Page 340 of Inseparable

I park my bike outside in the garden and quickly peek into the large fishpond in my driveway. The expensive Koi fish inside it still looks okay and I feel satisfied that my Butler is taking proper care of them. At thirty thousand dollars per Koi fish you can never be too careful.

“Good day Mister Johnson, will you be having dinner with one of your lady friends out in the garden again this evening?” old Rawlins, my trusty Butler, asks as I walk up the steps towards my $8.6 million mansion in Los Angeles.

I think about it for a moment and then realized that I don’t have time for that kind of entertainment today. Me and ten other members of my motorcycle club, the LA Dragons, will be heading towards a mansion somewhere in an undisclosed location outside LA later tonight for some kind of ‘virgin auction’ and, even though I’m not entirely sure what time it will be starting, I want to save up my energy. I could, at a moment’s notice, phone up any number of beautiful actresses or models to come and join me at my place and spend the rest of the evening having sex with them in the master bedroom, but I’m so bored with all of these empty bimbos throwing themselves at my feet that I seriously don’t feel like I have the time, or inclination, to do that kind of thing this evening.

“Hi Rawlins, I don’t think I’ll be having dinner with anyone here tonight and I just want you to give my Harley Davidson a bit of a shine as I will be leaving on it in a couple of hours,” I say and Rawlins nods his head to indicate that he will take care of it.

Before I go inside, I turned around and cast a furtive glance across the premises upon which my mansion is situated. There is a long driveway with tall trees on either side and the garden looks like something out of a fairytale. I spared no expense in making sure that this place is worthy of a man like me; the sole heir to my dad’s multibillion-dollar international chain of luxury hotels. When my dad passed away four years ago, I inherited everything and quickly appointed suitable managers to take care of the business. Even though I’m a very talented entrepreneur myself who has my own well-established motorcycle trading business, I don’t have much of a taste for the international hotel trade and prefer to leave it in the hands of well-trained directors.

I look at my silver Harley Davidson and feel that familiar sensation of excitement welling up inside me. I bought the bike on impulse, right after I inherited all the money, and have never looked back. I started doing some short road trips on it and one day met a nice enough fellow at a roadside bar. His bike looked pretty beat down, but he suggested, rather jokingly, that he and I should start our own motorcycle club. I immediately came up with the name ‘LA Dragons’ and we toasted to the establishment of our own motorcycle club with its proud membership of two. The reason I chose that specific name is that I have swirling tattoos of flames and dragons all over my upper torso and I felt like the name of our motorcycle club should be something I could personally relate to.

Gary McLaughlin, the guy met at the right sidebar, asked me about my Harley Davidson and I told him that I’d just bought the bike on an impulse. He remarked how fortunate I was to be in possession of such a bike and I told him that I would help him get his own Harley. He thought I was joking, but when we met again, a couple of days later, I helped him place an ad for his old bike in the paper and it was sold, at a handy profit, within a couple of hours. Then I loaned him some cash and helped him buy a better bike. It wasn’t a Harley Davidson yet, but we fixed it up and he drove that bike for a while and then we flipped it again, just like we’d done with his first bite. This time he made such significant profit that I only had to loan him another five thousand dollars in order for him to buy his very own Harley Davidson. When he later sold his first Harley, at another handsome profit, Gary repaid me the five thousand dollars loan and bought a top of the range, brand-new Harley Davidson just like mine; paid in full!

We soon went on another road trip and the two of us, both on brand-new Harley Davidson bikes, soon drew massive attention when we stopped at another roadside bar.

“Where do two whippersnappers like you guys get the money to buy brand-new Harley Davidsons?” an aggressive-looking, massive biker with forearms like tree stumps asked as we sat down and ordered a beer. He introduced himself as Ronald Johnson and Gary and I shook his hand and invited him to join us for a drink.

“Brad over here has quite the mind for business and he’s the one who helped me get rid of my old piece of junk and buy the Harley,” Gary said.

Some other bikers heard our discussion and stood closer to listen. Gary told all of the bikers at the bar how I’d helped him get his own Harley and they soon asked if they could also join the LA Dragons motorcycle club. The new bikers were accepted into the club and I soon helped them through the same process to acquire their own bikes of choice. They weren’t all Harley fans, but by getting them to buy some motorcycles, fix them up and sell the bikes again at a profit, they all soon had the rides of their choice and me to thank for it.

Under the circumstances, based on the fact that I’d helped everyone acquire the finances to buy their dream bikes, it was only fair and natural that I was chosen as the leader of the LA Dragons and we soon had a membership of more than twenty. Not only did we quickly gain a reputation as hard riders; we were also revered for our financial prowess and business savvy. Even Ronald Johnson, a guy w

ho never finished seventh grade at school, became a well-respected man around Los Angeles and everyone felt very grateful for the fact that I’d appeared to help them move up the biking ladder so rapidly.

