Page 347 of Inseparable

The only thing which feels like a slight void in my happy new life is the fact that I still don’t have a man to hold me at night… and I keep thinking back to that evening at the mansion and the incredible passion I shared with those eleven bikers, especially some of the moments between me and the gorgeous hunk with the blonde hair and the swirling dragon tattoos all over his muscular torso…

Chapter 6: Brad

At least now I have her surname, even if I don’t have any specific idea of how this is supposed to be helping me find her. Having spent some time on Facebook and the Internet without any success, I decide that the next best thing would be to just start asking around some public places in the area, such as libraries and schools.

The first thing I do is to go to a couple of libraries and ask them if they have someone by the name of Jenny Williams on their books. This is more successful than my Internet efforts, in the sense that I don’t find scores upon scores of people by the name of Jenny Williams at the various libraries where I make inquiries. The downside of it, of course, is that I don’t find any trace of a person by the name of Jenny Williams whatsoever… It’s almost as if this is the exact opposite of my Internet search and I start wondering if people by the name of Jenny Williams perhaps simply aren’t interested in books.

“Okay Jenny Williams, let’s see if you did manage to get some kind of high school education, even if you are not the kind of girl who likes to sit around the library and read books,” I say to myself with a laconic smile as I walk out of the last library.

I start driving off to some local schools in the area, but quickly realize that this is going to take me a very long time. Not only do I have the traffic to navigate, it’s also quite a mission to get to see someone, at any of the schools I visit, who can actually help me. People simply aren’t that willing to hand out information about past pupils at any of the high schools and they also don’t seem to be interested in my cash bribes.

“How dare you try to bribe the information out of me… I think you’d better leave before I call the police!” an old lady at the admin office of one specific school shouts at me as I try to buy some information from her for a hundred dollars.

I keep driving around and after a while I start wondering if this is just going to be a wild goose chase with no happy ending. I stop at a local restaurant just to have a bite to eat for lunch and order myself a chicken mayonnaise sandwich with soda. Out of boredom, more than anything else, I start chatting with the waitress and happen to mention that I am looking for a girl by the name of Jenny Williams.

“Jenny? Curvy girl with long blonde hair?” the waitress asks and I immediately sit up straight in my chair.

“Why? Do you know her?!” I ask excitedly.

“Know her? She was practic

ally my best friend at school!” the girl says and proceeds to tell me all about the way she and Jenny used to sit and chat in class when they should have been paying attention to the lectures. I cannot believe my luck and start thinking that, just perhaps, the universe has decided to assist me in my quest to find this incredible woman.

“I know this is slightly unusual, seeing as you don’t know me at all, but would you be so kind as to give me Jenny’s number?” I ask, very carefully.

“Oh, I wouldn’t mind giving you her number at all, except I lost contact with her about two years ago,” the girl says and shrugs her shoulders before turning around and walking away to serve another customer. I shake my head at my rotten luck and cannot believe that the waitress has lost contact with Jenny. But I’m not about to let this little lucky break fall by the wayside and when the waitress returns, I continued to question her.

“What exactly was the name of this high school that you and Jenny used to attend?” I ask and the waitress thinks about it for a moment before she replies.

“I guess I can tell you, as long as you promise not to go and stalk her or something… The name of the high school was Willow Bridge High.”

I pay for my food, leave a handsome tip for the waitress and then jump on the back of my Harley to race off to Willow Bridge High as fast as I can. I stop in front of the school and, having had some valuable experience in how to approach, and not approach, the admin staff at these places, I very gingerly knock on the office door with a plaque which says ‘admin’ once I get to the main building.

An elderly gentleman opens the door and inquires whether he can be of any assistance.

“Hi sir, I’m urgently looking for one of your past pupils in order to deliver an important message to her regarding the estate of her late grandmother,” I say in my best lawyer’s dialect. The man looks slightly hesitant and I quickly proceed to describe Jenny Williams to him in detail as a beautiful girl with long blonde hair and green eyes. He looks at me quite quizzically and tilts his head slightly to one side before saying, “You mentioned that you need to deliver an urgent message to this girl regarding the estate of her late grandmother, but how do you know what she looks like? Have you met her before?”

I stand there, absolutely stumped. I felt so proud of the bullshit story I came up with concerning the late estate of Jenny’s alleged grandmother that I totally forgot to think of a back story to explain how I know what she looks like. I cannot very well tell this kind gentleman that I got a good look at Jenny Williams when I and ten of my biker friends had a sex orgy with her a couple of days ago… I somehow get the feeling that it won’t go down too well!

“Uhm…ahh, yes… the thing is,” I stutter, but I can tell that it’s already too late. I should’ve had a short, sharp answer to the gentleman’s question and the fact that I cannot give him an explanation is already sunk my boat.

“If you don’t mind, I have a lot of work to get on with and I wish you a wonderful day,” the gentleman says and slams the door shut in my face. I turn around like a high school boy who’s just been told he didn’t make it into the first football team and walk over to my bike with droopy shoulders.

I drive home without any energy and go and lie down on the couch after asking my butler to put the bike in the garage. I get the terrible, sinking feeling that I’ve run out of options and I have absolutely no idea what else I can do to try and find Jenny. I was so excited when I found out what her last name was and now it seems that this specific piece of information ended up helping me nothing whatsoever.

I walk over to the fridge and get myself a cold beer. I drink about half of it and then walk back to the lounge, not sure what to do next. I sit down in front of my laptop and, not knowing what else to do, type in ‘Jenny Williams’ in the Google search box again. I know that I’ve done this at least ten times before, but you never know…

To my utter surprise and amazement, there is a brand-new entry on the third page of my Google search. The heading of the search item is Jenny’s Travels and, just underneath the heading, it’s mentioned that the owner of this specific business is a girl by the name of Jenny Williams. I click on the link and it takes me to a website which, according to the Google search reference, has just gone live within the past six hours.

“No wonder I never saw it when I searched the Internet yesterday,” I mutter to myself and start reading the webpage. It seems to be some kind of travel magazine with lots of interesting articles about restaurants and tourist attractions in LA. It’s really well put together and I’m quite impressed… I would never have figured a sexy girl like Jenny Williams to be a journalist or something along those lines. I suddenly feel an incredible excitement welling up inside me and I jump to my feet and quickly down the rest of my beer

“I’ve found her… I’ve located the sexiest woman on the face of this fucking earth!” I exclaim and march off to the fridge to go and get myself another beer to celebrate. I go back to the webpage and it doesn’t have any phone number for Jenny Williams, but it does have an address and I quickly glance at my watch. It’s already 6 o’clock, so there wouldn’t be any point in going over there right now, but I’ve already decided that I’ll be visiting Jenny’s Travels first thing tomorrow morning, in person!

Chapter 7: Jenny

The magazine is doing very well and we soon have our first five hundred paid subscribers. That, coupled with our advertisers, has us breaking even within the first month of operation. I know it’s not about the money, but the fact that the magazine is already paying its own expenses means a lot to me and Stacy. It proves that we are really capable of making this work and I know that it won’t be long before we start seeing actual profits.

With the confidence of a very successful first month of operation behind us, I hire some more writers and photographers to help us do even better articles the next month. Stacy and I go to a lot of restaurants and take turns writing reviews about the food. Fortunately, the quality of cuisine around Los Angeles is so high that we never find ourselves writing anything other than really glowing and positive reports. We soon become well known around the city and when we get to any new restaurant we are treated like royalty. I feel incredibly fulfilled in my professional life, but still haven’t found any man that I consider starting a steady relationship with… Or even just a meaningless fling.