Page 115 of Inseparable

“I never wanted to hurt her. I just didn’t know how to trust her. Ned, you know what it’s like when you’ve got money.” I confided like we were old frat brothers. “Women can do some pretty unscrupulous things. Am I right?”

He said nothing.

“I mean they see the kind of car you drive, the clothes you wear, the kind of watches or sunglasses you own and they are all over you.”

Still nothing.

“My house in Chicago is a mansion. I don’t even think I’ve been in every room. When people know that is where you live they immediately start thinking of ways to get their hands on it.”

“So who told you to drive that Ferrari back and forth to work? Who told you this job required you tell time with a Cartier watch? You don’t want anyone to know you are wealthy but you throw it in their face every chance you get?” Ned cleared his throat. “I told my sons and daughter that they are not rich. I was rich because I worked hard. They could be too if they worked hard. I’m sorry your father never told you as much.”

Part of me wanted to stand up and tell Ned he didn’t know anything about it. He saw my father once a year at the company golf outing at Turtle Beach. What the hell did he know? But the other part of me knew he was right and that part of me coiled up inside my gut, writhing and bubbling miserably like a seething volcano.

“So what do I do about Tilly?” I asked feeling like I’d just gone ten rounds with Mike Tyson.

“What do you think you need to do, Lucas? I can’t tell you. Only you can figure that out.”

I sat in front of him for a few more minutes. I asked him about his children since he’d brought them up. His daughter was a teacher at one of the most high-brow high schools in the state. His oldest son was a dentist. His youngest ran the Cambridge Logistics branch in the Philippines. I commented on how fantastic that location was doing especially with the strict shipping codes and trade rules. Of all the offshore branches the Philippines handled a third of all worldwide shipments and performed in the black for the last six years.

Although Ned’s face barely changed I could see the pride in his eyes.

Finally, I stood up and shook his hand thanking him for the talk. He assured me of my talents in business and that was nice to hear. But he said nothing more about Tilly except one thing.

“If she’s gotten to a man like you, Lucas, there must be something there.”

A week had passed after my discussion with Ned. I still hadn’t done anything more than thinking about Tilly. Her business card was firmly tucked inside my wallet. When I pulled it out my heart began to race.

I dialed her number but a secretary answered.

“Telula Grant’s office.” She chirped.

“Yes, may I speak with Miss Grant please?”

“May I tell her who is calling?”

I cleared my throat.

“Lucas Prine.”

“One moment.”

The line clicked and classical music began to play while I was on hold.

Finally, the secretary came back.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Prine but Miss Grant is in a meeting. Would you like her voicemail?”

“No. Please tell her I called an I’ll call back later.”

This went on for a week. Every time I called I got the same reply. She was in a meeting. She was in a deposition. She was in court. She was at lunch. Trying to go through the front door wasn’t working.

"Come on, Lucas," I grumbled to myself. "What else can you do? You just need one good idea?"

Then it came to him.

Chapter 28 – Tilly

I was on the phone when my secretary, Kayetta, knocked on my office door. I waved her in and set the phone to mute.