Page 118 of Inseparable

“Honey.” She guffawed. “You have no idea.” She squealed as if laughing about my father, her husband, was the most fun she’d had in had in years.

My whole body slumped as my mom gave kisses on the phone and then hung up.

“You can’t do anything from here, Tilly. Dad will feel him out and see right through him. That will be the end of things. Dad will handle it.”

"Tilly, I don't know what you're getting all worked up about." My dad said over the phone almost three days after Lucas had been to their house.

"I'm worked up because this guy is trying to put you and mom against me."

“Honey, your mother and I were already against you. Luke had nothing to do with that.”

“Very funny.” I chucked despite my frustration.

“It’s true. We were always secretly hoping you’d fail so you’d move back home. Then your mom would have the maid she’s always wanted.”

“You’re a riot, dad.”

“Seriously, Luke and I had a real man-to-man. He told me some things that happened between you two and I told him if he ever spoke to you that way again I’d beat him within an inch of his life.”

“Oh, dad.” I sighed.

“He sounds a lot like me when I was trying to get your mother’s attention.”

“I’m feeling lightheaded.” I flopped down on my couch and pulled my feet up underneath me. “Were you mean to mom when you were dating?”

“I didn’t mean to be mean.” He muttered. “I thought I was being cool. You know, playing hard to get.”

“I thought that was the girl’s job.”

"Yeah, I think that's why it didn't work out too well for me."

“So how did you win her over?”

“I apologized. Then I went to her father and apologized to him.”

“Really? What did grandpa say to you?”

“The same thing I said to Luke.”

I snorted then started to chuckle.

“What do you think I should do? Luke, I mean Lucas keeps leaving me voicemail messages at work and every once in a while I see his Ferrari in town and I know he doesn’t live around me. He’s too high brow for this neck of the woods. Stop at a Piggly Wiggly for milk and Doritos? I think he’d rather cut off his own hand.”

“I’m not going to tell you what to do, honey. I will say this. I’m not convinced he’s good enough for you. But I don’t think he’s hopeless either. It’s up to you to decide.”

I let a couple days go by and just lived life. I didn’t talk to anyone about Lucas. Sandy had stopped by more than once bearing gifts of apple pie and chocolate chocolate-chip ice cream to make up for the disaster that was my date with Karl. I couldn’t blame her. She thought she was doing me a favor, getting me out and possibly making a love connection. How was she supposed to know the night would turn into a carnival freak show.

Then, after talking with my father I felt more confused than ever. But tonight was going to be all about me. It was the weekend, after all. Sandy invited me over for dinner and some hot cider but I was ready to lock my front door and stay put. Maybe all weekend. I decided to treat myself to a little pampering. The rain and wind officially brought fall to my doorstep. The idea of a nice hot bath, the fireplace crackling and an old black and white movie on television sounded perfect.

"I don't even care what the movie is," I said to Spike as I passed by him on my way up the steps. I wanted to stop thinking about Lucas and my parents and just have a quiet night. But that wasn't going to happen.

My phone started to buzz with a 312 area code phone number that I’d never seen before. I let it go to voicemail and continued upstairs to take a bath.

When I came back downstairs there was a message. As I listened to it I nearly dropped the phone and fainted. Her name was Jenna Holstom-Prine. She was calling about Lucas Prine.

Chapter 29 – Jenna

I didn’t even know how to start the conversation. I couldn’t believe I was making a call to a strange girl on behalf of my stepson. I hated calling him that. He was a grown man, for heaven’s sake, and I had no part in raising him.