Page 174 of Inseparable

I knew right then and there that there was only one person that I could enlist to help me with this, and that was Kristin. She was all about breaking people out of their shells. I could tell she had been holding back with Austin out of respect for me, but now it was time for her to let it all go.

“Kristin,” I said coyly. “Truth or Dare?”

“Dare,” she said, predictably.

“Perfect,” I replied. “I dare you to kiss Austin, with tongue.”

Austin’s eyes widened, but he didn’t move as Kristin came forward. She moved close, her body prowling like she was a cat. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled his head down to hers, kissing him passionately. It was a long, slow kiss that was so hot that it left me breathless and panting by the time she pulled away from him. I knew she was exactly the girl to get Austin to open up. Kristin had always been an excellent kisser, and I was hoping it was going to have the effect on my husband that I was really hoping for. The good thing about trying to get my husband to be more adventurous was the fact that I had at least two really open people with me that could do a little convincing of their own.

When they finally broke apart, I could see Austin’s massive erection pressing against his pants. It was throbbing and pulsing, and I could tell that he really liked the taste of Kristin’s lips. Not that I blamed him. She was fucking smoking hot all the time. Good, now I just had to make Austin acknowledge the fact that he was finding Kristin and the whole situation completely desirable. I had to get him to say out loud that he wanted to go with this, that he was just as turned on as everyone else, instead of holding it all on the inside.

It was now Kristin’s turn, which I loved because she really knew how to push the envelope. She looked around the room, her eyes bouncing between Amber and Matt. Finally, her gaze stopped on Matt, and she smiled.

“Matt, I choose you,” Kristin said, pointing at him. “Truth or Dare?”

“Dare,” Matt said without hesitation.

I scanned his sexy body and stopped at his crotch, noticing that he too now had a massive erection. He was the only one in the room that I hadn’t experienced in some way, and I was curious about how big his dick really was. I caught Kristin glancing over at me as she thought about his dare, and I kind of hoped that she dared him to do something to me.

“I dare you to take off Jessica’s panties using only your mouth,” she said, folding her arms. “That means you have to put your arms behind your back, and no cheating. I’m sure Jessica will lay down for you to make it easier.”

Matt looked at Kristin and then over to Amber for her approval. Amber smiled at him and nodded, obviously just as into this as Kristin and I were. Personally, I was more than excited to feel his head down between my legs, even if it was only to take off my panties. I was already extremely aroused, but when I glanced over at Austin, I saw concern written all over his face. The poor guy was still struggling with his inability to let it all go and just be free to enjoy the circumstances. I couldn’t be upset with him. That was how he lived his life, cautious and safe, and although it was one of the traits that I admired the most in him, I needed him to forget about all of that for a while. I walked over and kneeled next to Austin, kissing him on the cheek and whispering into his ear.

“I love you very much,” I said. “Just relax, sit back, and enjoy the show, knowing that all I can think about is fucking your big cock.”

As I stood up to walk away, I ran my hand over his erection, listening to him groan softly. I smiled and looked over at Matt, who was drawing closer. I sat down on the low table and spread my legs apart to give him access. He put his hands behind his back and smiled up at me as he inched forward to the table and began to bend over. As his mouth drew close to me, I could feel his breath warm on my mound. I knew right then that my

panties were going to be completely soaked through. He moved farther, up dragging his chin across my pussy, making me flinch slightly. He managed to grip the waistband of my panties in his teeth, and slowly and carefully, he tugged my panties off, until he could pull them off of my feet. I could barely move, wanting to feel his mouth just plow through my juicy pink pussy. At that point, everyone began clapping breaking the silence that was between Matt and me. Austin, however, sat there not clapping, and I wondered what he was thinking.

Matt held my panties up in the air victoriously, winking at Amber before turning back toward me, taking a whiff of them, and handing them back to me with a very sexy look on his face. Instantly, our eyes locked, and I could feel the spark of electricity shoot from the tip of my toes, up into my chest. I hadn’t had that feeling from anyone other than Austin in a really long time. I had learned long ago there was difference between the spark of lust and the butterflies you got with an emotional attachment. That feeling with Matt was most definitely the spark of lust trying to take me over completely. He could see just how wet my panties were, letting him know that having him that close to me was something that I didn’t mind in the least. The entire day had been a culmination of events that had brought me to that point, and I was starting to get a little woozy from the amount of lust that was boiling up in my stomach. I imagined Matt walking forward, whipping his cock out, and fucking me right there on the table in front of everyone. I was yearning to feel his dick, to know just how much he filled me up, and to know what Amber got to feel every time he fucked her.

