THE WEEK HAS PASSED TOO QUICKLY, and it’s hurting me, knowing that I’m going to have to leave Elijah. The funny thing is, it isn’t going to just be me and Sawyer heading out. For some reason, Ivy has decided to tag along and I can’t even pretend to be mad about that. I know it will be awkward having her along when she and Roxie have such a dislike for each other, but she’s already booked a hotel room to stay in with an extra bed for me and a sofa bed for Sawyer.

Maybe it will be easier if I stay there with her, I wouldn’t feel right leaving her on her own but I also don’t want to cause any more tension to arise between everyone.

“Relax, everything is going to be fine,” she says with a smile though it isn’t filled with her usual amount of conviction.

“Why don’t you guys get on?”

“I don’t know, she’s always accused me of being this disloyal bitch. I know it isn’t entirely unfounded but it started way before you came to Padstow. We’ve never been friends but we were somewhat friendly until she just switched. She created her band and acted as though I was the worst person on Earth,” her face is as hard as granite and her nails are digging into the palms of her hands. “Honestly Hen, I don’t trust her and she doesn’t trust me. We’ll never get along, but I’ll make the effort for you,” she says, and it fills my chest with a warmth that I’m slowly starting to get used to. It’s the feeling that you get when you realise you belong somewhere.

“While we’re on the subject of questions I have to ask, how did Harrison find out about Amias and Devon? Because I didn’t tell him and I don’t think that many people knew,” her words are just voicing my own internal thoughts, I’ve wondered that for a while now but clearly I’ve lost my chance to ask. For the time being at least.

“I don’t have the faintest idea,” I reply getting distracted by my phone, as I pull it out to see who’s texting me this time. I’m expecting Elijah, but it isn’t him.

Unknown: I hope you enjoyed your reunion with Elijah, I doubt you’ll get another one. You won’t be leaving Norwich alive pretty girl, such a shame you have to go down like this.

Me: Why can’t you just leave me alone, I don’t deserve this.

I know I shouldn’t message back but I can’t stop myself and I can’t help but wonder if I’ve made a huge mistake once my thumb hits send.

Unknown: I am, I had my chance to end you and I failed. I’ve been caught once, I’m not about to let it happen again. The person coming for you this time is a lot more dangerous to your health than I ever was, mainly because you’ll never see it coming. Enjoy your holiday Henleigh Monterey, because it will be your last.

I pass my phone over to Ivy who quickly reads the messages out to Sawyer, I can tell by the way he’s white knuckling the steering wheel that it’s getting to him as well. She forwards them to Devon before passing me back my phone and pulling her own out. I’m glad she took control of the situation because I feel utterly useless right now, I don’t know what to make of this situation or how to handle it. He could be lying but I have the strangest feeling that he doesn’t lie. What would be the point when the truth will never hurt him back?

My phone starts playing Use Somebody and I can’t believe Harrison is calling me, but by the look on Ivy’s face this has something to do with her.

“Hey,” it comes out unsure, but maybe that’s just because of how messed up I’m feeling right now, one text has ruined the good mood I had going.

“Are you okay, do you need me to come up there until you’re ready to come back?” I can hear how worried he is and I love that he cares but I don’t need him coming to my rescue. Especially with how things are between us,

“No, it’s okay. I appreciate the offer though, just go to work and I’ll see you when I get back,” the warmth is still missing from my voice and even Ivy looks worried.

“I know things are hard with us right now but I’m still here, I’m still yours woman. If you need anything, even if it’s just to rant then call me. Anytime night or day,” he says, and it’s having the desired effect.

“I will, I promise. We can work this out can’t we?”

“Of course we can, besides I’m the one with the issue here. I will get over

myself, I promise you, I’m not going to risk what we have because I can’t control my jealousy,” his deep voice washes over me and chases away the last remnants of the chill.

“Okay, I’m glad. Look I know this is completely random but, can I ask you something?”

“Sure, go for it,” he says as the sound of things being moved fills the phone.

“How did you know Amias was working for Devon?” Should I have eased him into that? I have no idea.

“I didn’t, that wasn’t the secret I was going to reveal.”

MY HEAD IS SWIMMING, I can’t wrap my mind around it. Ivy’s just sitting here staring at me, waiting for me to say something but I don’t know what I’m supposed to say.

“Is it true?” I don’t doubt Harrison, but I need some confirmation here.

“Yeah, it is. Amias was in the year above us, which is why we never had any classes together. He was supposed to graduate a year before we did but he refused to, he wanted to stay with you,” she’s dragging her fingers through her hair, making it spike up. “He refused to sit any of his tests, threatened to go ungraded and ruin the perfect pass record Padstow had going on. They tried to call his bluff, but he refused to back down. His parents even tried to talk him round and I have no idea what he said to them, but it didn’t take long for them to back his decision. So he was put back a year and allowed to graduate with our class, that boy has some serious pull,” she almost sounds proud of him, but if anything it just makes me even more angry.

“I need to make a phone call,” she looks taken aback but I’ll deal with that in a minute. Pulling my phone out and calling the one person who won’t lie to me right now.

“Little Hen, what’s wrong? Where’s Sawyer?” Damn that tone could freeze anyone in place.

“Take it down a notch Devy,” Sawyer is smirking at the nickname, guess I’m the only one who’s allowed to give him one. “I need to ask you something and I need you to be honest with me and actually answer the damn question,” my tone may be a little harder than I intended, but he can handle it.