Page 52 of Her Perfect Gift

Things heat up quickly, and it isn’t long until both of us have stripped down and our limbs are entwined naked. His rock hard cock presses against my leg and leaves me gasping for more. A wet heat pools at my core, and I need him desperately. The urge to have him buried in me is overwhelming. I part my thighs and roll myself on top of him, angling until I can feel him plunging deep inside of me, giving me exactly what I need. A guttural cry flies out of my mouth, it vibrates in my chest, and rocks all the way through my system.

“Oh God, Seth,” I scream as I press my hands to his chest and rock myself back and forth. “Fucking hell.”

It feels so good, too good for words. Every time I thrust against him; I feel an intense bolt of pleasure rocket through me. Every time I push him deeper in, I lose myself in the happily ever after that we are going to share. He seems to sense that I need to hold him, and he pushes himself up into a sitting position to hug me tightly. His arms cling to me desperately, just as I do to him, and the orgasm hits me in a tsunami of pleasure. He kisses me hard to swallow up my screams. In this moment, I can’t tell where he ends and I begin, which is the best feeling in the world. I want us to be connected in this way for the rest of my life…

“I love you,” I pant out as we fall next to one another on the bed, trying desperately to catch our breath. I’m so glad that you are here, Seth. Much as I love New York, I have to admit that it’s better with you in it.”

He pulls me to him, and I curl up in his arms, happy to block out the rest of the world for a while. “I’m glad that I’m here too. I love being with you. I’m scared to start my life again, but you have been a real inspiration to me. You have done such an incredible job here, which proves to me that I can do the same. I love you Darcy. I love you so much I would do anything for you.”

“I can see that.” I let out a happy chuckle. “But I’m hoping that we can make this work. I’m hoping that we can really have a future here.”

“I think we can,” he tells me with a real tone of satisfaction. “In fact, I’m sure of it.”

Chapter Thirty-Nine


September 1st

“So, what do you think about that slight change to the script?” Alice, the director on my new m

ovie project asks me with a smile. “It’s only slight, but I think that it will make a big change later on.”

“I love it,” I shoot back enthusiastically. “You have a really good vision. I agree with you whole heartedly.”

Alice has an artier vision than what I am used to, but that doesn’t much surprise me. All of New York is different to LA, in a really good way. I didn’t realize how fake Hollywood was, how staged everything was, how people used one another to get to where they wanted to be… which I’m convinced is what happened with Winter. She wanted a ‘relationship’ to climb the ladder. It isn’t like she got in touch with me after I left, she actually started ‘dating’ her co star from another movie, so that leaves me with the conclusion that just because she seemed different and someone that I could be friends with, she wasn’t.

But my blinders are gone now, what I work on is more important, more exciting, more me. I love the more artistic side of things, the unique vision that people here have, and I’m happy to explore it further. I always assumed that Hollywood was the only place that I could be a successful actor, but I was so wrong.

“Okay, so we will take a short break so I can have a chat with the camera guys, then we will get to it…”

I nod and smile as I watch her walk away, also enjoying the slightly more laid back approach to this filming. They aren’t all like that of course, not even in New York, but Alice has a very different, enjoyable way of working. I am having a good time here, and every day makes me more excited than the last.

“Hey there.” My co star, Valerie, joins me near the snacks table. “How are you feeling? Is Alice making changes again? She does that a lot, doesn’t she? That’s why some people find her hard to work with…”

“Oh no, I don’t mind the changes. I like working with Alice. I think that she has a good eye.”

“Me too.” Valerie smiles and perches on the edge of the table beside me. She grabs a few nibbles to bite on and gives me a curious look. Even though nothing has happened like the Winter drama here, I get a strange sensation in the pit of my stomach that she is going to say something inappropriate. I really hope that I am just paranoid because I can’t deal with that again. “I actually have something to ask you, Seth.”

“You do?” I ask curiously while resisting the urge to step away from her. “And what’s that?”

“Your girlfriend is Darcy McNeill, right?” My heart pounds, is this another actress about to tell me that I’m not happy in my relationship? There was a bit of truth to it in LA, but there definitely isn’t here.

“Yes, Darcy is my girlfriend. Why do you ask?” I don’t want to know; I don’t want her to tell me.

“Because she has that awesome makeup line, doesn’t she? I was wondering if it would be possible to have a meeting about a colab with her. I know that it’s a bit unprofessional to ask while we’re working together, but I don’t know how else to get a good “in” with her. I’m sure that it must be hard to get in touch with her…”

I toss my head back and laugh hysterically. I can’t believe it, how big of an ego do I have? Of course it isn’t about me. Not in New York. Darcy is just as well known as I am now, maybe even more so. In a different way because it’s in the beauty business, but still… it’s nice for us to be on equal footing. So much so that my co star isn’t trying to split me and Darcy up, but to work with her instead. I am going to need to get used to this.

“Trust me, Darcy will love to work with you. Don’t give me that look, Valerie, I know that she works with a lot of celebrities these days, but you are someone I know that she would love to work with… of course, it might not be right away because I’m trying to convince her to take it easy at the moment.”

“Oh, of course.” Valerie claps her hand to her head in a face palm action. “The baby…”

“That’s right.” I grin thinking of my gorgeous heavily pregnant girlfriend who isn’t enjoying having to rest as she waits for the birth. She can’t seem to stop herself from wanting to work. Her inspiration is crazy here. I know that she ignored my advice to stay in bed all day because she’ll want to get her orders done. It doesn’t matter that she has people working for her now, she still loves to do it herself. “Not long.”

The closer we get to our baby being born, the more nervous I get. Not for Darcy, because she will boss being a mother just like she has being a business woman, but for me. I am scared that I won’t be able to do it. Having a baby is something that I have absolutely no experience with, and it doesn’t matter how many baby books I read, that won’t change until our child is here. Hopefully, it will all come naturally to me and I will be fine.

“Okay!” Alice calls out loudly, stopping our conversation in its tracks. “Time to get going, guys.”