Even though I really enjoy hanging out with my biker friends, there is still a part of my life which I keep just to myself. The only one of my biker friends who has ever been to my mansion is Gary McLaughlin, the first one who joined. He’s my only confidant and he has promised to keep the true reasons behind my wealth a strict secret. Apart from Gary, I often invite women over to my place, but I’ve given up on the idea of finding the ‘perfect woman’ and settling down with her. When you’ve slept with a couple of hundred chicks they all start looking the same and I’ve reached the point where I find it hard to stick around with one girl for longer than one or two days, at most.

Gary is the one who told me about the Virgin auction and the moment I heard about it I felt excited, for some unknown reason. Apparently there’s this secret auction where girls parade naked on stage and everyone can bid on them. This, by itself, would already have intrigued me enough, but to make it even better all of these girls are apparently virgins! Even though I’ve been with loads of women in my time, I’ve only been with two virgins and I know, from experience, that they are the best… there’s just something about that innocence and first-time excitement which makes it an unforgettable experience.

Gary and I, plus nine more of our biker friends from the LA Dragons motorcycle club, will be going to the virgin auction this evening and we have decided to bit, collectively, on the prettiest girl there and have a gang bang with her afterwards.

I take a quick shower, eat a chicken mayonnaise sandwich and wash it down with a cold beer before walking back outside to see if old Rawlins has finished shining my bike. He stands next to my Harley with a broad grin; inviting me to inspect his handiwork. I’m amazed at how someone dressed so neatly in a butler’s outfit can manage to shine a bike so beautifully in such a short space of time, without getting one ounce of dirt or grease on his clothes.

“You really are a magician Rawlins,” I say and hand him a hundred dollar bill. Even though I pay him a handsome salary, I always give Rawlins a tip when he does something nice for me and he bows his head gratefully as he accepts the tip.

“It’s a pleasure sir, I do hope you enjoy your evening and I will see you when you get back.”

“Thank you Rawlins… but don’t wait up for me, I get the feeling this is going to be a long night,” I say with a broad grin and Rawlins nods his head with just a hint of a smile around his mouth corners. He knows me well enough by now to understand that my cryptic words are an indication of the fact that I’m planning to have sex all night long and that I will probably only be back in the early morning hours.

I get on my bike, kick-start it to life and drive away with screeching tires. It feels good to be alive and I can’t wait to see the naked girls at the auction!

When I get to the mansion I’m not surprised to see that the security is pretty tight. The entrance fee is a thousand dollars per person and I guess it’s just to make sure that no lowlifes and scammers gain entry to the place. When I pull up in front of the mansion I see some other expensive bikes standing in a group and I know that my biker friends have already arrived. I walk up the stairs and two massive looking bouncers frisk me for weapons before I’m allowed inside. I’m introduced to a very professional looking accountant who requests that I go onto the Internet and show him my actual bank balance. Only when he is satisfied that there is more than a million dollars available in my account am I given a white paddle with a number on it, which the accountant explains is what I should use to do my bidding with.

“When you want to place a bid just shove your paddle in the air and shout out the amount you want to bid,” the accountant says and I nod my head to indicate that I understand.

Finally, I get to walk over to Gary, Ronald and my other biker friends who are waiting. They’ve found a nice spot, right in front of the stage, and I feel the excitement pumping through my veins as we wait for the auction to begin.

An announcer walks on stage and I can tell that this is going to be all business. He doesn’t make a long speech and simply explains how the auction is going to work. First of all, the girls will all appear on stage as a group whilst they are all still dressed. Then they will leave the stage and each girl will come back, but this time fully naked. That’s when the bidding will begin.

“Now make sure to take a good look at all the girls when they come onto the stage as a group,” I say, “we have to decide beforehand which girl we want to bid on and then work as a team when the bidding on her starts.”

“Cool mate, I got it!” Gary says and Ronald nods his head excitedly.

The next minute seven gorgeous girls walk onto the stage and I’m absolutely stunned at their appearance. I’m not entirely certain what I expected, but I certainly wasn’t ready for this. All of these girls look as if they could be beauty queens in their own right and there’s a perfect example on stage of every kind of girl you can imagine. One of the girls is a sultry, dark-haired beauty with deep blue eyes; another one is a redhead with incredibly picked it’s like watermelons; yet another one a studious looking, busty secretary type and as I go from one girl to the next I realize that these girls are all perfect 10’s… no question about it.

But there’s one in particular which, even amongst all of the other beauties, stands out for me. She has wavy blonde hair and impossibly green eyes… That’s what I notice first. I know I’m here to bid on a girl’s body, but this girl is so beautiful that I forget, just for a moment, that I’m going to offer money for her virginity… Because my mind’s made up; this is the one I want to bid on.

“I don’t know about you guys but that blonde with the green eyes is definitely my favorite,” I say immediately.