Page 104 of Inseparable

“Yeah, Jenna. What is it that’s so important?” I grumbled.

“Lucas. Now

isn’t a good time. I really wanted to talk to you earlier but you insisted on ignoring my calls. I’ll have to call you back.”

“Jeez, Jenna.” I huffed. “Why does everything have to be a drama with you? I’m here, on the phone. Just tell me what the hell was so important.”

"Your father is going in for an emergency coronary bypass. We're at the hospital right now. I'll call you when it's all over."

She just hung up. Can you believe that? That she had just hung up after telling my dad was having his heart operated on. Who does that?

Quickly I dialed her number again but it went right to voicemail. I’m sure the bitch was just looking at my number and laughing to herself. I waited all day for her to call me back. When she finally did all she could tell me was that my dad was in his room and resting and that she’d call me tomorrow. That was yesterday.

I didn't know what to do? So I did what I always do when things get too intense. I went to a bar and spent my money like the fountain could never dry up and picked up whats-her-name to fuck for a couple hours.

I finally found my shoes. One had fallen into a puddle of God knows what. The other had fallen dangerously close to the dumpster but thankfully whats-her-name's aim wasn't that good and it just landed on the sidewalk.

I slipped it on and walked back to my car.

I sat down in the driver's seat and pulled out my phone to see there were still no calls or messages. I ground my teeth and dialed Jenna's number again. Finally, she picked up.

"Lucas your father will be going home at the end of this week," Jenna said without saying hello.

"Well, that's good to know. I'll catch a flight out there on Thursday so I can…"

“Catch a flight out here for what?” Jenna snapped.

“To see my father.” I shook my head in disbelief.

“Well, your father and I already talked and decided it wasn’t necessary for you to come all the way home.”


“Yeah. I mean, really, what would you do here, Lucas? It isn’t like you have any kind of nursing skills or anything that might help.” Jenna laughed. “Besides, your dad and I were discussing his business and…”

“You and my dad were discussing his business. You with all your worldly real estate knowledge?” I snapped.

“Your father’s office in Minnesota isn’t doing all that great and he wants you to take what you’ve done in New Hampshire and do it in Minnesota.”

I didn’t say a word.

"It'll be a hefty pay raise, of course, and Ned Miles is retiring in a year so you'll be head of the region. I think it's a great opportunity and it would really help your father breath easier and just focus on getting better if you would agree to do this."

What could I say? My whole mouth dried up but my eyes started to water. My dad was recuperating but didn’t want to see me? He and Jenna decided I should go to Minnesota? Don’t come home? I swallowed hard but there weren’t any words I could say. My mind was a total blank.

“You can’t be selfish at a time like this, Lucas.”

“When does he want me to go?” I asked.

“He thought as soon as possible would be best. So I can tell him you’ll do it?” She pushed.

"Yeah," I muttered. "I'll go to Minnesota."

Chapter 24 – Tilly

All I could think was that I was going to kill Sandy when I saw her. Not only was Karl too touchy-feely but his choice of topics for light conversation was highly questionable. Plus, I think he was a borderline drug addict and alcoholic.

“Man, I did so much coke last night.” He said after introducing himself to me at the bar. “I just wish I could lay in bed. Did you ever feel like that? You just want to lay in bed?”