My eyes scanned Matt’s body and landed on the hard cock inside of his pants. The thing was huge and practically throbbing against the material. It was screaming to him to let it out to play, and I was more than willing to be his playland for a while. He smiled and reached his hand down, pulling me off the table and back onto my feet before turning and walking back to Amber. He kissed her gently and then looked back over at me, watching my breasts as they bounced. As I walked back over to the couch to sit down next to Austin, I couldn’t wait to find out what was going to happen next. Things seemed like they were just heating up.

Chapter 22


I watched as my wife walked back over toward me, her beautiful naked body on display for everyone. She sat down, and I handed her part of the blanket, but all she did was cover part of her leg. I could tell that she was really enjoying pushing the envelope. I wasn’t sure how to feel about another man being that close to my wife, even if it was Matt, and even if his wife was sitting across the room watching. At first, I felt a fit of jealousy and possessiveness that I had never felt before in our marriage. Up to that point, I had never really had any reason to feel jealous or possessive because we rarely let single people into our circle of friends. Then, however, I could see how turned on Jessica was. Watching her writhe and suffer under the grasp of Matt’s mouth was actually pretty fucking hot. I thought to myself that maybe Jessica was right. Maybe I should relax for once and do something that I knew I wanted.

I loved my wife more than anything in the world, and part of loving her was wanting to bring her pleasure. It was part of what I did every day, thinking of new ways to get her to the highest climax possible. She was a siren in the bedroom and loved it when I ran my tongue over her pussy. It was something she said I was exceptionally good at. Hearing her scream out in ecstasy had to be one my favorite sounds. If this was something that brought her that kind of pleasure, then I knew that it would more than satisfy me as well. Besides, how could I possibly get upset at what Matt just did? Jessica had stood there and watched when Kristin had made out with me, rubbing her tits against my chest and really taking that kiss as far as she could. I didn’t even try to resist when her lips were close to mine, not that I could have with the sheer amount of sexual tension that had built between the two of us as soon as I laid my eyes on her. Trying to fight it would have only made me more irritated and sexually frustrated.

Afterward, I immediately looked over at Jessica to make sure she was okay. From the look on her face, it was clear that she didn’t hold a grudge, so why would I? We had both agreed to play this game, knowing full well that Kristin or Jason were going to take it to a whole new level. I knew that in the front of my mind, I was fighting it hard core, but in the back of my mind, I couldn’t wait to see what happened next. The emotions were a little confusing, but that confusion was tuned out by the sound of the screaming cock in my pants.

“Alright, Amber, it’s your turn,” Matt said. “Truth or Dare?”

She sat there for a minute, looking around the room, obviously trying to decide whether to take the leap or not. At that point in the game, all rules had been thrown out the window, and as soon as you said dare, you were going to be thrown into the pit for the wolves to descend upon. It sounded like a bad thing, but from what I was seeing, it was pretty erotic.

“Dare,” she said finally, getting into the spirit of things.

“I dare you to lick Kristin’s nipples for two minutes,” he said triumphantly. “Unless of course, you have an objection, Kristin.”

“Of course not.” She smiled. “I mean, it’s all for the sake of the game, right? I am dedicated to making this game run smoothly, and if it means I have to give up my nipples to a little tongue action from a sexy-ass woman, well those are just the sacrifices that will have to be made. Who am I to deprive Amber of the dare you just assigned her?”

“Amber?” Matt said, looking at her with darkened eyes.

“Gladly,” she said, hopping up off the couch.

We all watched with bated breath as she moved across the living room and bent down in front of Kristin. She slowly pulled her tank top off and tossed it to the side, grabbing her perked breast with one hand and massaging it as she stared into Kristin’s eyes. She lowered her head down and pulled Kristin’s nipple in her mouth, sucking it hard. She turned and did the same with her other nipple before pulling her head up a bit and swiping her tongue across it. As she flicked her tongue, Kristin leaned her head back and started to moan loudly, grasping on to the brick beneath her. She reached up and ran her fingers through Ambers blonde locks, really getting into the motions. I was pretty sure if no one said anything, they would be licking each other’s pussies in no time.