Page 53 of Her Perfect Gift

I shoot Valerie a grateful smile before we head back on to set and we take our positions, ready to divert back to our characters. At least here I can be sure that this is where our characters will stay…

“Seth!” Jim screams as he bursts on to the closed set, ignoring all of the usual studio rules. “Seth, come on.”

I give my new agent a look, wondering what the hell is going on with him. He’s usually so calm and level headed, he doesn’t do anything to make my life challenging, which is why I chose him to work with after I parted ways with Sierra. She was okay with me moving, she definitely didn’t want to come with me, she is an LA girl through and through. I think that I was becoming too laid back for her liking anyway, so we severed our contract. I knew that with a new career, I would need a different agent, and I was lucky enough to land Jim.

I love his usual cool and collected manner, which makes this appearance of him all the more awkward.

“What’s going on? I demand with my hands on my hips. “You do know that we will have to re shoot that all again, don’t you? And with smaller budgets and a stricter time scale…”

“It’s Darcy,” he interjects, ignoring all of my points completely. “She has been trying to call you but can’t get through, which is why she contacted me because she knew that I am just around the corner…” He shakes his head and stops himself from getting more off track than he already is. “She’s at the hospital. In labor.”

“Already?” My knees get weak and a dizziness captures me. “But I thought that we had a few more days.”

Jim shrugs helplessly. “I guess not because I just spoke to her and that baby is definitely coming.”

I stare at Valerie who nods encouragingly, before my eyes turn to Alice. I can’t hear what she’s saying because it seems like my ears have gone all fuzzy, but it seems like she is indicating for me to go. Alice knows that there are more important things in life than work, and the birth of my child is definitely one of them.

“Jim,” I whisper as I stagger run towards him. “Can you take me? I don’t think that I can drive…”

He shoves me towards the door. “I will get you there as soon as I can. No way I’m facing the wrath of your girlfriend while she is in labor. Wow, she is one scary chick.”

I want to laugh, but I can’t seem to make it happen. I guess I’m too scared, but if Darcy is lashing out at Jim, then she must be even more afraid and she is the one who has to give birth. Since she has it much worse than me, I need to buck up here. I am about to be a dad.

“Oh my God.” Yep, I’m crying. Real tears are streaming down my face. “Our baby boy.”

The nurse puts him in my arms and I nearly lose my damn mind. My fears don’t go away, if anything they intensify because I love this little bundle of joy so much. I need to be perfect for him, so my paternal instincts kick in and I know that I will try anything to make sure that his life is amazing.

“He’s lovely, isn’t he?” Darcy agrees proudly. “What an amazing kid already.”

“I am so proud of you. You kicked ass today. Even when it didn’t feel like it. You brought this little man into the world, happy and healthy. That is something to be proud of.”

“Well, I feel like I have been run over,” she jokes. “But I know what you mean, and I appreciate it.”

I lean down and kiss her softly before I perch on the bed beside her so that she can reach our son. I can see her yearning for him, her maternal side screaming out to be as close to her son as possible.

“What do you want to call him?” I ask her quietly. “We never discussed names, did we? We didn’t know if we were having a boy or girl, but now you can look at him and make a decision.”

Darcy rests her head on my shoulder and we both look at our baby together, pausing thoughtfully to decide what would be the best name. So many come to mind, but I don’t settle on any of them. None of them feel quite right. I know that his name is out there, I just need to settle on it.

“What about Richard?” Darcy suddenly asks me.

“Like my dad?” I look at her curiously, wondering if she is being serious.

“Yeah. Don’t you think that suits him? And it’s a great way to honor his amazing grandfather, Richard Bishop, the rock and roll guy. Plus, your father will love having his grandson named after him…”

“Oh my God, he will. You have no idea. After the year that he has had…”

“Well, baby Richard is a good way for us all to start fresh, don’t you think? A new beginning for all of us. I think that might be something that we all need. Especially your father.”

“Then baby Richard it is,” I agree with a grin. “You know what? I think that it suits him.”

We hug once more, all of us a family of our own now, and I am overcome with happiness. This is what life is all about. This is what I have always wanted, this is what’s important.

Chapter Forty


December 24th