Page 85 of Inseparable

“I have my spies everywhere.” I joked.

“I’m going to eat dinner with this. It does have the spork on it, right?”

“I wouldn’t have bought it if it didn’t.” I wrinkled my nose.

My mom opened her present and acted like some lavender bubble bath and lotion and soap with a trashy romance novel I bought at the thrift store were gold plated.

"The bathroom is off limits tonight. I'm soaking in the tub with my soaps and my novel. Do not disturb. Thank you, honey. I love it."

“Now, did you get the bag of coal I ordered?” My dad asked my mom.

“You should have gotten coal.” I snapped back. “I’m good. You saw my grades.”

“We did, honey.” My mom interrupted. “Dean’s list and everything. We thought you better start getting ready for the really serious work to start.”

She handed me a big box. It was wrapped in beautiful green paper with a red velvet bow around it. When I tore it apart and opened the box I started to cry.

“This is so expensive.” I blubbered. Staring back at me was a vintage briefcase with my initials etched into the leather.

“It wasn’t that much.” My dad soothed. “Your mom thought it would match your style. Every lawyer needs a briefcase but you don’t have to blend in with all the other sharks.”

I threw my arms around my father's neck and hugged him tightly. Then I went to my mom. She was always the tougher one of my parents but even her eyes were glistening wet.

“Thank you, mama.”

“You’re welcome, honey.” She kissed me on the cheek and pushed herself up from the floor where she had been sitting next to me. “Okay, who is ready for cinnamon rolls and coffee?”

“That sounds good.” My dad offered.

“Need any help?”

“Nope. You just pull them out of a tub and slap them in a pan.” She smiled as she pinched the end of my nose like I was five years old.

I sat in the living room with my dad and watched him examine his new knife. It was just a little after nine when I heard my phone go off.

“Mom, could you answer that?”

I heard her say hello and just a minute. My first thought was that it was Sandy calling to tell me something Brian had bought her. As if getting an engagement ring wasn’t enough. But nothing prepared me for what my mom said.

“Tilly? It’s some boy named Lucas.”

I nearly choked. Why was he calling now? Probably just to wish me a Merry Christmas, right. Before I got up I looked at my dad who was peeking at me from underneath his heavy eyebrows.

“Lucas?” He mumbled.

“Dad, please.” I rolled my eyes.

I took the phone from my mom and shuffled quickly to my room and closed the door.

"Merry Christmas," I said calmly even though my insides were jumping like fleas all over a dog.

"Merry Christmas." He stated the cheery phrase like he was reading it from a script.

“Are you all right? You sound like something is wrong.”

“Well, I would like it if you came over today. Jenna’s got people coming from all over the country to eat my dad’s food and drink his booze and I’ll be all alone.”

“Maybe you could try having a good time, Lucas. It’s a party and your dad will be there. Can’t you just hang around with him?”