Page 286 of Inseparable


The warm water washing over our bodies added to the exotic pleasure I was feeling, laying in the sand while Nathan hovered over me, thrusting his hard cock deep inside of me. The breeze howled through the cliffs, and I looked over at the beach, feeling a sense of titillation like I did the last time we made love in the sand. Anyone could walk out here at any minute and find us making love under the full moon.

The sounds of Nathan’s groans brought me back to his eyes, and I breathed deeply, stretching my arms over my head. He took both of his hands and ran them up my wet naked body, stopping to play with my nipples. Bursts of electricity shot through me as he pinched and twisted my hard tits. I moaned loudly, arching my back and opening my legs wider, inviting his cock deeper inside of me. The look in his eyes was lustful and committed, and I could tell his slow movements were purposeful. As much as I wanted him to let loose, slamming into me like the waves against the rocks, I couldn’t help but hope this feeling wouldn’t be over so soon. The unwavering pleasure I could feel radiating through my entire body was unlike anything I had ever felt before.

I tossed and turned beneath him, fighting myself to push him harder. He grabbed my hands and held them down as the water washed around us. As if he, too, were fighting the urge, he pushed as deep as he could and held it, looking down at me with a smile pulling at the corner of his lips. I bit my lip and pushed my hips upward, asking for more. He instantly delivered, grabbing me under the body and pulling me upward. I wrapped my legs around his waist as our bodies moved in sync, pushing and pulling against each other. I leaned back in his arms and threw my head back, closing my eyes and feeling my body grinding against his. He leaned back on his heels and pulled me in, grabbing me by the lower back and thrusting short and strong. I put my hands on his shoulders and pushed him down into a crossed-legged position, putting my knees to each side and wrapping my arms around his neck. He grabbed my ass and started to push and pull, thrusting his cock into me. I moaned loudly as another orgasm began to rise, and I hoped to feel his cock bulging at the same time.

As my hips ground against him and thrust forward, I pulled back and pressed my forehead against his, looking deep into his eyes. The heat rose a thousand degrees in two seconds, and we found ourselves pushing deep and fast, longing for release. My mouth fell open, but nothing escaped as my clit rubbed against his stomach. As I reached my peak, I arched my back and screamed out into the waves.

He growled and gritted his teeth, grasping my ass cheeks and pushing as hard as he could as my juices erupted over his shaft. As the waves of pleasure echoed through my body, I could feel him slam into me, holding me close and grunting loudly as his cock spasmed inside of me. He came hard and long, his body twitching in the waves as he held me close to his body. I couldn’t move and didn’t want to, wishing we could fall asleep right here in the sand and surf.

Breathing heavily, he slowly pulled his body back, locking his eyes with mine and pressing his mouth against me. The kiss was deep and meaningful, and I could feel him telling me he loved me through his motions. We sat for several minutes, intertwined as the waves washed around us. After our bodies had recovered, I kissed him gently on the cheek and scooted back, standing and putting my arms out for him. He took them and stood up, wobbling a bit in the knees. We walked up the shore and got dressed, realizing we would now be wearing wet clothes and sand back to the villa. I didn’t mind at all since we just had the most amazing sex yet. It seemed like every time we made love, it just got better and better, and I couldn’t wait for the next time.

As we walked, he texted the pilot to let him know we would be there soon. I carried my shoes next to me, holding his hand and enjoying the night air. We climbed aboard the helicopter, and as we flew through the air, I looked down at the lights coming from the islands. Some were artificial while others came from bonfires lit in celebration of summer. I smiled, thinking about all the young couples enjoying their nights in Hawaii while sitting around a giant bonfire, sipping exotic drinks and watching the natives dance. This was definitely an amazing place, and I could already feel myself wishing for a longer trip, and we weren’t even close to being done. Nathan reached over and took my hand, smiling out his window as we made our way back to the resort. I loved the fact that we had the whole place to ourselves, and I didn’t have to worry about who I would wake as I tiptoed through the grounds.

When we arrived back, the staff had cleaned the room and put fresh linens on the bed. I called down to the front desk to let them know our breakfast selections and times for the next morning. Then I pulled my sandy, wet dress off my body. I rinsed off quickly in the shower and left the water running for Nathan to do the same thing. However, as I walked out of the bathroom to let him know, I found him completely passed out already in his pajama pants in the bed. I laughed to myself as I turned the water off and clicked the lights as I walked. I had really tuckered him out tonight on the beach, and in fact, I could feel the complete exhaustion start to wash over me as well. As soon as I laid down and pulled the covers over me, I was out, not dreaming or even moving until the light shone through the windows.

