Page 64 of Inseparable

You’re not like that, Tilly. You just had a moment of weakness.

“That was fun.” Was all I could come up with. Brilliant, I know.

“Yeah.” He answered. There was nothing more.

“I didn’t hurt you or anything?” I smoothed out my t-shirt afraid to meet Lucas’s eyes.

“No.” He zipped up his pants and began to button his shirt.

"Well, I guess I better get back upstairs," I mumbled. Embarrassed wasn't even the word to use. Humiliated? No. Mortified. That was a better word to describe how I was feeling.

“You don’t have to go yet, do you?”

You can imagine how shocked I was to hear those words.

"No. I don't think so." I looked down at my phone that had fallen on the floor. "Why?"

“I thought we could talk a little more.”

“Oh.” I was literally struck dumb. The son of a millionaire that had done nothing but be mean to me and my friend all through high school now wanted to sit and talk with me. Was I dreaming? Was this his usual M.O.? “What do you want to talk about?”

He adjusted his shirt and scooted further away from me. The afterglow was already leaving his cheeks and it would soon be business as usual. Better to beat him to the punch.

“Hey, look. That was a lot of fun.” I bubbled. “But I’m a big girl and with all the excitement of graduation and the party and a couple of stiff sips of whatever that is in your flask, well, it was a lot of fun.”

“I’d like to see you again.” Lucas interrupted.

“Really?” I wasn’t sure if this was a trick or what but I proceeded with caution. “To do what?”

His laugh was more annoyed than amused.

“Hell, I don’t know. Talk. Fuck. Whatever. I’m just saying that I think you are a fun person to be around and you’re getting all suspicious and negative.” He snapped.

"I'm sorry, Lucas. I didn't mean to come across that way." I put my hand on his and squeezed it. "I have to work tomorrow. Why don't you come to my house on Sunday? It's not nearly as fancy as this place. Hell, it's not nearly as fancy as this car." I chuckled alone. "But it's home and my mom will be making spaghetti. I don't care how much cash you've got. You've never tasted gravy like hers."


“Yeah. Gravy. Sauce for all you non-Italians out there.”

“Okay.” He agreed. I was about to jump out of my skin. This was a really interesting turn of events. “Give me your hand.”

I pulled a black magic marker from my pocket and quickly wrote my phone number on his hand. I'm not sure if he wondered what I had a black magic marker in my pocket for and I knew Sandy would never tell our initial intent for using the said marker.

“Give me a call. I’ll give you directions.”

I reached for the car door, opened it up and stepped out into the underground garage. My legs were a little wobbly and I knew my hair was just a mess so I smoothed it out as best I could. The walk of shame through all my previous classmates would come next. But what did I care? I’d never see any of them again.

It was actually quite liberating knowing that I just had sex with the class bad boy and we were going to go hang out together Sunday and no one was going to know about it. Well, I'm sure Lucas was going to tell someone but it didn't matter because I wasn't going to school here anymore. I wasn't even going to stay in the same state. In a little less than three months, I'd be living in New York.

“That sounds fine.” He murmured as he stepped up to me and buried his face in the hair hanging down my neck.

Of course I could have screamed but instead, I just shrugged my shoulders and turned to walk back toward the steps we had come down. Tugging at my skirt and the hem of my shirt

I looked at my phone.

"Uh, oh," I muttered. "Looks like someone wants to beat me up upstairs."

“Right.” Lucas joked.