Page 120 of Inseparable

"What?" I looked around expecting to see some bloke with a camera hiding in a trashcan or something. "You're joking, right?"

"No." Lucas gulped like he was swallowing two-day old cold spinach.

“Well, what are you apologizing for?”


I couldn’t find any words. Mainly because I thought the little twerp was full of shit. There had to be an angle. He was up to something.

“I’m not up to anything.” He replied as if he were reading my mind. “Did you ever just wake up and think what the heck am I doing?”

"At least three times a week," I admitted.

“I met a girl after high school graduation. She had been in my class all four years but I never knew her. Then we ran into each other and I instantly liked her.” He stopped talking for just a second.

“What was it about her that you liked?”

“She didn’t care about the money. Not one bit. Don’t get me wrong, she was beautiful and built. Just the way I like them.”

“Of course.” I rolled my eyes.

“But she was funny. I laughed when I was around her. Do you know how hard it is to find a woman who is funny?”

I shrugged my shoulders. I left funny to the comedians. But I didn’t interrupt.

“She acted like she really liked me. Not the heir to Cambridge Logistics. Just Lucas Prine.”

“Okay, so you’ve met this dream woman. What’s the problem?” I watched Lucas wince and I knew exactly what the problem was. “Oh, I see. You treated her the way you’ve treated me.”

Those words just tumbled out of my mouth. As much as I wanted to get angry at Lucas the short fuse just wouldn't light. Instead, my eyes teared up. I had never cried in front of Lucas ever. There were times his words cut so deeply I did run and hide in a restaurant or a boutique. He was the only child of the man I truly loved and he hated me. I had to prove to Michael that I was none of the things Lucas said I was. That was why I started working again as soon as Michael had gotten sick. That was why I kept my home in Forest Park that I was renting now and making quite a pretty penny on.

But Lucas didn’t know these things. Why should he? It is really none of his business, right?

Quickly, I wiped the tear from my cheek away and sniffed while straightening in my seat.

“So basically, you’ve blown it with this woman.”

“I hope not, Jenna.”

“I still don’t know what any of this has to do with me?” I couldn’t help him, I thought. If he were looking for a character reference he wasn’t going to get a glowing review from me.

“I thought if you could call her and tell her that I’m not that same person she’d believe you. You are the only person I think that she would believe.”

“Why is that? I’ve never met this girl.” But then the switch flipped.

“You’ve told her about me. Or should I say, you’ve told her your opinion of me.” MY voice was just above a whisper. I licked my lips and nodded my head. Now it all made sense. Typical Lucas was as sweet as pie when he wanted something. He couldn’t go to his father for this. Michael’s opinion of his son didn’t matter. His friends, his fitness trainer, his doorman, none of them would say anything bad about Lucas because they barely knew him. But I knew him. I knew how awful he could be.

“If you thought I changed then I think I might have a chance with her.”

"If I told her that," I added.


“So, if I call your girlfriend and tell her what a great guy you are and that she should give you another chance and you dog her again then what? How do I know she really means something to you? I know you’ve been around the block a couple times, Lucas. I wasn’t born yesterday. I won’t be an accomplice in some game you may or may not be playing with this girl’s head. Or worse, her heart.”

I watched Lucas's face and was ready for the barrage of insults and swears that would be hurled at me. But instead of a verbal beating, he just nodded his head.

“I understand, Jenna. I thought it was worth a try.” His shoulders drooped and he pushed his chair back. “But I did mean it when I said I was sorry. My dad hasn’t been this happy since my mom died. Even with his heart problems and the stress of work when he comes to see you he’s happy. I don’t know what you do for him. Quite frankly, I don’t want to know. But whatever it is, keep it up. He deserves to be happy. So do you.”