Page 31 of Her Perfect Gift

We run back inside to find the director ranting about me and Winter being missing, so we race on to set, taking a second to switch the hoodie back on to me, and we calm him down by telling him that we are ready. He doesn’t look convinced, but it’s okay because I know that we are going to nail this. I’m confident. I share a smile with Winter, and I can see that she feels the same way. We both know that we can do.

“Thank fuck for that.” Winter pats me on the back and laughs. “We sorted it out!”

I blow out a breath of relief. “I know, right?” I roll my eyes. “That break was just what we needed.”

“We need to remember that in future, don’t we? That a break will sort us out. No more stress.”

I pull her in for a grateful hug and we laugh together. Again, I am reminded that this is a real friendship building here. It’s nice to have someone in the industry who I can speak to about these things. While this has been so hard for me, Winter is someone that I would love to work alongside again. We get on well and we know how to work well together. This is something that can work for us no matter what character we are playing.

“Right, well I am going home,” I declare with a laugh. “It has been a long ass day and I am sure that we’re needed back here tomorrow. For another day of fun.” I roll my eyes. See you then.”

As I wave goodbye to Winter, I think back to Darcy and the night that she wanted to plan for us. It’s ruined now of course, she will probably be asleep right now, but it’s something that we need to bring forward with us. Date night is an awesome plan. Something that I want to incorporate all the time. That way, no matter how busy we are, we will always have a space in our lives for one another. That is something we definitely need.

It feels like me and Darcy are on the way up now, that she’s settling in here, and that life will be perfect from now on. If she has finally found her place, then we can only go upwards, can’t we? I’m looking forward to getting back now, to seeing her, even if she will be too tired to see me too.

Chapter Twenty-Four


January 11th

I prop myself back up on the couch, trying not to drift off to sleep while I wait for Seth to come home. Sure, the dinner plans have totally fallen apart, and midnight swam passed ages ago, but I’m still waiting. I don’t want to sleep when I have this sexy new underwear on, I want to salvage something of this evening.

It isn’t like I blame Seth anyway. I understand that this is his career, I don’t have to go on to a film set to know that sometimes things run over, and time is an issue. Especially for a smaller budget movie that needs to be filmed much quicker than a normal project, or so Seth has told me, so I can’t be mad about it.

If I feel anything, then I suppose it’s just sadness that he isn’t here when I want him to be and we can’t have our alone time. I want to go with the advice that Ivy gave me and to concentrate on what’s important, I want to put everything that I have into me and Seth, but how can I do that when he isn’t here?

“It will be fine,” I whisper to myself. “It will. This night isn’t the defining point of everything.”

All of a sudden, I hear a slight banging noise which makes me jump. I flick the television off quickly because I wasn’t even watching it, and I listen more intently. There is something about sounds in the darkness that are much more scary than in the light. I can’t explain it, but it has my heart racing. I rise to my feet carefully and tip toe through the hallway, wondering what the hell I will do if I come across someone bad. A robber, a mugger, a murderer… something like that. I won’t exactly be able to defend myself, I’m no good at fighting…

“Oh my God.” I clutch my hand to my chest and gasp loudly. “Fucking hell, Seth, it’s you.”

His eyes run up and down my body which reminds me that I have been waiting for him in just underwear. At some point during the night, I thought that I would be a good idea to surprise him like this, but now I just feel silly. I want to cover myself up because this has all gone wrong. It’s a mess.

“Who were you expecting?” Seth asks in a slightly bewildered voice. “Because that look is something else…”

I clap my hand to my forehead. “Oh God, obviously you, but you freaked me out.”

He wraps me up in his arms and allows some heart to race through my body. “Sorry for waking you up.”

“I wasn’t really asleep,” I murmur into his chest. “You sounded stressed, so I wanted to wait up.”

“Well, I was actually about to hop in the shower because I’m all sweaty.”

“I can come with you.” I pull back and smile at him. “If you want. Could be fun, right?”

I don’t know what it is, but I have the strange feeling that if me and him don’t have some form of date night right now, then things will fall apart for us. It’s probably just the sleep still running through me, but I go with it.

When Seth chuckles and nods with me, I take his hand and run towards the shower with him not far behind me. I lean in to flick the shower on while cheekily poking my ass out towards him. I even shoot him a wink over my shoulder to see how much this is turning him o

n, and he is glazed over with desire. He loves it.

“Get over here now,” he growls. “That lingerie is sexy as fuck, but I need it off instantly.”

How can I resist an offer like that? I don’t stand a chance, especially since he’s in the process of peeling his own clothing off, letting me see that sweaty body of his. God, the world might own a piece of Seth because he does put himself out there, but I get the best bits of him. He leaves a lot of him just for me and I love it.

“You are a fucking goddess,” he groans as he runs his fingers delicately over the lacy bra barely covering me. “My God, Darcy. What a sight to come back to after a shitty day at work. This is why I love you.”