Page 167 of Inseparable

I laid there in the hammock with my eyes fixed on the ceiling, feeling my wife’s heart beating wildly in her chest. I felt like I was missing something, or like she’d told me a story of someone else’s life, as if she were gossiping about her friends. Things like this did not happen in my life, and if they did, they were scandals by members of the political parties I answered to, not something in my own house. I wasn’t uncomfortable that she had done this in her past, but more upset that she had kept it from me. My wife, my sweet and spicy Jessica had slept with two other women and her male roommate. I knew there was a serious fire inside of my wife. I had seen it over and over again, but I never imagined her to be the one who would be interested in sex with multiple people at once, nor did I think that she would ever keep something like that from me, especially when we were going on vacation with those very people. I rubbed my hands over my face while visions of Jessica having sex with Kristin, Amber, and Jason, all at the same time, ran through my head.

All of this was a huge revelation to wrap my head around. There were so many things that I wanted to know, but at the same time, I wasn’t sure I should know. It was a double-edged sword in the way that I wanted to know the truth, but I wasn’t sure if I could really handle the truth. I didn’t even know where to start with these kinds of questions, but the silence between us was almost painful. She sat up and looked me in the eyes, trying to figure out what my reaction was.

“How did all of it start?” I asked.

“It wasn’t planned, if that is what you think,” she said. “Obviously, there was always some sort of tension but nothing that I really paid attention to. One night, Amber and I had gone out to the bar to celebrate someone’s birthday. I don’t remember who it was. We usually didn’t leave that early from the bar, but it was kind of lame, and we both just wanted to get back to the apartment and chill. When we got back, we walked in on Kristin and Jason having sex.”

“Were they always dating?”

“No, it was a big surprise for both of us when we walked in and saw them fucking,” she said. “Well, I guess it wasn’t that big of a surprise, given their personality types. Either way, we were wasted, and that just wasn’t what we expected when we walked through the door of the apartment. All kinds of emotions rolled through me in that moment, and I was probably just as confused as you are now, if not more. I wasn’t raised in a brazen household, you know that, so seeing people fucking like that was pretty overwhelming.”

“So how did it get from that to all-out sex between all of you?”

“Kristin was riding Jason in reverse on the couch,” she said with a sigh. “I saw them as soon as I walked into the living room. I was laughing drunkenly as I walked into the living room and came stumbling to a stop when I saw them there. Obviously, walking up on someone naked and fucking will make you do a double take, which is what I was doing when Amber stumbled into me from the other room. No one had the response that they should have in that situation. Instead of stopping, Kristin just greeted us and kept on going like it was no big deal. Obviously, Amber and I were flabbergasted by what we were witnessing, but we were also too wasted to do anything but stand there and stare at them. Kristin had this smirk on her face like she was enjoying it more with us standing there watching. I thought it was the alcohol that was making me feel slightly aroused, but I later realized it was more than that.”

“So, what then? Was that it, or was that when you joined in?”

“Kristin kept riding Jason until she was screaming out in orgasm,” she continued. “Her moans echoed through my head, and then she collapsed on top of him, with this crazy, exhausted giggle that made me think that they had been at that much longer than right when we walked in the doors. We all knew Jason had a pretty big sexual appetite from the girls that constantly exited and entered the place. Anyway, she hopped off of him like no big deal and told us she couldn’t keep going. She walked over to me and looked me in the eyes, smiling, and said that one of us should give him a try. It’s no secret that Jason was and still is a sexy man, and in that moment, pumped with alcohol, looking at his naked body shimmering with sweat, his swollen cock in his hand, it ignited something inside of me that I had never felt before. It was a passion that was unique and interesting, and I was young and curious.”

“Right,” I said, feeling slightly off about listening to my wife call another man sexy.

“Don’t be like that,” she said, lifting her head up and looking at me. “You can’t tell me that you haven’t thought about how sexy Kristin and Amber are. If you did, you would be lying because you are a human being and just because you are dedicated to me doesn’t mean you don’t find other people attractive.”

“You’re right,” I said. “Please continue.”

“I threw caution to the wind that night,” she said, lying back down. “I slipped off my jeans, walked over and straddled him, starting to make out with him on the spot. Before I even realized it, we were fucking, right there in front of Amber and Kristin. Kristin walked up behind Amber and started massaging her shoulders while they watched us doing it. She was still naked at that point, and one thing had led to another, and before long, Amber and Kristin were making out right in front of us. It was like all the inhibitions that we normally clung to so tightly disappeared in a matter of seconds, and I was shocked that even sweet little Amber had jumped right in. The whole thing was like some plot from a porno, only it was real life and the sights and sounds were more than I could take. Watching the girls rubbing up on each other, feeling Jason’s hot sweaty body beneath me was one of the most erotic things I had ever experienced up to that point. It was the moment my sexuality changed. The stimulation of my senses pushed me over the edge, and I came without even realizing that I was close.”

