Page 121 of Inseparable

That was it. Lucas pushed his chair back, stood up and walked away. I was floored. My head was spinning as I tried to comprehend what had just happened. He didn't raise his voice. He didn't swear. He didn't stomp off in a huff. It was as if a completely different person had taken over Lucas's body.

I finished my macchiato and watched the gray sky float by overhead for about another half an hour before I called Lucas.

“What is her name?” I asked after Lucas picked up the phone.

“Telula Grant.”

“Telula? Is she an exotic dancer?”

I swear I heard a chuckle on the other end of the line. It made me smile.

“No. She’s a lawyer. Her friends call her Tilly.”

"A lawyer, huh? Well, I'm going to call her Tilly because if you screw this up I am going to become her BFF and we will stick pins in a wax voodoo doll made in your image. I'll pay top dollar for one. You know I will."

“One more thing, Jenna.” Lucas took another deep breath. “Did you suggest Minnesota to my dad? When you decided I should take over the shop there was that your idea? It’s okay if it was because I wouldn’t have found Tilly again. But was it you?”

“No, Lucas.” I soothed. “I didn’t suggest your father send you

to Minnesota. It was his idea. He thought it would be good for you. I suggested the Philippines. Obviously, your father was spot on.”

He laughed again and so did I.

After Lucas gave me Tilly's information I called her right away and got her voicemail. The message I left had to make her think I was some kind of a spaz. But she called me back and that was all that mattered.

Chapter 30 – Tilly

"I'm really glad you reached out to me, Jenna," I said. "I'll admit I was shocked when I got your message. "

“You were shocked? Try to imagine how I felt." She laughed. I wouldn't say Jenna would be nominated for any stepmother of the year awards but there was a quality about her that was likable. "I know what I've told you is a lot to take in. And I wanted you to know the truth about Lucas. That is what he asked me to tell you. He isn't the same person, Tilly. He's just not. If after everything I've said you still feel like he's more trouble than he's worth I know he'll respect that."

“I appreciate that.” I nodded as if she could see me over the phone. “I’ll be honest. I don’t know what I’ll do. But I’m glad we talked.”

“Good luck, Tilly.”

“You, too, Jenna.”

I hung up the phone and sat there for a while. The fire was crackling nicely and a wind had kicked up outside whipping the leaves around and howling through the chimney. Spike had found his place on the window ledge, his tail hanging down lazily curling at the end.

“What do you think, Spike?” I asked him.

His motor began purring but he didn’t even lift his head.

I thought of calling my mom and talking to her but I wasn't a teenager anymore. I was a grown woman who had a man going to extreme lengths to prove to me that he cared about me.

"Let it sink in," I told myself. "Sleep on it. Everything will be clearer in the morning." I stood up and went to the kitchen. Crazy as it sounded I was looking forward to a bologna sandwich with potato chips and red wine for dinner. The idea of even boiling water seemed like too much work. As luck would have it there was a Humphrey Bogart movie on the classic movie station. I'd push everything out of my mind and watch Sam Spade solve some murder then I'd go to bed and see what tomorrow brings.

I actually made myself two bologna sandwiches and brought them into the front room to watch television and eat. But just as I was getting comfortable my doorbell rang.

Carefully, I tiptoed to the door and looked through the beveled glass to see a familiar silhouette. Without hesitation, I opened the door.

“So what, did your stepmom just call you to tell you she hung up with me?”

"As a matter of fact, she did." Lucas looked at me from beneath his thick eyebrows like he was afraid I might take a swing at him. "Am I interrupting you? You look like you're in for the night."

I was wearing my comfy sweats, my bulky terrycloth robe, and my bear claw slippers. I peaked around him and saw a white pickup truck parked at the end of my driveway.

“What in the world is that?” I choked.