Page 341 of Inseparable

“Man, I was just gonna say the same thing!” Gary says.

“Yeah mate, she looks like a blonde tiger or something,” Ronald says and even though I don’t exactly understand his comparison I still think that she does look a little bit like a tiger… like she’d be able to tear you to shreds with her sexuality. The rest of our group of eleven horny bikers quickly agree that this is the goal we should be bidding on.

All of the girls file off the stage and a minute later the sultry, dark-haired beauty returns… totally naked!

“Motherfucker!” Ronald exclaims and I feel that his remark is totally appropriate. The girl is even more beautiful naked than she was with her clothes on and, even though we’ve already agreed that we are all going to bid on the blonde tigress, I have to concentrate real hard not to shove my little paddle into the air when the bidding begins.

Chapter 3: Jenny

When the taxi cab drops us off in front of the mansion Stacy and I are immediately treated like royalty. A very suave looking gentleman walks up and leads us inside, past the two large bouncers at the door.

“Just make yourself comfortable and I will quickly help you to do the paperwork… which one of you will be taking part in the auction?” the gentleman asks and looks at both Stacy and I with a quizzical expression. Stacy is a beautiful brunette with an hourglass figure and I guess the gentleman imagines that either one of us would reach a handy price at the auction.

“I’m the one who is here to auction off my virginity,” I say with a smile and the gentleman smiles right back at me.

“Okay, you sound like you’re in good spirits and that’s a good thing. Can you just please give me your ID so I can make a copy of it and enter your details on the auction papers?” He says and I quickly oblige. He takes my ID and comes back with it a minute later with some papers for me to sign. I sign in all the places with a black pen and then we’re all set. The gentleman shows us over to the stage and indicates that we may sit down on a row of chairs, next to some other gorgeous looking girls. I can’t believe just how beautiful all of these girls are and I suddenly hope that I can measure up to their appearanc


“They are all gorgeous… are you sure I’m in the right place?” I say jokingly to Stacy.

“Oh come on, this is no time to be modest. You totally are the most beautiful girl here and you’re going to be fine,” Stacy says with a smile.

Someone goes on stage and explains how the bidding will work, but I don’t really listen to what he’s saying. My heart is beating like a train on the track and I suddenly feel very nervous. What if no one bids on me? What if they bid a ridiculously low amount? What if I don’t have the guts to go through with it?

Before I get an opportunity to attempt to answer all of these questions that suddenly race through my mind, someone beckons to all of the girls taking part in the virgin auction and leads us up onto the stage, still dressed. I look out in front of me once I’m on the stage and am stunned at the number of hungry male faces I see. I was expecting only maybe fifty men, but the entire room is filled with a large male crowd. I’m not great at estimating numbers, but there must be more than two hundred people here!

I feel like I’m moving in a dream and it’s not altogether unpleasant. It’s almost as if I’m taking part in a beauty pageant and I love the way all of the men cheer and whistle as we stand there in front of them on the stage. Then we walk off again in single line and I watch the first girl getting undressed. She has perky breasts with an absolutely gorgeous body and she looks like some kind of dark, Brazilian beauty. When she walks onto the stage naked then the whole place erupts with loud cheers and it’s not long before the bidding starts.

“Fifty thousand… I’ve got fifty thousand… Now who’s going to give me eighty thousand for this beautiful girl? Come on guys, just look at her! Hundred thousand dollars? Thank you!… I’ve got a hundred thousand! Now who’s going to offer me hundred and fifty thousand?”

When the bid is finally awarded to some guy for three hundred thousand dollars I can’t believe my ears. Three hundred thousand dollars! For one night of sex! I suddenly feel as if this could be the evening when all of my dreams come true… as if this might actually be a good thing. I know that I’m going to go through with it, no matter what. There is no turning around now and if I can just get half of what the first girl got I will be extremely happy.

I’m sitting fourth in the row of girls and before I know it my turn has come. I quickly get undressed before I can change my mind and then walk up onto the stage in a dream state. I’m vaguely aware of the fact that everyone is cheering very loudly and I start moving around on the stage to show off my naked body. Then, very slowly but surely, I come out of my shell and start enjoying the way I’m able to control the entire room with my naked body.

“Now, let me introduce you to Jenny! This blonde bombshell will blow your mind and if you’re already I will start the bidding!” the auctioneer shouts through his microphone.

When the bidding starts it quickly goes up to a hundred thousand and I love the way the auctioneer doesn’t have to wait long before it’s raised to one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. The men are all in a rush to place their bets and very soon the amount is a hundred and eighty thousand dollars… One hundred and eighty thousand dollars! I suddenly realized that I’m going to be okay… That the men are actually going to bit a decent amount on me and that I’m not going to feel like I’ve been rejected.

“Two hundred and fifty thousand dollars! Who is going to give me two hundred and fifty thousand dollars for this beautiful, buxom blonde?” the auctioneer shouts and he doesn’t have to wait long, “Thank you! I’ve got two hundred and fifty thousand dollars… Now who is going to give me three hundred thousand?!”

“Four hundred thousand dollars!” a very smart looking, elderly gentlemen in the front row shouts and sticks his paddle high up in the air. But before I can really register the fact that someone has just bid four hundred thousand dollars on my virginity, I see him. He’s also standing in the front row and he looks like some kind of surfer… or perhaps he could be a pro athlete… or perhaps a football player. He’s got strawberry blonde hair and a naughty grin which makes him look boyish and extremely attractive. He’s wearing a tight T-shirt and I can see some swirling tattoos on the muscular parts of his upper body which is not covered by the T-shirt. I suddenly know that I want him and that I want him to bid on me. I want him to prove to me that he considers me to be the most beautiful girl in the world and I look straight at him before maneuvering my naked body in some really suggestive, circular movements.

“Five hundred thousand dollars! I’ve got five hundred thousand dollars!” the auctioneer shouts excitedly. I look at the strawberry blonde bunk and he looks straight at me… Just for a moment, I think that he’s not all that interested in me… But then he shoves his little paddle all the way up into the air.

“Seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars!” he calls out and for a moment the entire place goes absolutely silent. It’s as if no one can believe that he’s just raised the bit to three quarters of a million dollars. I wonder if I’ve heard him correctly… perhaps it was just my imagination and perhaps he hasn’t really placed a bid on me… but then the auctioneer shouts out, “Seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars! I’ve got seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars! Going once, going twice… Sold to the gentleman in the front row for seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars!”

The entire place erupts with applause and I am led off the stage. Stacy runs over and gives me a big hug.

“You’ve just sold your virginity for seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars! Just think what you can do with all the money!” Stacy says and we dance around excited.

“Will you wait around for me until I’ve given the man his due reward for his winning bid?” I ask and Stacy nods her head excitedly.

“Yes! Don’t worry, I’ll wait around for as long as it takes and then we can go and celebrate!”

Someone taps me on my shoulder and when I turn around it’s the blonde hunk… and ten other mean -looking guys.

“Hi, my name is Brad and I believe I’ve just paid seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars for a night of pleasure with you… as did all of my friends over here,” he says with a smile and kisses the back of my hand just like a French gentleman would do at a fancy Royal dance.