“So that was it?”

“Hardly,” she scoffed. “Jason was still rock solid, being that he was a young college student with a libido that I had never seen before, but I was too drunk and too spun to continue. I had to collect myself, and the mood was still really strong in the room. It was the first time I’d ever come and then felt like I could keep going for hours, which as you know has not left me since then. It was like something physiologically in

side of me had changed. So, I climbed off of him, pulled Amber up off the floor from Kristin, and helped her climb onto Jason’s cock. She was quite a bit wobbly from the liquor, but she was more than excited to have a turn. I stood behind her and caressed her breasts while Jason was fucking her. It was incredibly sensual, something different from the normal masculinity of sex with a guy. Not that I don’t like sex with men, obviously. It had been the first time that I had ever been with a girl before. It was the first time that I had ever really looked at a woman’s body as a sexual thing, and I couldn’t help but admire Kristin and Amber’s bodies. They were curvy, sensual, soft, and at the same time, extremely erotic. I understood why men were so wild about the female body.”

“They are pretty amazing.” I chuckled, putting my hand back on her lower back.

“After that, Kristin came up behind me and her mouth was on mine before I could even think about it,” she said. “I used to always think that kissing a woman would be weird and awkward, but it wasn’t at all, and I found myself wanting more. From that night on, we all started having sex together exclusively. It wasn’t until I met you, and Amber met Matt, that we broke everything up. Kristin and Jason stayed together, which wasn’t a surprise to us. We always knew they had that extra emotional connection. So, yeah, that is how it all started and ended.”

“Wow,” I said, running the vision through my head. “I mean, I have to admit that story kind of turns me on.”

I thought about keeping that detail to myself, but that would make the whole situation worse. If she was coming clean about everything, then I needed to be honest with her and myself about my feelings concerning this situation. The way that I was bred was trying to make me hate this information, but the person inside of me found it arousing and exciting. My cock was rock solid, and there was no hiding it from Jessica. She was lying right on top of me. She raised up slightly and looked down at the bulge in my pants, swinging her long red hair behind her and lifting her eyebrows at me. She slowly started to smile and shifted down next to me in the hammock, her nipples getting hard under her shirt.

She moved her hand down my chest and to the bulge in my pants, pausing for a moment before beginning to press down and rub up and down. I took in a deep breath and closed my eyes for a moment, feeling the palm of her hand rubbing up and down my cock, bringing it to the point of throbbing. She continued to rub, her hand getting faster and more aggressive as the moments passed. I opened my eyes and stared down at her, watching her eyes darken and her lips quiver. I was getting to the point of no return, and my breath had turned into a fast pant.

“Stop,” I said in a breathless tone. “We can’t do anything to remedy this, and you are going to give me blue balls. There is no reason to even get this started. I already want to fuck the hell out of you, and it’s going to get really uncomfortable for me in a few minutes.”

I wanted to throw caution to the wind, to just go crazy and fuck my wife right there in that hammock, but everyone was below us, doing whatever they were doing. I wasn’t the kind of guy that threw caution to the wind like that. It was pounded into my head that I had to keep a certain level of personal privacy. Fucking in a hammock in front of everyone wasn’t my idea, or anyone’s idea, of personal privacy.

“That’s not true,” Jessica said with mischief in her eyes. “We can do whatever we want, whenever we want.”

I looked up at her and stopped, hearing the words that she was saying. Could I accept that? Could I really just do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted to do it? Could I fuck my wife, and maybe even someone else’s wife, on the floor of a snowed-in cabin on vacation? Everything was so confusing, but I couldn’t ignore the feeling in the pit of my stomach or the desire that was eating me alive. Something was going to have to give, and it might be my cock inside of my wife, next to everyone else.

Chapter 17


I leaned back, nestling into the circle of Jason’s arms, feeling his strength wrapped around my body. The room had gotten so warm and comfortable with the fire blazing and the kitchen still cooling from the cooking we had done for lunch. The alcohol, combined with the sex I already had that day, had made me feel very relaxed. I hadn’t been that relaxed for a very long time, and it felt good to be surrounded by the people I loved. I looked across the room at Matt and Amber, who were cuddling on another couch. I could still remember when Amber met Matt. She was completely enamored. That was when the first of us dropped out of our group, but I wasn’t mad. I wanted Amber to be happy, and it was obvious that she and Matt were perfect for each other.

The hammock containing Austin and Jessica was swaying gently above us, and I could hear them whispering softly to each other, but I couldn’t hear what they were saying. Jessica was the one that had shocked me when she left the group, even with Austin chasing after her. Jessica, when she had a fire in her, didn’t stop something that she really enjoyed, and she really enjoyed Jason and me. When she met Austin, though, he started a whole new fire in her, and she ran off as fast as she could to be in his arms. Of course, that didn’t upset me, either, seeing that she had truly found what moved her.