The door closes behind them and Ivy crouches down in front of me as she pulls her bottom lip between her teeth.

“Why?” It’s a whisper, but it doesn’t hide the hurt or confusion that is spiralling through me.

Her hand slides into her leather boot and pulls a pocket knife out of it. Great, more knife games. I guess this is why Finley likes her.

“Do they ever check your bindings?” She asks, leaning in close enough that I can smell her perfume and feel her breath brushing against my ear.

I shake my head and pull slightly to show her why it would be a pointless endeavour for them to want too.

“Good, this is for you beautiful. I’ll get it started and when it’s time, all you’ll have to do is pull and it should give way. Don’t attempt it too soon though, if they catch you trying to run again, they’ll kill you on the spot,” she says as she cuts at the ties and somewhere on the rope before slipping the knife in the waistband of my shorts.

“I don’t understand,” she’s close enough that I don’t have to worry that she won’t hear my whisper but I still try and recoil when she drops a kiss on my cheek.

“Devon figured out who had you and Amias told him of my history with Finley, he thinks I’m finally going to spread my legs for him. He’s got another thing coming, Harrison is alive and we’re getting you out of here. I’m sorry it isn’t happening now Henleigh, but we have to time it just right,” she says as she brushes her fingers across my cheek and my tears fall free.

I’m covered in blood, sweat and there’s no point lying to myself, my own piss. It isn’t like they let me out to go to the toilet, I stink, hurt and no doubt my wounds are infected. Is there even anything left to save?

ANOTHER WEEK and nothing has happened, I just sit here waiting for one of them to hit me although I prefer that to what Finley has started doing.

“Damn girl you reek, let me help you out with that,” he says and I squeeze my eyes shut, oh yeah I’d prefer a pistol whip over this.

The hose is being turned on by Dante while Finley is pointing it right at me. If it’s anything like the last time, then it will be ice cold and as much force as he can throw at me.

I hate it when I’m right, my teeth are chattering like nobody’s business and I’m utterly drenched and a shaking mess. I cannot hold still and my entire body feels as though it’s been gone over with a sledgehammer.

“I think it’s time Dante, begin the process. I’m ready to drain this bitch dry,” he says as he looks me over before climbing up the stairs. I expect him to walk through and disappear but he isn’t, what is he going to do?


Ivy comes tumbling down the stairs, her face black and blue and she’s barely recognisable beneath all the bruising. She isn’t awake, that is probably her one and only saving grace, but if they know she’s against them, why do I still have the pocket knife?

Dante is placing a space heater in front of me, I’m not even going to try and attempt to understand him. The truth is more than likely horrifying in its own right so I think I’ll stay in my oblivious little bubble for just a little longer.

“Half an hour pretty girl, and then the countdown to your final breath will begin. It will be rather…unpleasant for you,” he says, and I think I can finally pluck up the courage to look at him once more.

“What will happen?” Do I really want to know, oh well, he probably won’t answer anyway.

“They want it to happen slowly, I’ll fit a tourniquet around both of your arms once you have warmed up enough to get your blood flowing more freely and then I’ll place an IV line into your veins. As you begin to lose more blood, you will start to develop symptoms of haemorrhaging shock, they will start off mild at first and then grow more severe the longer it continues for,” maybe I should let him finish there, but I’ve never even heard of haemorrhaging shock before, and inquiring minds have to know. Besides, I’d rather know what will happen to me if I can’t get myself out of here.

“What are the symptoms,” my voice is raspy and only slightly above a whisper, but I think it’s due to the lack of fluids rather than lasting damage. Not that I’m an expert or it's even that important anymore, what is the loss of a voice compared to the loss of my life. Ivy is down here now, I can’t just leave her behind and I know I would never get the chance to get us both out of here.

“You’ll start by feeling dizzy, you’ll get a headache and feel nauseous and you’ll suffer from fatigue and possibly the sweats. As it progresses, your heart rate will become more rapid and your skin can become cold or clammy. You’ll start to feel confused and lightheaded and your pulse will weaken as your breathing becomes faster but also shallower. You’ll eventually lose consciousness, that is the most you can hope for. You will suffer but at least you’ll be out of it by the time you die from the loss,” he starts pulling out medical equipment and laying it on the tray. I guess he's getting ready to start and I don’t have the strength to try and get away.

They’ve done it, I’ve lost the will, I am prepared to just roll over and die. Goodbye, you fucked up little world.

AN HOUR HAS PASSED or at least I think it has, my head feels fuzzy and it’s hard to concentrate on anything.

“Henleigh,” a mumble is coming from somewhere, I guess Ivy is waking up. That’s a shame I was hoping she wouldn’t be awake to see me die.

She’s crawling over and reaching for the pocket knife. While my head is lolling around, I haven’t got the strength to support it any longer.

“Hang in just a little longer,” I can’t even work out the tone of her voice, everything is beyond my comprehension.

She grips hold of the IV and pulls it from me, but I’m so far gone I think she may be too late.

“Just a few more minutes, please Henleigh. Harry is going to kill me,” she’s mumbling or am I just losing focus? I have no idea.

The ground shakes as a heat engulfs my back and dust rains down upon us, I can’t lift my head to see what’s going on. But my ears are ringing from the deafening noise and I can hear Dante shouting as he charges down the stairs. I tilt my head to the side to see Ivy thrust the pocket knife into his thigh.