‘I thought you’d be more comfortable in Western clothing.’

Her mouth pinched together and, just as he readied himself for an argument, she surprised him and huffed out a breath. ‘I’ll try them.’

Thinking the day couldn’t get any better, he nearly choked when she came out after her shower dressed in the T-shirt and jeans. She pulled at the denim but they just sprung back into place, hugging her toned thighs as if they were sprayed on. ‘These don’t fit.’

Zach nodded. ‘Turn around.’

She did a quick twirl and he frowned. ‘You’ve just given me another idea,’ he said.


‘I’m going to tell Nadir to make the wearing of jeans mandatory for all women in Bakaan, stat.’

She rolled her eyes and put her hands on her hips and a shaft of sweet pleasure shot straight to Zach’s heart. ‘Be serious,’ she chided.

‘I am.’ He strolled towards her and curled his fingers into the waistband of her jeans, wondering if he’d ever felt happier than he did right now. ‘Very serious about making love to my wife one more time.’

* * *

Farah couldn’t stop smiling as they stepped out of the villa and into the bright sunshine. She hadn’t expected to feel this...this light-hearted about being married; this light-hearted about the man she was married to. She snuck a quick glance at him and tried not to ogle him in his fitted T-shirt, denims and tapered sunglasses.

When he took her hand her heart seemed to skip a beat and she focused on her surroundings to tamp down the emotions she instinctively knew she had to keep in check.

The harbour town was totally beautiful with its aqua-blue bay, sandy beaches and rows of pastel-coloured high-rise apartments and villas set into the hillside.

But it was the people who held most of her attention, old and young and dressed in every combination of clothing she had ever seen in her magazines. One woman even had a small dog in her handbag with a diamond-studded collar and a bow in its hair. And then there was the trio of eye-catching women promenading towards them. They were slender to the point of being skinny, tanned golden-brown and wearing... She frowned, unable to recall what the word was for what looked like underwear. And they were looking at Zach as if they wanted to eat him alive.

‘Careful, habiba, you’re about to cut off my circulation.’

‘I’m sorry.’ Farah instantly eased her grip on his hand. ‘I just... Those women aren’t wearing any clothes.’

Zach chuckled. ‘They’re wearing bikinis. Swimwear,’ he elaborated when she looked at him blankly.

‘They’re positively indecent,’ she whispered.

‘Sexy,’ he corrected.

‘You think they’re sexy?’

His eyes skated over her body. ‘Sure. On the right woman.’

Before she could ask who the right woman was, he redirected her. ‘Down here.’

Farah continued to be bug-eyed as Zach led her along a beautiful pier lined with yachts the size of tall buildings. At the end was a row of streamlined boats, much smaller and shaped like brightly coloured race cars without wheels. Men were scurrying around them and, combined with the sound of the engines revving and the smell of petrol, the air was alive with a sense of expectation and fun. More girls in bikinis lined the pier, leaning over the weathered railing like decorations.

Sticking close to Zach, Farah feigned a nonchalance she was far from feeling while he introduced her to his two friends from earlier and a group of other men and women who were clearly enamoured by the prince.

When one of the men suggested Zach take the boat for a test run, she saw his face light up. ‘And I thought I was going to have to pull the owner card to get the gig.’

Owner? He owned the boats?

Turning to her, he checked if she was okay and she nodded. No way was she going to let him know that she was feeling completely out of her depth and wishing they were back in the apartment. Back in bed.

It was only when the shiny speedboat revved away from the pier and took off in a powerful arc of white water that she felt riveted to the spot.

‘Watch how fast he is.’ Luke came up beside her. ‘There’s no one better behind the wheel.’

Farah watched and her heart flew into her mouth when the bullet-shaped boat became airborne before crashing back down, spraying water into the air. ‘Is it supposed to do that?’

‘Oh yeah.’ His friend didn’t bother to hide his admiration. ‘I wouldn’t be surprised if he wants to race again sometime.’