Page 86 of Inseparable

“Are you kidding?” He took a deep breath.

“Hey, how about this. Since you think that Jenna party will really blow why don’t you wait until about five and come on over here. We’re just going to hang around the house and watch a couple movies, make popcorn and drink some wine. It will be fun.”

“At your house?”


“The place I dropped you off just yesterday?”

“Yeah, Lucas, that is my house.” I was starting to hear a tone in his voice that was quickly rubbing me the wrong way.

“I don’t know about that.”

“Why not? You are obviously desperate to get away from your family.”

“Jenna isn’t my family. You don’t know anything about it.”

“Oh, here we go again, Lucas.” I snapped. “I don’t understand you. I was happy when we did what we did after graduation. It was exciting and fun.” My voice was hushed so my parents wouldn’t hear. “And I really enjoyed yesterday. But I’m not going to drop everything because the poor little rich boy feels like having a tantrum. You have everything, Lucas. Yet you want me to believe it’s so hard for you. I can’t take it. That isn’t what I was put on earth for.”

I waited for a reply but there was nothing.

“You are welcome to come over if you change your mind. But don’t think for one second that I don’t know you think you are better than me because you have more money. Just remember this, I’m not the one looking to get away from my family.”

“I knew you’d bring up money sooner or later.” He hissed.

I laughed out loud.

“Yeah, you did! You’ve got so much of it and it must be driving you absolutely crazy that I don’t want a dime. Thanks for the lift home yesterday and the screw. But don’t think when you see me again that history will repeat itself. You are a spoiled brat, Lucas. I bet that Jenna is a lot nicer than you make her out to be. Mother Teresa would have become a stark raving lunatic if she had to deal with the likes of you.”

I clicked off my phone and sat there for just a second.

That was it. No chance of dating a millionaire now. I was ashamed of thinking that but it was true. I really liked Lucas. Not because of his money but despite it. But I did enjoy that fancy dinner at the airport and the champagne. It would be a long time before I’d be able to afford that for myself. But I would. Someday I would.

“Tilly, cinnamon rolls are ready for the frosting.” My mom called.

“Okay, mom.” I came out of my room after shutting my phone off for good. I didn’t want to talk to anyone. Sandy had several methods to get a hold of me so I didn’t have to worry about her. But there was no one else I wanted to talk to.

“So, who is Lucas?” My dad asked with his voice three levels deeper than usual.

“Lucas Brine. That asshole from high school.”

"Michael Brine's son?" He prodded.

“That’s the one.” I squeezed the frosting all over the cinnamon buns and watched it melt over the sides.

“What did he want?”

“Just to remind me he’s still an asshole and college hasn’t changed him any.”

“You’ll be surprised how many people that will apply to in your life, honey. Your father was an asshole when we were in high school.” My mom teased.

"And you married him anyway." I stated.

Chapter 18 – Lucas

By the time five o’clock rolled around I was losing my mind. Jenna and my father were happily entertaining wave after wave

of Jenna’s family and friends. I saw a couple of familiar faces when I ventured downstairs for some food.