When I woke, I opened my eyes and stared at the clock. My stomach

rumbled under the sheets. I realized we had slept in a bit so I turned over to let Nathan know that breakfast would be waiting for us. As I looked to the other side of the bed, I realized he wasn’t there, and I laughed, listening to him talk to the staff about how amazing the food was there. I pulled on a pair of shorts and a tank top and walked out onto the deck, sleepy-eyed. The staff nodded their heads at me, and Nathan jumped up, pulling my chair out for me. I sat down at the table and squinted my eyes, taking in the air once again. It was an absolutely gorgeous morning, and it reminded me of the many mornings I woke up in San Diego. Although this was even better because of the amazing display of pancakes, omelettes, and fruit in front of me.

I reached over and poured myself a glass of fresh squeezed orange juice and began to fill my plate with all the goodies in front of us. As usual, the food was perfect, and I immediately realized I was eating way too much. If I wasn’t careful, we would have to make another size in the bikinis for me to fit into them. Nathan poured me a cup of black coffee and handed it over, taking a bite of his toast and propping his feet in the empty chair next to me. I leaned back from the table and smiled as the staff took my plate and wiped the place setting clean of syrup. Before they could leave, Nathan pulled out a wad of cash and tipped all of them.

“You’re so generous,” I said, leaning back in the chair.

“I want to make sure they are well taken care of,” he said, smiling. “They keep my life in order, even if it's only for a short time.”

“I’m going to start accepting tips,” I said, laughing.

“What’s mine is yours, Wifey,” he said, winking at me from across the table. “So, what’s on the agenda for today?”

“Well, after breakfast, we have to run inland and meet Maria and the photographer to go over the shots from yesterday,” I explained. “And then, I thought maybe we could go to one of those super touristy luaus they have on the island.”

“Okay,” he said, chuckling. “Whatever you want is yours.”

“Why thank you,” I said, pursing my lips.

We sat talking on the deck for only a few more minutes before going inside and grabbing our things to meet Maria. I pulled my wavy hair up in a messy bun and looked at my even tanner skin than normal. You could really see my Mexican descent in the contrast between my brown skin and dark features. I actually thought it suited me quite well.

The resort provided transportation to the small café in town, and I stepped out of the car with my arms wide, hugging Maria as she giggled, walking forward with a croissant hanging out of her mouth. I swear the girl was always eating but always in amazing shape. It would take me three weeks at the gym after this vacation to even get close to where I was before we left. But I didn’t want to harp on that because I was on my honeymoon, and that meant I could let loose and be free.

We all sat down around the computer as Philandro, the photographer, flipped through the photographs he had picked out as the best. I was shocked at how absolutely amazing they came out, and though I tended to be a bit self-conscious, I was completely comfortable with every single photo. As he rounded out to the end, both Maria and I were in awe of the photo of her and me standing arm in arm, smiling big as the waves splashed around us. It was the perfect picture for the wall in the shop, and when I said wall, I meant it was going to be seven feet high and five feet wide.

“So,” Philandro said, leaning back in his chair. “Are we doing any editing or touch-ups here? These photos are already edited for optimal colors and brightness, but I did not touch your bodies.”

“Good,” Maria said, shaking her head. “And we want to leave it that way.”

“Yeah,” I explained. “We want women to see us as regular women. We want to show that our skin bulges when we jump in the air, too. We want them to know that curvy, busty women with big butts can look just as sexy in our bikinis as the others.”

“If not more,” Maria added.

“I absolutely love it,” Philandro said. “Then, ladies, my work here is done. I will get all of these sent over to your marketing manager, and I will get the one for your shop blown up for the wall.”

I looked at Nathan as he leaned over and whispered in my ear.

“I worship those curves,” he whispered, kissing me on the cheek.

I could feel my cheeks burning red, and I smiled big as Philandro leaned down and hugged me goodbye. All the crew except Maria would be leaving tomorrow, going back to San Diego to get things going. When we returned, we would put the final touches on before we had our big release. I leaned back in the chair and smiled at Maria as she took my hand and Nathan’s.