Page 88 of Inseparable

I nodded my head. That was the smartest thing Henry ever said.

It was true that Foxes was the only bar open for quite a distance. We saw some as we came up Grand Avenue to cut over to Addison but they were in neighborhoods that I wouldn’t leave my car unattended in.

Thankfully, Foxes was high brow enough to have valet parking. I slipped the kid a one hundred dollar bill to leave my car where it was in front and keep an eye on it. He agreed to do so. Of course he did.

You had to walk the bar when you first walked into Foxes in order to get to the intimate dining room in the back. As soon as Henry walked in there were guys and girls behind the car shouting his name. Everyone stopped to look at us the owner, Henry’s uncle Fred planted two separate bar stools right in the center of the bar for us to sit. Before I could say Merry Christmas the shots were lined up, the women were checking us out and the music was thumping.

It was what I’d imagine an old fashioned Christmas party would look like. Guys were grabbing girls asses and they were just giggling as they swiped their hands away. People were laughing loudly and ordering another round before the one in front of them was even half empty.

“This is fun, right?” Henry leaned over to me.

I smiled and nodded my head. A pleasant buzz had settled over me. I was talking with people and flirting with the women who walked by and each one of them smiling back at me, glancing over their shoulders when their dates weren’t looking. I barely gave Tilly a second thought. Not when I knew I could have any one of these ladies in a heartbeat.

“Hey, this girl next to me, she’s been talking to me.”

“Oh yeah?” I smirked. “What she saying?”

“She’s saying she likes me.”

“You’re hard not to like, Henry.” I clapped him on the shoulder.

“She says she likes you, too.”

I looked at my best friend for over four years and arched my eyebrows. Then I peeked behind him to the woman who was sitting there.

She was liquid sex poured into a skintight skirt and a tight, fuzzy sweater that hugged her tits. Her red hair was back in a ponytail that was full and bouncy when she turned her face to look at me.

She smiled and gave me a wink.

Of course, I smiled back. Looking down she wore those slutty thigh-high boots with the high heels. The kind that stupid actress wore when she played a hooker fell in love with a millionaire. What a joke that movie was.

“What do you say, Lucas? Want to kiss her underneath the mistletoe?”

“I’m game if you are.” I was agreeing to splitting this woman with Henry before I realized what I was doing. At first, the idea was titillating. The more shots I drank the hornier I got. Henry had stood up and let her sit between us.

That was how I found out her name was Rachael. She said she was a public relations assistant with the Chicago Tourism B

ureau. She also said she always had a fantasy about being with two men.

“So, what makes you think you can handle us?” I asked her with a slight slur in my words.

“I can handle anything.” She bragged, tossing her head back.

She was sexy. There was no denying that. And when she took my hand and placed it on her thigh it was painfully obvious she wasn’t shy.

“You can’t be timid if you want something in life.” She boasted. “When I see something I want I go get it. Or, I make it come to me.” She sipped her cosmopolitan.

“So, Lucas.” Henry draped his arm lazily over Rachael’s shoulder and I saw his fingers brush her left nipple casually. She didn’t seem to mind. “What do you think of our new friend Rachael?”

I looked at her face. Her eyes were glazed from the cosmos but she wasn’t totally drunk. She was just high. She leaned against Henry, scooting her ass back so it would touch his leg. An intentional move to drive him crazy.

“She’s very nice.”

“Now, Rachael.” Henry continued. “Is it true you live just a couple blocks from here?”

“Yes. I just live over on Waterfront along the river.” She bubbled.

“What do you say, Lucas? Should we continue the party at Rachael’s place?”