Page 42 of Her Perfect Gift

“Dad, she’s in a motel in LA. Or at least she was, she might have taken the money that I gave her to move on, I don’t know. She told me that it was for debts, but I really don’t think that it was…”

“She’s in trouble?” he interrupts desperately. “What has happened to her? Can I help her?”

“Dad, she’s very clearly a drug addict, and not one who is in the right place to be helped. I know that must be hard to hear, but she didn’t even want to know me at all. She just wanted cash for her next fix.”

“No,” Dad whispers, his heart breaking into pieces. “No, she isn’t like that.”

“Dad, she was smoking drugs in front of me. She even told me that much.”

“Oh God.” I can almost see him, crumbling to the ground. This is going to really hurt him. I need to go home and see him. As soon as I am finished with this movie, I will be there for him. We need each other right now. “She’s gone. The woman that I love doesn’t exist anymore. She’s gone.”

“I’m sorry, Dad. I’m sorry about this. I know how bad it must be.”

It’s bad for both of us, this will harm us equally. Mom has ruined us once more. But we will be strong and get through it. I guess this is why I’m so used to heartbreak, why I should be able to move on from Darcy, but I don’t know if I can. I don’t know if I will ever be able to recover from this.

Chapter Thirty-Two


January 25th

The smell of bacon stirs me from my sleep, just like it has done every single morning since I have been at Ivy’s house. God, she really is the best friend that I could ever have. I don’t know what I would do without her. Not only have her and Adam opened up their house to me in my hour of need, they have really taken care of me. I haven’t had to face any judgements about the pregnancy or my decision to come back home, I have just had support. This is what it should have been like when I went back home, but it wasn’t.

Mind you, I don’t know if my father, or even my mother, have tried to call me over the last few days anyway because my cell phone ran out of battery and I don’t have a charger to replenish it. Nor do I want one. I am glad not to have people contacting me at all times. It’s giving me time to think. Not that I have come up with anything useful during my thinking time, it’s been a whole lot of tears.

“Morning, beautiful,” Ivy declares in a teasing tone as she brings a plate of food over to the couch which has become my home. “I thought you might need a breakfast sandwich to help wake you up.”

“You are the best wife ever,” I groan back as I force myself into a sitting position. “Adam is very lucky.”

“Not that I’m his wife yet, but I’m sure that he will ask soon… if he knows what’s good for him.”

We both laugh, but I can sense something in the under tone of Ivy’s mirth. This isn’t just a normal breakfast, she’s a little bit on edge which immediately bolts fear through me. I have learned that I don’t much like surprises because they aren’t often very pleasant for me. I stiffen up and stare defiantly at her.

“So, I was just wondering if you have heard from anyone yet?” I shake my head. I haven’t exactly told Ivy that I have been avoiding my phone like the plague. “So, nothing from your parents… or Seth?”

“Seth won’t get in touch with me now. He’s still filming with his new girlfriend.” God that makes anger explode through me pretty violently. Even thinking of them together is too much for me.

“Right, because I’m just thinking that things could change with the baby on the way…”

“I can’t run back to him with baby news. He will assume that I am just gold digging…”

“No, he won’t,” Ivy insists. “He has known you for so much of your life. This isn’t just some stupid fling, you and he had something so much deeper than that. He will want to hear about it. I don’t even know if there is something with him and Winter. You didn’t hear him out about it, did you?”

“Oh, there was.” I nod fervently. “How can there not be? She is so beautiful, everyone wants her. Seth didn’t even care about my feelings when it all came out anyway, he was all mixed up in another drama.”

“I know, I know.” Ivy nods acceptingly. “I get what you’re saying, and I understand that you know what’s best for you and your baby. I trust your judgement, I just wanted to check that you were sure.”

“Well, I’m sure. I know that I can’t go back there now. I just need to move forwards…”

My words fall apart because I just don’t know how to move forward. I have no idea where ‘forward’ means for me. It’s something that I have to figure out in the next few months before everything changes again.

“Well, speaking of moving forwards…” Ivy reaches behind her back and she pulls something out to show me. “I have got something for the pair of us because I feel like we both need a break from life right now. So, I took the initiative and booked us both tickets for a few days in the big apple. We’re going to New York.”

“What?” I scream, unable to contain my excitement. “Are you serious? New York?”

“I am. That’s why I wanted to check that you weren’t about to run back to LA at any moment, because if that’s what you want then I won’t stand in the way, but if you don’t want to go back then we need a girls’ trip.”

“God, New York.” There is such a big smile on my face that I can’t contain it. “I have always wanted to go to New York. Actually, when I was younger, I used to dream of living in New York…”