Page 89 of Inseparable

I looked at my watch. It was already almost midnight. I hadn’t realized so much time had gone by. I looked at Henry who was whispering in Rachael’s ear and she was letting her eyes roll back in her head as she pressed her back closer to listen to him.

“Yeah.” I mumbled. “Let’s go someplace a little quieter.”

As I predicted, Rachael nearly dropped her panties right there on the sidewalk when she saw my car.

“You’ll have to ride on Henry’s lap.” I said as the valet tossed me my keys and I slipped him another hundred.

“That’s okay. It’s not a far drive.” She giggled.

As Henry took a seat I watched from the driver’s side as Rachael eased her ass in first them fell in with a burst of laughter right onto Henry’s lap. He quickly pulled the door shut and within seconds I was following her directions to her place.

Henry was getting her ready. He had one hand around her waist while the other rubbed the inside of her thighs. Back and forth I saw him sweeping across her hot spot just below her skirt. Whether she knew it or not her legs were spreading a little bit at a time.

Breathily she pointed to a tall, gray apartment building. I swerved into a parking spot on the street and everyone piled out of the car. Rachael walked ahead of us, strutting and shaking her ass that she knew we were both watching. Henry especially. She was totally his type. Female.

Since Henry was the typical tall, dark and handsome it wasn’t a surprise that a woman like Rachael, who was a walking traffic violation, wouldn’t find her way next to him. He wasn’t interested in any kind of relationship. His parents were both well off. Not like my father but he was anything but poor. The attention he got over his Rolex and Italian suits amused him. He liked it.

I could tell he liked how Rachael was melting into him.

“Oh my gosh.” She purred. “I almost forgot where we were going.” She tittered as she climbed off Henry’s lap, tugging at her skirt and smoothing her hands down her backside.

She slipped her arms through each of ours and walked into the lobby. Swiping a plastic key like you would at a hotel the glass door opened.

Sitting behind a wide desk was the doorman who looked at us suspiciously.

“Merry Christmas.” Rachael greeted him stupidly as she swaggered past toward the elevator bank. The man did little more than nod his head before going back to the newspaper or magazine he was reading.

We slipped into the elevator together and with a black manicured nail Rachael pushed the button marked seventeen. Then, while wobbling on her high heels she backed into Henry and pulled me in front of her.

“You don’t talk much.” She pouted. Her eyelids were droopy with false eyelashes.

“I don’t have anything to say.”

“She looks good, though, doesn’t she Lucas?”

I nodded my head as I peered down her sweater. I could tell she liked the attention and I had to wonder if this was the first time she’d actually brought two guys home. She didn’t seem the least bit nervous. I’d think a girl who was into getting two guys ganging up on her might be a little apprehensive the first time.

The elevator door pinged and we walked down the hallway.

Her front door looked like all the others.

I’m not sure what I expected when we walked in but what I saw was a cheaply decorated apartment that was not neatly kept. With all the effort Rachael put into making up her face I would have thought her apartment would reflect the same meticulous attention to detail.

“Have a seat.” She motioned toward the front room. “Would either of you like a drink?” She strolled across the carpeted floor toward what I assume was the kitchen.

“I’ll take whatever you’ve got.” Henry smiled and elbowed me in the ribs before he walked over and made himself comfortable on the couch. I took a seat in the single chair across from him.

“Lucas?” She called from the other room.

“I’m good.” I waved off her invitation. The room spun just s a little and I wondered how I had driven so quickly following her directions without sideswiping another car or getting pulled over by the cops. Then I remembered it was Christmas Night and most people were home with their families and friends.

The thought of being home at my father’s house reminded me why I was out to begin with. By now everyone would be having a real swinging time. Jenna was probably going through my father’s wines and champagne like water. Her relatives and friends had probably devoured every bit of food like locusts.

It made me sick to think of.

Just then Rachael came back with two glasses filled with ice and some brown liquid. She handed one to Henry and kept the other for herself.

“Cheers.” She gushed.