately, she began to bob up and down on my dick, and I couldn’t help myself. I reached forward and grabbed her waist, giving her extra oomph as she bounced up and down. I could feel the wetness between her legs begin to increase, soothing my aching cock. I gripped her hips tightly and held her still, thrusting my cock upward into her. She screamed out and leaned her head back. Her body rubbed against mine as she rode me hard.

Her hips began to swish in circles every time my cock lowered out of her, and her clit rubbed against my skin. It was hard as a bullet, and I couldn’t help but hope that she was about to come all over me. As my body pushed faster, her screams grew more intense. Suddenly, she reached down and tapped her clit, arching her back and throwing her head backward. I could feel the rush of juices flowing over my dick, and her body shook on top of me. She reached up and grabbed her tits, screaming out loudly.

“I love you,” she said breathlessly, throwing me off slightly.

I didn’t slow down, though, and as her pussy pulsated around my shaft, I let my inhibitions go. She came hard, and when she was done, I pushed her backward onto the bed, climbing on top of her and ramming into her. She screamed out in ecstasy as I sat up and pounded into her. After three or four thrusts, I pulled out and fisted my cock hard in front of her. She smiled and leaned up on her elbows, throwing her head back and waiting for my cock to explode. Finally, after several strokes, I groaned loudly, feeling the release that I had been looking for since her lips were around my shaft. The hot stream of come flew from my dick and splatter

ed across Josie’s chest. She moaned as I came just as hard as she did, spraying her with my seed.

Finally, when the last bit of come had dripped from my cock, I sighed, falling onto the bed and turning toward her. Her cheeks were flushed red, and I could tell she was embarrassed by what she’d said. Sure, it had thrown me off, but then it was followed up with the best damn orgasm I’d ever had.

“I’m sorry,” she said, looking down at the bed. “I know it is too soon to be saying I love you.”