Page 101 of Inseparable

I wasn’t sure what to do with myself now that I had nowhere to rush to. No motions to write or briefs to get filed or witnesses to prep or depositions to take. I could sit in front of the television all day. Order pizza to be delivered.

“Spike, I think it would be a nice day to light the fireplace, don’t you?”

He looked at me licking his chops.

Even though Sandy was my best friend I’d never tell her that I really was lonely. I joked about the guys she tried to fix me up with but a part of me way deep down inside was always optimistic. Stranger things had happened than a blind date actually working out, right?”

But even after all these years I still thought of Lucas. I remembered the way his hair curled over his forehead. I remembered the way his hands felt. I remembered that first wild kiss after graduation at his house. That seemed like a century ago. It was fun to reminisce every once in a while. Like now I would imagine what I’d tell him if I happened to bump into him someplace.

"I'm sure he's married now with some supermodel as his wife who had in-vitro-fertilization in order to have perfect babies who'd be raised by a slew of nannies," I told Spike. "She'd probably have to sign a prenup."

I walked into my living room. It was small and rustic with a wood burning fireplace and etched glass in each window on either side of the brick chimney.

My high school yearbook was in the corner of the bookshelf. I grabbed it took a seat on my country patterned couch. Flipping through quickly I found Lucas Prine. His quote was YOLO.

"That is so nerdy," I smirked. Then I flipped over to my page and nearly screamed.

“Ugh. Did you have enough hair poofed out?” I was embarrassed. “No wonder you did get any dates in high school. These aren’t the droids you're looking for. What a genius.” I spat sarcastically, reeling from the stupidity that came with being a teenager.

I did a lot of dumb things. Right now, taking this humiliating stroll down memory lane was one of them. Still, I flipped back to Lucas’s picture and smiled.

“Yeah, if I happened to bump into him someplace I’d pretend I didn’t remember who he was. Then I’d let him do all the talking. You look great, Tilly. I'm in town on business. I'm staying at the Four Seasons. Of course, he would be." I looked at Spike who had stretched out on the floor with a full belly. "Then I'd say Great. Gotta go. And just walk away. I wouldn’t look back or say anything mean because that would be exactly what he wanted. Nope. Just Gotta go. Keeping it classy, girl.”

That was what I thought of as I got dressed in a pair of comfy baggy blue jeans and a flannel shirt. I needed to collect some firewood. It was going to be a fabulously cold night tonight.

Chapter 23 – Lucas

When I woke up it took several minutes to figure out where I was. I knew it wasn't my apartment. There were hot pink, sheer curtains hanging over the windows doing nothing to keep the morning sun from blasting me right in the eyes. There were melted candles on the nightstand next to me that gave off a headache-inducing smell like gardenia or peony or some other sickeningly sweet flower.

"Good morning." I heard her voice and looked to my left. She was pretty, even with leftover mascara smudged underneath her eyes and bits of dried lipstick around the corners of her mouth. I had no idea what her name was.

"Good morning," I mumbled.

“Would you like some coffee?” She offered.

“Yeah.” I rubbed my eyes and scooted away from her. “That would be great.”

“I’ll be back in a minute.” She leaned over and forced her lips against mine awkwardly.

She was completely naked with a tramp-stamp tattoo across her lower back. It said something stupid I remember like Carpe Diem or Carpe Noctem with swirly scrolls around it. Her body was good though.

In a flash, everything came back to me. Everything but her name.

China Club was a trendy warehouse converted into a club. Of course, there was a line of people wrapped all the way around the corner. I pulled up in my new Ferrari that I had bought here in New Hampshire rather than paying the fee to have my old car transported all the way from Chicago.

I walked right in after slipping the doorman a hundred dollar bill. Once I was inside I let the thump-thump-thump f the club music flood all rational thoughts out of my head. I was in a hurry. I wanted what I came here to get and I saw her standing next to the bar with two other girls. She was wearing a black nylon blouse over a black bra that looked at least two sizes too small for her breasts. Her skirt was white leather and her legs were bare until they came to her stiletto ankle boots.

I went to the bar and ordered a shot of Jack Daniels. Then another. Then another. All the while I watched her. I stared at her face then let her see my eyes grope her breasts. She liked it, I could tell even though she rolled her eyes at me. But it didn't take long for her friends to find someone to dance with while she held their spot at the bar. She wasn't really holding their spot. She was waiting for me to come over. But I wouldn't. So she came to me. In the span of no more than twenty minutes we each did two shots of tequila.

It didn’t take long for her dump her friends and come with me out in the alley.

I liked how she kissed. I reminded me of when I was younger. Her lips were soft and she flicked her tongue delicately at my lips like she was too shy to totally French kiss. But she wasn’t too shy for me to slip my hand up her skirt.

I pressed her against the brick wall of the club. The music could still be heard outside but what I wanted to hear was her panting. She kept kissing me, letting little groans escape her lips every time I brushed her clit.

She wasn’t shy either. Her hand quickly slid down to my crotch and she massaged my hard cock through my pants. I couldn’t deny I was stiff and at attention but I wanted to make it last. I didn’t want to think about anything but fucking for a long time.

With her thighs slick and her body nearly ready to snap I spun her around and pulled her ass up against my crotch. With one hand I reach down between her legs and found her sweet clit again. With the other, I rubbed her breast that had bust loose from the bra but was still trapped behind the nylon shirt. Her nipple was hard and with every pinch and tweak, she gasped, pushing her ass into my crotch.