Page 105 of Inseparable

"Yeah," I replied. "I've had days like that."

“Let me ask you if you could lay in bed all day would you wear panties or nothing at all?”

I tilted my head as if I were a dog hearing a high-pitched noise. Yes, Sandy was going to get a beat down when I saw her again.

Thankfully she agreed to meet Karl at a place that was closer to her house than his. Felix’s was a fairly upscale restaurant and bar that I’d been in a couple times with clients and some of the partners from work. When Karl mentioned meeting me here I assumed he had been here before and that was an encouraging sign to me.

But as soon as he opened his mouth I could smell the liquor. His eyes were red around the edges and although he wasn’t ugly his initial impression was not a good one. Not to mention he gave my breasts quite a bit of attention. If eyes left fingerprints my tits would be covered with them.

“You know, I need to use the ladies room. I’m not feeling all that well.”

“Really?” He looked genuinely concerned. “Maybe you’d like to go back to your place. I’ll be happy to give you a back rub. I know that always makes me feel better.”

“Ha.” I chuckled. “I don’t think that will be necessary.”

“Come on.” He insisted. “Maybe you’d rather have a foot massage. There are some places where that is considered the ultimate foreplay.”

"I'll be right back," I said as I scooted my stool away from the bar. As I walked to the hostess podium I looked back. Karl was not looking at me but was instead ordering another drink for himself.

If you walked out of the bar area you could go to the left to the main dining room or you could go to the right where the entrance was. I went to the right.

I stood behind the pretty girl with the tight blond bun and black dress so I couldn’t be seen.

"Hi," I whispered. "I've been here a couple,times for lunch."

“Yes, I recognize you. You’re usually with Gray & Stein. It’s nice to see you again.”

“Aren’t you sweet to remember.” I smiled. “I need your help.”

The woman leaned in closer to me suspiciously.

“I’m on an absolutely horrible date. I mean, the worst you could ever imagine. I’m going to leave and I was hoping that you or maybe the manager could tell that guy at the bar that I’ve left after about five minutes.”

The hostess turned around and looked at Karl.

“The guy in the white shirt and tie?” She confirmed.

“Yeah, that’s him. He’s drunk so maybe if there is a male manager around or one of your bigger waiters they could pass the message along. I don’t think he’d start any trouble with them. But you’re a pretty little thing. I’d hate for him to do anything stupid.”

“I have a brown belt in karate.” She whispered. “I can take him.”

“Well, I don’t think you’ll need to use it but it’s good to know for future reference.” I slipped her a twenty dollar bill and smiled.

“Hey, do you have a business card?” She asked. I pinched my eyebrows together and nodded my head yes. “Drop it in the bowl. I’ll make sure you get a free lunch. I’d hate to think you didn’t at least get a meal out of your date.”

“Aren’t you the sweetest thing?” I gushed. Quickly I pulled out one of my business cards and dropped it in the fishbowl. “Thanks again and I’ll see you soon.” I winked. But as I turned to push my way out the revolving doors I stopped in my tracks. I didn’t know whether to laugh, cry or run.


I stiffened my back and squared y shoulders like I was getting ready for a twelve round boxing match.

“Lucas Prine?” I said the name like it tasted bad in my mouth. “This has got to be the unluckiest night of my life.”

“I can’t believe this. What are you doing here?” he looked happy and handsome and I could smell his cologne that was still spicy and warm and inviting and it made me madder by the second.

“I’m trying to leave. What does it look like.”

Out of the corner of my eye, the hostess's head went from the bar to me to Lucas back to me and back to the bar again like she was watching some bizarre tennis match.