Page 119 of Inseparable

But, he called me. It was the first time he ever called me on his own.

“What is it, Lucas. I’m getting my nails done.” I was at Jillian’s Day Spa for a manicure and pedicure. Thankfully my girl hadn’t started on my fingernails yet or I wouldn’t have answered at all.

I heard him take a deep breath on the other end of the phone and grew increasingly annoyed that he hadn’t said anything yet.

“What is it?”

“Jenna, I know you are going to find this shocking but I need your help.”

You’re damn right I found it shocking. I was sure it was some kind of set-up.

“What could you possibly need my help with, Lucas? And truthfully, what makes you think I’d help you. I don’t owe you a thing.”

“I know.” He mumbled. “That’s why it can only be you.”

So I told him I wasn't going to leave my appointment. Michael and I had an event coming up where he was being honored for some philanthropic project he was involved with. What did I know or care about that? My nails had to get done and then I needed my hair highlighted.

"Well, is there anytime within the next couple of days where your primping and preening will be finished that we can talk?" he snapped.

“Do you want to tell me what this is about?” I snapped back.

“No. We need to discuss it in person.” He insisted.

“Look, Lucas, if you are trying to get to your father to tell him what a big mistake he made marrying me that ship has sailed. We’re married. Your father is finally getting his health back and he’s feeling better than ever. The last thing he needs is to hear your complaints.”

“Jenna, if you’d calm down and come off the ledge you’d have heard me say that I need to talk to you, not my father.”

"Fine. When are you coming to Chicago?"


p; “I’m already here.”

That shocked me.

“So who’s minding the store, Lucas? You are supposed to be running the Minnesota branch. Ned is stepping down in just a few more weeks and your father hasn’t received one report that indicates you’ve got the place ready. Is that what you need to talk to me about?”

The Minnesota branch will be operating like the trains in Germany. I'm meeting with Alison White while I'm here in Chicago. She's the COO of Logistar and a little bird told me she's looking for a fresh start. So, I am handling the Minnesota branch." Lucas sounding all grown up for the first time ever. "Now, can we fucking meet for coffee tomorrow morning?"

I agreed to meet him near the hotel he was staying at. He didn’t come to the house anymore. His room was transformed into my office where I continued my real estate business on the side, just for those extra niceties like a trip to Cartier or maybe a weekend at the spa.

I liked the Starbuck’s on Howell Street. It was in the middle of a huge shopping area. The weather was cool but not cold. I wore my Toga Pulla Elvis boots with my Row cable knit sweater that Michael had bought me after we’d had a fight about my hiring an assistant. I don’t get the assistant but I’m the envy of the neighborhood with my four thousand dollar Row sweater.

So sat outside with a hot caramel macchiato people watching and counting how many people stared at my boots as they walked past. I was up to nine when Lucas arrived.

He looked healthy and well dressed but even though I wasn't a mother I could tell something important was on his mind. He didn't say hello as he took a seat across from me and it was several awkward seconds before he looked me in the eyes. It was upsetting to see this. That normal snobby brat that I had come to know as my husband's one and only child was not there. It was almost like I was looking at a stranger and it made me slightly nervous.

“Are you sick, Lucas?” I prodded before he had a chance to tell me anything. “Are you in trouble? Do you owe anyone money or something like that?”

“You watch too many Lifetime movies, Jenna.”

There it was. The sarcasm I had been missing. I took a sip of my drink and leaned back in my chair.

“What do you want?”

“I want to apologize.”

Needless to say, I was floored.